Echinacea angustifolia root in combination with Echinacea purpurea seeds, garlic juice and hot pepper increases the number of T-station better than anything!

For example, American Indians have been using it for hundreds of years for various types of problems, especially for wounds and rattlesnake bites. They knew that echinacea improves the body's ability to recover from illness or injury, but also protects it from poisons and toxins.

At the end of the 18th century, there lived a man named Joseph Mayer from Pawnee City, Nebraska. He sold various things from the caravan, among which was an alcoholic tonic made from the roots of a plant from Kansas. He got the recipe from his Indian friends. He made a tonic, put it in a bottle and sold it as a cure for all ailments. He traveled west in his caravan selling that tonic. Because of this, he became very famous both as a doctor and as an entertainer. To prove the effectiveness of his product, he let a rattlesnake bite him in front of everyone. And he never got poisoned from it. This is where the term "snake oil salesman" comes from. He claimed, and so it seemed, that it was a cure for everything from rabid dog bites to various types of infections.

"Most Echinacea products are over-the-counter only are waterscome across useless preparations. Test them and your eyesightjetc you'll think I'm right."

Hundreds of international medical and scientific studies have shown that it improves and strengthens human immunity in every way. It helps the body to create more defensive blood cells, that is, it increases the number of T-cells, enhances the production and activity of macrophages (their ability to destroy foreign bodies), stimulates the secretion of interferon and interleukin I, and appears to protect cells from foreign body attacks. We heard that in Germany it is even used as an injection, against weakened immune systems and degenerative diseases. In fact, the Germans tested echinacea, which in its weak extracts showed the effect of strengthening immunity, and then just imagine what miracles echinacea that you prepare yourself or when you buy a high-quality one does.

Echinacea is good against colds, flu and fever, as well as all types of infection, inflammation and swelling. It has a medicinal effect against any poisonous bite. It can also be applied externally.

Many people have been cured of cancer, AIDS and other degenerative diseases using Echinacea as the foundation of their recovery. On one occasion, a woman came with an inflamed and swollen throat. She was sick for 3.5 months and none of the medicine and antibiotics that the doctors gave her worked. Her immunity was too weak. Then she took echinacea tincture, and in two days she no longer had problems with her throat. They are not there even today. There were people who suffered from chronic infections for years, and if they started taking echinacea, they would get better in just a few days.

"Immunity cannot be strengthened by consuming pizza, beer, ice cream and coffee."

Everyone would like a quick, easy way to add some Echinacea to their unhealthy diet. But it doesn't work that way. Your body will not build immune cells from beer, pepperoni pizza, ice cream and coffee. In fact, such junk food and sugar only weaken immunity. The first step in building blood cells, white and red, is a diet that will provide huge amounts of nutrients (learned C vitamin, minerals, enzymes, amino acids). That's what builds your blood, so nutrition, not some pills out there.

"Echinacea stimulates immunity, but it can't even come close." garlic on the issue of anti-infective activity."

This echinacea tincture with garlic and hot pepper they are a real dynamite tandem!!! Anyone taking echinacea should eat at least 3 cloves of garlic a day. Most research has shown that at least 3 cloves of garlic per day is an effective dose, so you should take that much.

Echinacea is one of the strongest immune system stimulators known. It can double or triple the amount of T-cells and macrophages in your bloodstream within days. It can also increase the amount of interferon, interleukin, immunoglobulin and other important natural immune compounds present in your bloodstream. Echinacea works by creating more immune cells and immune compounds, thereby promoting their greater activity. Such stimulation of immunity is good in the case of short colds and flu, and/or for the prevention of infections. Also, this starts and accelerates the process of recovery from chronic and long-term diseases due to a drop in immunity.

Garlic is the greatest killer of bacteria, viruses and fungi

Garlic is the greatest killer of bacteria, viruses and fungi, in fact all antigens/pathogens, with a more powerful effect than any other plant. In other words, echinacea is better than garlic in boosting immunity (judging by clinical research), but it can't even come close to garlic in terms of neutralizing pathogens. Garlic can also boost immunity, but it is best known as the deadliest killer of anything that can harm you. This is why I say that echinacea and garlic are the best dynamic tandem.

For example, pharmaceutical antibiotics are indiscriminate in destroying the bacteria in your body; they simply destroy them all. This creates additional problems, because the body contains millions of so-called good bacteria, which are necessary for the development of metabolic processes. This is why many people have problems with digestion, constipation and yeast infections after taking these antibiotics. An even bigger problem is that antibiotics don't destroy the 100% of bad bacteria in your body. They usually destroy the 99%. The remaining bacteria then mutate, become more deadly and resistant to these same antibiotics. This creates very dangerous and resistant bacteria. On the other hand, garlic is completely selective in destroying bacteria, killing only those that harm your body. What is incredible is that at the same time garlic promotes the development of those good bacteria, and improves intestinal flora and digestion.

Garlic destroys a large number of bacteria, including streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid, diphtheria, cholera, bacterial dysentery (tourist's diarrhea), tuberculosis, tetanus, rheumatic fever and many others. But not only that, but garlic is also an excellent antiviral agent. Garlic has been tested for various types of viruses, and has been scientifically proven to destroy the causative agents of measles, mumps, mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus), chicken pox, herpes simplex 1 and 2, herpes zoster, viral hepatitis, scarlet fever, rabies, etc.

Again, that's not all. Garlic is also known for its fungicidal effect. Laboratory studies have shown that garlic is better than all existing fungicidal agents, including nystatin. Garlic regulates the growth of Candida albicans and destroys fungal tinea.

Garlic is a proven cure for cancer. About one-third of all studies on garlic are related to the treatment of cancer. Garlic not only helps white blood cells protect us from cancer, but also improves our body's ability to destroy tumors. When the constituents of garlic are present in our blood, many aspects of the immune system are improved. It also stimulates the production of interferon, the number of natural killer cells, prevents the development of tumors and even relieves the pain that accompanies cancer."

Book source: Treatment of incurable diseases


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