I read a lot about enlarged liver this summer and concluded that I definitely have a problem with an enlarged and fatty liver. I talked about it with a colleague from work who told me that she bought Detox drops from the Institute for Organism Detoxification, which she heard were good for cleansing the body, but that she didn't […]

The preparations of the Institute for Detoxification change life. If you are ready to devote yourself and your health and make a minimal financial contribution and effort, I say minimal because what you get in return cannot be measured or described - then you definitely have to try these miracles of cleaning formulas. After the first diagnosis of endometriosis 11 years ago and then [...]
For 40 years I struggled with poor digestion, CONSTIPATION, constipation and flatulence. My granddaughter told me about herbal preparations, so I decided to try them. Already on the first day, the work of the intestines was stimulated and I had such quick and abundant stools, I felt as if I had finally expelled from my body all the poison that had accumulated over the years. Since then […]
Experience working with formula, up to 3 years
Greetings to everyone! Here we finally share our experience with CRIJEVA #3 drops. Our little girl has not defecated on her own since she was 1 month old. She used to not have a stool for 10-12 days. We went to the pediatrician, to them it was normal if it was on the chest and on top of that, on complementary feeding. I didn't, so […]
Deep cloth oil
Last year I had two hip surgeries in less than two months. I started massaging myself with deep tissue oil and the deep muscles next to the bone that felt like they were wooden softened. I also massaged the stitches, one which is quite big was very hard, I can say that […]
Experience riješenog scabies
Dear people, I will share with you an experience that caught me at the end of last year! I am a person who can say that I have been eating healthily for the last 9 years, I mostly eat green smoothies and plant-based food... I have cleansed my intestines probably 50 times and I happen to get sick again! After a lot of stress in [...]
Experience Kandida, leg veins...
I need to share my experience with you. In the last 20 days, I have been on a cleansing program based on the Institute for Detoxification method. I cleaned the intestines, then the liver, then the kidneys and finally the intestines again. I feel reborn. I solved most of my health problems. The candida symptoms disappeared on the second day. My left toe was […]
Chronic laryngitis and voice loss
I have to praise the Immuno shot with which I cured my chronic laryngitis, which left me totally speechless. The doctor prescribed me Clavocin therapy, which I refused to drink on my own and the recommendations I asked for, through nutrition and the use of Imuno shot, and everything that my body needs to recover, in a few days [...]
The problem of lazy intestines, bloating and digestion included
I have to express my great enthusiasm for all the products I used. Primarily the formulas Intestines 1 and 2, with which I solved the problem of lazy intestines, flatulence and complete digestion. For 18 years, the only way to have a stool was to fast every morning with coffee and cigarettes, I had a stool, no matter what I tried to take, from natural preparations to [...]
So, this is the only product that helped me and I tried everything. My problem was a gastric hernia and bloating non-stop no matter what I eat. Today is my 3rd day and I can't describe to you how good I feel. Excellent, at all I don't smoke. And what I like most about this cleaning is that it is not aggressive. I warmly recommend it to everyone, [...]
I have been using the superfood for about a month and I felt that I have more energy and that my diet is more complete and richer. My skin cleared up and my metabolism sped up. I will certainly continue with it. FG
I gave the intestinal formula to the girl because she had the symptoms we were worried about, slow metabolism and digestive problems. She took the formula with a noticeable improvement, she is currently satisfied and the condition is under control, she no longer has previous symptoms. FG
As a medical professional, I myself see that classic "medicines" are not very helpful. Yesterday, my child drank half a bottle of "Immuno shot" and today the white suppositories from his throat have halved, which we have not been able to do with pharmaceuticals in the past 7 days. with "medicines", they only indulged themselves more. SB
I am 65 years old. My main health problems are: loss of strength and shortness of breath during the most ordinary activities (stairs), bone pain, migraine and thinness. I recently decided to try herbal products and was pleasantly surprised. I started with Superfood plus to strengthen the whole organism and for bone pain I took Deep Tissue Oil. After […]
For more than a year now, I have been taking a powdered preparation every evening, one teaspoon or less for a regular stool. I don't want to be without the preparation, but what I can say now is that the symptoms I had a year ago are no longer present at all. Due to fatigue and inability to lift legs, climb ladders, imbalance in walking... neurologist [...]
The experience of a lady from Zadar who cleansed her intestines, liver and bile
Before the detoxification of my body, my menstrual cycle was disturbed, the work of the thyroid gland was disturbed, that is, the thyroid hormones were slightly elevated (mild hyperthyroidism), and because of this I often feel bad, nervous, lethargic, I often have some dull headaches (not migraines), I often feel tingling in my hands, I feel bloated, I'm constantly tired and all this affects my [...]
The experience of a girl from Zagreb who has occasional depressive states
1. NERVE TINCTURE I used the tincture for 3 weeks, primarily because of the depression I felt in the last year. Excellent results after application within a few days. She calmed me down, restored my will and strength in life. It can be combined with tea for nerves and then the results are even better. 2. SUPERHRANA PLUS Excellent vitamin and mineral food supplement. I take […]
Experience with thorough colon cleansing with Intestinal Formula 1, 2 and Super Food Plus
The intestinal formula #1 really cleaned my intestines thoroughly the next morning, and I have to admit that I haven't had such a bowel movement in a long time. My mother, who has entered the tenth decade of her life, accompanies me in these experiences because she also drinks Intestinal Formula 1 and 2 as well as Superfood Plus. When I started with Intestinal Formula 2 […]
Self-healing of type 1 diabetes
It all started this year when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The doctors told me that I would have to take insulin for the rest of my life. I turned to natural treatment and managed to find body cleansing programs, a juice program with the addition of Super Food Plus and a physical activity program.... Everything seemed logical to me and I started. [...]
When I learned about herbal formulas for colon cleansing, it was in a situation where I grasped at them as a lifeline. Namely, I suffered from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome for many years. Flatulence, alternating periods of constipation with periods of hyperactive metabolism, pain in the lower abdomen, plus nervousness, hypersensitivity to stimuli, frequent headaches, [...]