When is the alarm signal?

It is very interesting that the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis are the same as in aluminum poisoning. If you feel stomach and intestinal problems, intestinal cramps, rickets, excessive nervousness, headache, anemia, kidney and liver dysfunction, speech disorders, memory loss, muscle weakness and pain, and softening of bones, be sure to get tested for aluminum. Aluminum poisoning is thought to be a cause of Alzheimer's disease. Aluminum was rarely used until the 1940s, when a cheap method of extracting it from bauxite by passing an electric current through the ore was discovered. Since then, the number of people with Alzheimer's has increased dramatically. Their brains contain 10 to 50 times more aluminum than other people. High levels of aluminum are present in the brains of epileptics. Aluminum is a conductor of electricity, and even a small amount in the brain can trigger seizures. Toxic metals (lead, copper, mercury, and aluminum) are known to cause epilepsy.

Why is aluminum harmful to our body?

Excess aluminum or silicon in the body leads to a decrease in the absorption of calcium and other minerals. Aluminum salts in the brain cause impairment of mental abilities and epileptic seizures. Autopsies of the brains of Alzheimer's patients showed that they had 4 times more aluminum than healthy people. Aluminum also damages the kidneys, which try to expel it from the body. Aluminum is everywhere in our environment, so much so that the average person absorbs 3-10 mg of it daily, mostly through food and drink, but also through breathing and skin.

It is absorbed through the skin from antiperspirants, deodorants, aluminum chairs, foil, and toys. It is absorbed through food from aluminum cookware and cutlery, as well as from: tobacco, processed cheese, potassium bitartrate, canned food, synthetic drugs, aspirin, and city water. Processed cheese is rich in aluminum because it is used to melt when heated. Never use aluminum (or copper) cookware! Use stainless steel or glass whenever possible. It is absorbed through the air from deodorants and factory aluminum dust.

Do you lick the lid of your yogurt cup? Here's why it can be dangerous

Many people cannot imagine breakfast without yogurt. Most people have the habit of licking the lid of their yogurt cup after they finish drinking it. But this is not the best idea. The lid of a yogurt cup is made mostly of aluminum, which is harmful to our body. Aluminum is a metal that can increase the risk of damage to the nervous system, and is also thought to increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Aluminum poisoning can also occur. Symptoms can include: nausea, anemia, impaired motor and intellectual functions, mood swings, etc.

How to get rid of Aluminum?

Regular intake of malic acid may improve sensitivity problems. This acid binds aluminum to iron (or just aluminum) and removes it from the body and brain. The best source of malic acid is plums, and other sources include: apples, limes, passion fruit (Passiflora), raspberry leaves, quince, cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, grapes, strawberries, pears and tomatoes, as well as the fennel plant. Adequate calcium intake reduces aluminum absorption, the best source of calcium is whole-grain sesame paste, more information about calcium HERE.

The first step is to drink enough purified water. Once you have hydrated your body sufficiently, cleansing your intestines, followed by your liver and kidneys, is the best option.

How much water should you drink: https://detoksikacija-organizma.com/vaznost-unosa-vode-u-organizam/

More information on detoxification

  1. Intestines https://detoksikacija-organizma.com/product/5-dnevni-program-ciscenja-crijeva/

2. Liver https://detoksikacija-organizma.com/product/5-dnevni-program-ciscenja-jetra-zucne-vrecice-i-krvi/

3. Kidneys https://detoksikacija-organizma.com/product/5-dnevni-program-ciscenja-bubrega/


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