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Learn about the basic principles of natural medicine and how to apply them. Contact our phytotherapists with confidence for advice.
Laws of health
In order to have a balanced and happy life, it is necessary to abide by the laws of health. Read more about the laws of health in our posts

The importance of water intake in the body
Water We determine the value of the food we use using the so-called 'nutritional density': this is the ratio of the total amount of nutrients to the number of calories. If we apply this to water,

Healthy diet
Nutrition is, without a doubt, a factor that affects our health, because food intake is constantly repeated throughout our lives. dr. William Osler, famous

Physical effects of running
dr. Ivo Belan The American President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports asked seven top recreation experts to rank popular sports based on

Sleep is your health
When our bodies are out of balance, nothing feels normal to us. After conducting hundreds of experiments on sleep and health, the world's leading scientists discovered

The importance of sunbathing - vitamin D and the 7 biggest health benefits of the sun
Is it better to take vitamin D in tablets or to spend time in nature in the fresh air and sunbathe if necessary. What do you think? IN

The benefits of fresh air - half an hour in the deep forest protects your immunity for two months
Half an hour in the deep forest protects your immunity for two months! Walking through the forest at least once in his life, everyone enjoyed the beauty of nature. It is

Coffee found to contain irritating ingredients
Chances are high that you have already drunk this abomination with it. Nothing can be done to filter these attacks from the coffee because they

The importance of trust in the Creator, meaning in life, and Good relationships
There are several ways to improve communication with loved ones, but also with everyone else, and to understand what the secret of lasting joy is because they are good
User experience
However, this is not the case with natural tinctures according to Dr. Schulze's recipe. I made sure of that twice. First case: I had unpleasant stabbings in the area of the heart that were repeated for weeks, day after day. When I started drinking drops for circulation, the pain stopped literally instantly. Second case: I had dull pains in my bones, alternately in my thighs and lower back, which lasted for 4 days without stopping. The pain disappeared immediately after I drank the blood circulation drops. Since then I recommend them to everyone.
Imuno shot is also a very effective preparation for immunity, especially during various viruses, colds and flu. It tastes awful, but it works fast. These natural tinctures are powerful but not omnipotent. In order to have less panic about health, it is good to change some lifestyle habits 🙂
Dear clients,
It would mean a lot to us if you have the opportunity and want to help our projects with your donations.
The Institute for Detoxification is a small informal association that deals with consulting on Health Laws, cultivation and processing of medicinal plants and the sale of preparations, health missionary and humanitarian work.
Pay pal email for donations: [email protected]
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance.
Opening hours
9am – 17pm
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Body cleansing programs
Depending on your needs, choose a body cleansing program as you would improve your health.
Detoxification programs

5 day kidney cleansing program
Your kidneys are responsible for absorbing the vitamin in your blood!
You and every organ in your body, in fact, every one of your 100 million cells, has the same two basic functions-in and out, in and out, in and out...Regulates the food that enters it, and expel waste to the street. And, when it comes to extracting (eliminating waste matter), your body has only two main ways to get rid of waste. Solid waste is eliminated by the colon, and liquid waste is discharged through the kidneys and bladder. Your kidneys are much more perfect organs...
Herbal preparations for cleansing the body
100% Organ cleaning efficiency
Herbal formulas for detoxifying the body that work very effectively

- It strongly encourages regular and complete bowel movements
- The best colon cleaner on the planet
- Stimulates and strengthens intestinal muscle movements
- Cleanse and detoxify your body from accumulated waste

The modern way of life takes its toll, and in our gastrointestinal tract, and eliminacijskim organs. Processed foods with a high percentage of fat and low fiber, fats with high cholesterol, lack of exercise, increased levels of toxic pollutants, as well as increased stress-all this contributes to the current probavnoj crisis.
Take the first step-Clear your bowels
The first step to improving the quality of life is to adopt a healthy lifestyle(be sure to drink 2.5 liters of clean water every other day) and do a bowel detox. Flaccid, closed and natečena intestines can squeeze the surrounding area by pressing on it, causing many problems.
Switch to a vegetarian diet
The liver should metabolize and neutralize everything that increases ammonia in tjelu. The main culprit for this is food of animal origin. When animal food is digested, it creates ammonia (an alkaline gas), your intestines are absorbed into the blood, which the liver can turn into urine,which will expel your kidneys. Americans (considering that the largest consumers of animal products on the planet per person), they are in the first place for the formation of excess ammonia in the intestines, which weakens the liver.
Maintain your health, become active and get rid of stress
When our body is out of balance, that us no one acts normally. After performing hundreds of experiments on a healthy lifestyle, the world's leading scientists found that to maintain optimal yoga health, a person should work on entering clean water, eating a proper and varied diet, sleeping at the same time, having a good relationship and finding meaning in life, which would minimize stress.
Take a look at the books and videos
So far, almost all the best books for maintaining and improving the quality of life that exist on the world market have been translated and published.Be sure to watch and read the books completely free of charge.