Aluminum poisoning

When is it a sign of alarm? It is very interesting that the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis are the same as those of aluminum poisoning. If you experience stomach and intestinal problems, intestinal cramps, rickets, excessive nervousness, headache, anemia, kidney and liver damage, speech disorders, memory loss, muscle weakness and pain, and softening of bones, be sure to get tested for […]

Chlorine in drinking water: potential link to cancer risk?

Chlorine has a pungent, pungent odor and is highly toxic. At very low concentrations and with a shorter duration of action, it only irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, and if the volume fraction in the air is only 1%, just a few breaths can be fatal, which is why it was used as a battle poison in World War I. war (1915). It is a strong irritant, but also [...]

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