Aluminum poisoning

When is it a sign of alarm? It is very interesting that the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis are the same as those of aluminum poisoning. If you experience stomach and intestinal problems, intestinal cramps, rickets, excessive nervousness, headache, anemia, kidney and liver damage, speech disorders, memory loss, muscle weakness and pain, and softening of bones, be sure to get tested for […]
Discover 4 incredibly SIMPLE ways to increase bone density

Bone density becomes more important as we age. Some people's bones become so brittle that a fall can lead to a fracture. The challenge, of course, lies in figuring out how to maintain healthy bone density. Good bone density is easier to maintain if you consume food rich in vitamin C and calcium, Super food plus is a great product for you, more about Super food you can […]
Calcium - an important mineral for your nerves

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, the salts of which form a substance that affects the strength of bones and teeth. The body of an adult human contains 1 kg to 1.5 kg of calcium, most of which is found in the bones (99%) and only a small part (1%) in the blood and other parts of the body. In addition to its effect on the skeleton, calcium has […]
Before you continue to consume it, read this text: new studies have confirmed that consumption of cow's milk and dairy products causes dozens of diseases in children and adults

We used to be taught at school that cow's milk is the perfect food for humans, that dairy products are one of the four basic food groups that we should all eat. These products are well 'anchored' as one of the main components of meals in our kindergartens, schools and hospitals, and are accompanied by aggressive marketing slogans such as 'milk is stronger and [...]