Differentiating between "stress" and "stressor" In dealing with stress, most of us already have two things against us beforehand. The very language we typically use to describe stress diminishes our ability to deal with it in the most effective way. Most people define stress by what they are faced with – the problems and worries they need to deal with. Such understanding makes us victims [...]
Marijuana is a dangerous drug, not an alternative to tobacco
One popular alternative seems to have a reputation for being harmless and simply pleasurable for young people - marijuana. However, marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug. Marijuana smoke, like tobacco smoke, contains a number of chemicals. Even laymen can pronounce the name tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main active ingredient in marijuana. Few people know that this […]

In colored plants (carrots, tomatoes,...), vitamin A is found in the form of provitamin, beta-carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A or retinol. The functions of vitamin A are: - Creation of vision pigments in the retina (Retina). Lack of vitamin A reduces vision at night ("chicken blindness"). - Creation and maintenance of cells that cover the skin, eyes, mouth and internal organs. [...]
The causative agent of BSE can only be detected in cows older than 30 months, while younger ones cannot be tested using the methods known so far. The "super cow" still gives 30-40 liters of milk and we drink that milk. There are blood platelets in milk, and it is known that blood platelets contain a lot of prions, the causative agent of BSE and [...]
The healing power of food
Say goodbye to gallstones
Dear Sir/Madam, I was diagnosed with gallstones more than a year ago. Two weeks ago, I had my liver and gallbladder cleansed and went for my annual ultrasound scan, which revealed that I still have a gall bladder full of stones. I followed the cleaning instructions as written. What do you suggest next, because I really don't want my […]