What are Canker sores?

Small oval or round white ulcers that can be very painful. They appear on the tongue, gums, on the inside and outside of the lips, and inside the cheeks. At first it looks like red hot spots that become like ulcers and are surrounded by a yellow line. After that, a yellowish mixture of fluids, bacteria and white blood cells appears. It can often burn or sting for 1-3 days, before canker sores appear. Canker sores differ from fever blisters, because there are no blisters in them. The Greek word "canker sore" means "inflame".

How do they occur?

Allergies, stress, vitamin deficiencies, endocrine imbalance and viral infections are considered possible causes.
You are more likely to have them if your parents had them too. They mostly do not appear until the age of 20, and they are equally common in women and men. They are less common in older people. They usually heal on their own within 1-2 weeks. There is information that even 40% of the adult population once had them. Some people get them all the time. While people with Crohn's disease (disease of the digestive tract) are more prone than others to get them. Vaccines and antibiotics can be the cause. Gastrointestinal symptoms are also often present, so allergies to unhealthy food can often be the cause. Other causes include: bad artificial teeth, bad fillings and prostheses.

Does nature have a solution?

As soon as you feel the first burning sensation, start taking foods rich in vitamin C or order them yourself Super vitamin c. One of the best treatments is to apply isit her Canadian buttercup or a wet buttercup tea bag to the canker sore or a few drops Detox formulas. This can also relieve pain.
Rinse your mouth with hot water to attract healing blood and relieve pain. This is a simple hydrotherapy method. Gargle the wheatgrass juice in your mouth. Rinse your mouth with aloe juice 3 times a day.
At the first sign of canker sores, apply activated charcoal or Hose #2 and hold it until the pain or burning goes away (15-20 minutes). Charcoal absorbs viruses and microorganisms, stopping further development.
Canker sores can be sampled by mouthwash, coffee or certain types of food – especially overly spicy food and unhealthy cakes.
Black onion reduces the number of canker sores. Add it to your vegetable salad with other raw vegetables. Do not eat meat for 2 weeks and clean the intestines with 5 daily bowel detox. Meat increases acidity in the body. Stop eating it altogether and replace it with plant-based meat, which is available in almost every store today, and you will achieve a lower chance of getting canker sores. Do not eat white sugar and refined food.
Be careful not to injure the inside or surrounding part of the mouth. Use a soft toothbrush (we recommend this toothbrush), without paste. Do not bite your tongue or cheek, that is, do not talk or move your head while eating.
If you have canker sores that won't heal, see a dentist. There are certain diseases that begin with canker sores or fever blisters, but are much more dangerous.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504



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