THE MEDICINE THAT CONSUMES HALF OF THE WORLD CAUSES CANCER: It is especially dangerous if you take it for years, and it hides under these names
The worst thing is that it is a type of medicine that is taken as therapy, that is, for a long period of time
Blood pressure pills taken by millions of people around the world increase the risk of lung cancer, a study has found. Patients treated with ACE inhibitors have a 14 percent higher chance of developing cancer than those on other types of medication. The risk increases in parallel with the length of treatment, so people who drink these pills for five years have a 22 percent higher risk of cancer, and this increases to 31 percent if the drug is used for 10 years.
Scientists believe that ACE inhibitors cause the chemical bradykinin to build up in the lungs, which promotes the formation of cancerous cells. All is not lost, however, as another group of experts doubts the accuracy of the data and suggests that lung cancer may only occur if the patient is a smoker while being treated with the said therapy.
Different action
In Great Britain alone, up to five million people regulate their blood pressure in this way. Doctors prescribe them ACE inhibitors if they suffer from hypertension or have survived a heart attack. The most common such drug is Ramipril, and variations include: captopril, cilazapril and enalapril, he writes Daily Mail. It is known under the trade names Tritace, Altace and Delix, and as Tritace comp.
Almost half of the world's adult population has high blood pressure. As part of the study, 992,000 adults who were prescribed blood pressure medication from 1995 to 2015 were examined. The patients took one of two types of drugs – either ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers. Each of them works in a different way. Compared to patients taking receptor blockers, the latter were 14 percent more likely to develop lung cancer during the six-year study.