When photographs of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko from his deathbed in a London hospital were published in November 2006, the world was shocked at the speed with which the poisoned agent was deteriorating. The discovery that he was killed with polonium 210 caused a complete panic - people entered the hospital room in special suits, the restaurant where he was allegedly poisoned was closed.

Today, two years later, four American doctors made a shocking discovery - every person who holds a cigarette in their hand is poisoned, albeit to a significantly lesser extent, just like Litvinenko.

The medical journal American Journal of Public Health announced in its September edition that the American tobacco industry has been keeping secrets from the public for 40 years. that its product is radioactive. Tobacco smoke contains, namely, the radioactive substance polonium 210 (PO-210) to such an extent that every box of Marlboro should have a warning that cigarettes are radioactive. And not only that, but also that they are the main source of radioactive radiation! 

It tastes better than poison

A scientific team led by Monique E. Muggli of the Mayo Clinic studied 1,500 different documents, including internal documents from the leading cigarette manufacturers in the US, which show that the tobacco lobby knew about the dangerous ingredient for four decades, tried to remove polonium 210, in which he failed, and subsequently withheld information for fear that cigarette sales would fall. Their analysis shows that smokers who smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes a day are exposed to radiation that corresponds to the strength of 300 x-rays of the chest per year.

Although it was previously known that polonium 210 is responsible for one percent of all lung cancers in the US, this discovery puts that fact in a completely new context. Bearing in mind that lung cancer kills 162,460 people in the US each year, and 1.3 million worldwide, this means that polonium could be responsible for 1,600 deaths in the US and 11,700 lung cancer deaths worldwide. The first information that tobacco smoke contains polonium was published in 1964. Polonium emits a carcinogenic form of radiation, known as alpha radiation.

Experiments on animals have shown that it causes lung cancer by being deposited in the bronchi. Although polonium-210 is present in the atmosphere due to radium-226 in the Earth's crust, it is believed that the polonium detected in tobacco is a result of the high-phosphate fertilizer that growers use to "enhance the taste." Tobacco growers in developed countries use industrial fertilizer enriched with phosphates, which are produced from the mineral apatite. It contains radium 226 and its isotopes, such as lead 210 and polonium 210.

It settles on the leaves

"In order for tobacco to taste well, the nitrogen content must be reduced, which is achieved several times with high-phosphate fertilizer. The higher the level of phosphate in the fertilizer, the higher the concentration of polonium 210 in the tobacco plant," the authors write. The tobacco plant, they continue, does not only absorb polonium through the soil, but it is also deposited on its leaves during fertilization.

Polonium combines with calcium phosphate and lead 210 into insoluble radioactive particles that are transferred into smoke that the smoker then inhales directly into the lungs. Back in the 60s, the largest tobacco manufacturers determined that polonium 210 is an ingredient in tobacco and tobacco smoke. By 1968, Philip Morris confirmed that the levels of polonium 210 in its cigarettes were similar to those reported in the literature at the time – 0.33 to 0.36 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) of tobacco material in the cigarette.

Nicotine problems

Nicotine is famous for the huge number of different harmful chemical compounds that it contains in its natural form, but during the process of growth and maturation of the leaves, other harmful chemicals are artificially added to them. Also, nicotine is known for being highly addictive, on a par with heroin; those who have consumed both tobacco and heroin say that it is more difficult to give up tobacco. Like heroin, cocaine, and alcohol, tobacco provides an instant feeling of relaxation while making the heart pump faster (12-25 beats per minute faster), causing heart palpitations and a general feeling of anxiety. For a smoker who smokes the last cigarette before going to bed, the blood circulation system normally functions only 2 out of 24 hours during the day.

Each cigarette destroys 25 mg of vitamin C, while the whole pack destroys more vitamin C than
which you can enter through food during the day. In the Western world, tobacco is responsible for 35% of cancer deaths, 78% of all fatal heart attacks, 18% of all deaths, 85% of lung cancer deaths, and 85% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Every year, more people in the West die from tobacco than from alcohol, street drugs, traffic accidents, murders or suicides. Cigarettes, and similar products, are the nails in the coffin, shortening life by 15-20 years. Here are some additional "gifts" you get from nicotine: lead, carbon dioxide, cadmium, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and over 5,000 other harmful chemical compounds. Tobacco is not only harmful
your health, but also the health of all the people around you: your husband/wife, children, children yet to be born, and colleagues. Did you know that a smoker's breath contains slightly more nicotine than the smoke from a regular cigarette? Men and women who smoke every moment are breathing into the room the toxic air that their children are breathing.

Additional problems

Women smokers have more problems with menstruation and menopause, and men more problems with the prostate. Female smokers age twice as fast. If a person chews tobacco, irritation and inflammation of the lips, mouth, teeth, throat and esophagus occur, eventually leading to cancer of the lips, mouth, tongue, larynx, esophagus, and other diseases.

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