Is it better to take vitamin D in tablets or to spend time in nature in the fresh air and sunbathe if necessary. What do you think?
Below you can read in detail why natural vitamin D, which we get from being in the sun and fresh air, is important. Learn how to sunbathe properly.
Did you know how vitamin D is produced in tablets?
It is produced by ultraviolet radiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol extracted from lanolin (sheep sweat) found in sheep's wool.
How is vitamin D produced from sheep's wool?
The wool of one merino sheep will produce about 250-300 mL of renewable wool fat.” Approximately 50% of raw lanolin (sheep's sweat which is otherwise full of cholesterol, which is one of the leading causes of almost all cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, heart attack and stroke...) consists of lanolin alcohol, which is the precursor of 7-hydroxycholesterol, which eventually turns into vitamin D3 (via UV radiation).
Vitamin D deficiency is first noticed in the vision numerous muscle spasms which can lead to spasm. When such a condition persists, it occurs heart rhythm disorders (palpitations), nervous irritability, loss of bone strength (rickets in children, osteoporosis and osteomalacia in the elderly), joint pain, tooth loss, weak immunity.
When the skin is exposed to sunlight, it affects the oils in the skin, in which vitamin D is produced. These oils then enter the bloodstream and go to the liver where they are stored, and from there, if necessary, they are sent to different parts of the body to strengthen the bones. Without this vitamin, the body cannot absorb calcium (you can read more about calcium HERE) and phosphorus, while bones cannot keep calcium in them, so they become weak. When the bones have to withstand a load, they become deformed, although body weight and height usually remain normal, although growth is sometimes slowed. For the production and utilization of vitamin D, it is necessary for the liver and kidneys to function well, and in order to achieve this, you should follow the health laws and detox your body 2-3 times a year.
The oils from the skin do not make provitamin D properly if children have dark skin and/or if they do not get enough sun exposure. People on a plant-based diet should be exposed to the sun more than others. Scientific research has proven that Muslim women, who are completely covered in black clothing when they are not at home, can get enough sunlight by exposing their bare feet to the sun for a week.
Also, this type of radiation favorably affects the work of endocrine glands (with internal secretion), nervous system, respiratory, digestive and cardio-vascular system.
The intensity of UV (ultra-violet) rays varies depending on various factors:
- Season - radiation is stronger in summer than in winter;
- Geographical latitudes - the higher the sun, the more vertically the rays fall and, accordingly, have a stronger effect; when it comes to our geographical area, it is considered that the sixth month is the most intense UV radiation;
– Altitudes – UV radiation is stronger on the mountain than on the sea;
– Time of day – the highest intensity is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.;
– Phenomenon of reflection and refraction – the radiation intensity is much higher on bright surfaces (snow, sand), as well as on shiny surfaces (ice, water);
– Degree of atmospheric pollution - the more polluted the air, the weaker the radiation.
The sensitivity of the organism also depends on a number of different factors:
- During the summer, the sensitivity of the human body to UV rays is reduced compared to the winter period;
– Elderly people and children are less sensitive than other age categories;
– Women are more sensitive to 20% than men;
- In women, the sensitivity to UV radiation is more pronounced in the premenstrual period;
- Patients with thyroid hyperfunction (Basedow's disease), or hypertension (high blood pressure), with eczema, show extreme sensitivity to UV rays;
- It is known that without the sun, the earth would be bound by ice. Also, rays (IR) have multiple effects on the organism, facilitating its metabolism, cellular exchange, and circulation.
As for light rays, their action is comprehensive, from photosynthesis in the world of plants, to the complex metabolic processes that take place inside the nerve cell, conditioning, in this way, vital processes. Insufficient exposure to the influence of these rays negatively affects the work of the central nervous system, leaving consequences on the behavior and psychological structure of a person. Although the sun is our great friend, a few practical tips regarding sunbathing as a natural healing agent should be maintained:
1) Although it seems familiar to us, sunbathing should still be done according to the doctor's recommendation;
2) Considering that every person is an individual for himself, also when it comes to the reaction to the sun's rays, heliotherapy (sun therapy) should be adapted to individual needs and placed under the supervision of a doctor;
3) When applying this therapy, one should take into account the age, general state of health, type of disease and degree of resistance of the organism to sunlight;
4) The most suitable time for sunbathing during the day is between 9:00-12:00 in the morning and 15:00-17:00 in the evening.
5) You should sunbathe before a meal, or 1-2 hours after;
6) Sunbathing should be stopped if a feeling of malaise, nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, inflammation of the eyes (red eyes), and other symptoms indicating sunstroke occur;
7) During sunbathing, direct exposure of the head to the sun's rays should be avoided. The head should be protected with a hat made of straw, canvas or some other material. Also, it is necessary to protect the eyes with sunglasses, especially if the color of the eyes is blue.
8) Exposure of the body to the sun's rays should be gradual, taking into account the length of the exposure, as well as the surface of the body to be sunned. The part of the body that does not sunbathe should be covered with a white towel;
In the following, we suggest one of the possible ways of applying heliotherapy, with MANDATORY care that your skin is not dry (you can read more about the importance of drinking water HERE) when you do it:
Day Time of exposure Body part
First day 5 minutes lower half of the calf;
Second day 10 minutes from the knees down;
Third day 15 minutes from the hips down;
Fourth day 20 minutes from the navel down;
Fifth day 30 minutes from the middle of the chest down;
Sixth day 60 minutes from the gate down.
In the following days, continue with 60 minutes of sunbathing every day.
9) After each treatment (sunbathing), you should practice rubbing with cold water, or take a cold shower.
10) In case of old wounds (ulceration) and other injuries with a slow regeneration (healing) process, local tanning can be applied with the use of a magnifying glass. The light is focused on the surface of the wound, and the magnifier is moved so that the light beam passes over the entire surface of the wound. Be careful of burns. Short treatments lasting 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day, are practiced
11) In case of certain diseases (obesity, joint inflammation, nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, hydropsia - dropsy), it is recommended to sunbathe with transpiration (sweating), which facilitates the elimination of toxic substances from the body through the pores on the skin. This form of tanning is done by wrapping the body in a white, clean sheet (only steamed) and exposing it to the sun for 3 hours a day. During the treatment, you can drink cold water (or yarrow or ginger tea to increase sweating).
In the past few years, melatonin, a natural body hormone, has been found to promote good sleep. The level of melatonin in the body reaches its peak in childhood, and then, throughout life, it slowly and continuously declines. This can explain why children sleep better than adults. The body carefully regulates the production of melatonin. This process is mainly controlled by the cycle of light and dark. Optimal production of melatonin occurs only at night, in the dark. The pineal gland - pineal gland, located in the center of the brain, is the "clock" that regulates this process in a timely manner. Melatonin is not stored in the body. We need enough melatonin every night to have a good night's sleep. Studies show that daily exposure to natural sunlight stimulates the release of melatonin.
Sunlight effectively destroys microbes. That's why it's important to sunbathe and air out blankets and other items that we don't wash often. The right amount of sunlight gives the skin a healthy glow and makes it smooth and elastic. Moderately tanned skin is more resistant to infection and sunburn than untanned skin. Sunlight improves mood in many people because it produces a sense of satisfaction. (Don't stay in the sun too long and get burned!) In conjunction with active exercise, sunlight is an important adjunct in the treatment of acute and chronic depression. Don't forget, if you're depressed during the cold winter months, we're all happier in the summer, it's because of vitamin D, try to take advantage of every opportunity to be exposed to sunlight. In addition, due to the effect of sunlight on the skin, the body is able to produce vitamin D. This vitamin allows us to absorb calcium from the intestines into the blood and use it to build healthy bones. It prevents rickets in children and reduces the possibility of osteoporosis in adults.
Sunlight also helps:
- strengthening the immune system;
- reducing pain in swollen, arthritic joints
You must have noticed that the sun makes you happier. But maybe you didn't know that it speeds up metabolism, improves blood count, lowers cholesterol... Exposure to the sun is especially healing in the early morning and late afternoon hours. Take advantage of its benefits
1. Detoxification and metabolism
One of the important postulates of a healthy lifestyle is detoxification. That's exactly what we're talking about
sunlight can help, which stimulates appetite, improves liver function and digestion, and
emptying, i.e. expelling toxins from the body. It is extremely important for today's population and
the fact that it is sunlight that improves the work of the thyroid gland, which then accelerates the basal level
metabolism, using most of the calories, which helps to strengthen muscles and lose weight
extra pounds.
2. Vitamin D
With sufficient exposure to the sun's rays, our body will create sufficient amounts of vitamin D
and endow us with its manifold benefits. They are extremely important for his
generation of ultraviolet B (UVB) rays and cholesterol from the skin.
So, staying in the sun can lower cholesterol in the blood. In addition, vitamin D is important
for immunity, cell growth, insulin secretion, blood pressure and calcium metabolism. Calcium, on the other hand, is
necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the growth of bones and their maintenance
density. A low level of vitamin D can lead to diseases of the bone system, such as
osteoporosis, or weak heart function, slow metabolism, slow healing of wounds and bones
and dental problems.
Vitamin D obtained through the sun (and not as a dietary supplement) reduces the risk of developing it
cancer and can have a preventive effect on the onset of health disorders, such as multiple sclerosis
sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, etc.
3. Immunity
Staying in the sun improves the formation of leukocytes (white blood cells), which strengthens it
immunity. It appears that moderate exposure to UV radiation can help suppress the work as well
overactive immune system and thus protect us from autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis
sclerosis, lupus and psoriasis.
4. Blood and skin
Sunbathing helps with all forms of anemia and other blood disorders. It increases
formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and hemoglobin, increasing the amount of oxygen in
blood. Thanks to this, we will feel full of energy. It also improves blood circulation
its ability to regenerate tissues. If your hair seems to grow faster than usual in the summer,
you are right. In addition, moderate sunbathing also removes skin problems, such as atopic
dermatitis, psoriasis and vitiligo (skin depigmentation).
5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Sun exposure before and after childbirth is important for the secretion of vitamin D, which is responsible for
optimal child growth and development, but also for increased quantity and improved quality of mothers
6. Cardiovascular health
When we exercise in moderate sunlight, the arteries expand, so blood pressure can be lowered by eight to
fifteen percent. Adding to that the fact that the Sun's radiation lowers cholesterol in the blood (either
by its conversion into vitamin D, steroid hormones or gonadal hormones), we can
conclude that they can even have a preventive effect on heart attacks.
7. Muscles and nerves
Even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew that being in the sun alone could strengthen muscles and nerves, and that's it
used the knowledge for the purposes of treatment or, on the other hand, for the training of Olympians or gladiators. It's recent
also found to relieve fibromyalgia pain.