Greetings to everyone!
Here we finally share our experience with CRIJEVA #3 drops.
Our little girl has not defecated on her own since she was 1 month old. She used to not have a stool for 10-12 days. We went to the pediatrician, to them it was normal if it was on the chest and on top of that, on complementary feeding. I didn't, so I moved on. Of course, this lasted until she was 4 months old, until we ended up in Klaić's hospital for all possible tests (contrast, biopsy, and a lot more). In addition, the surgeon dilated her intestines during the biopsy, they came home and were on the catheter, I cleaned her myself at home with the catheter. That was the worst period of our lives. All these searches turned up nothing. There was only suspicion of Hirschsprung's. All this lasted until my mom told me about the intestines 3. We ordered those drops with a dose of fear, because there was nothing we hadn't tried, so we said let's try that too, after all, it's on a natural basis. YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE MY DEAR ONES, MY GIRL HAS NOW PASSED 10 MONTHS, AND I THROWN THAT MIRACLE OF A CATHETER INTO THE TRASH, BECAUSE THE DROPS SAVED US AND WE GO FOR THE DEFEATION EVERY MORNING, WITH A SMILE AND WITHOUT FEAR OR PAIN. THANK YOU FROM THE HEART FOR YOUR MAGIC DROPS.
BVB to you and your loved ones


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