Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) - Protective fruit for the heart
Crataegus sp., commonly known as hawthorn, is a large genus of thorny shrubs and trees belonging to the Rosaceae family, comprising approximately 280 species, native to temperate zones in Europe, East Asia and North America. Hawthorn has been used around the world for centuries as a food and as a folk medicine. Hawthorn is one of the recognized medicinal plants in [...]
What are cardiovascular diseases?
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels (veins and arteries). They can be caused by a combination of behavioral, socioeconomic and environmental risk factors, including improper diet (daily consumption of meat, fish, eggs, dairy products that are a source of cholesterol), tobacco use, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol, air pollution, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease [...]
The latest Harvard study proved that hot peppers prevent obesity, cancer and heart disease.
The latest Harvard study proved that hot peppers prevent obesity, cancer and heart disease. - According to a new study, people who eat spicy food almost every day have a 14% higher chance of living longer than those who consume spicy food less than once a week. Also, everyone who regularly eats spicy food is less likely to die [...]