Chances are high that you have already drunk this abomination with it
Nothing can be done to filter these attacks out of the coffee because they simply 'merge' with the beans
Have you ever experienced an allergic reaction after freshly brewed coffee at home? An explanation might make your life miserable? Namely, it seems that you are not allergic to caffeine or coffee as such, but to an unexpected ingredient that will give you goosebumps.
If you make coffee from industrially ground beans, there is a good chance that you will also consume some ground cockroaches, reports Mirror. University professor of biology Douglas Emlen was the first to conduct research on this topic.
He was encouraged to do so by his professor's assertion that he only drank coffee from machines in cafes. Mljevena did not cross his mind because, as he told him, of the danger of cockroaches. After years of teaching entomology and researching insects, Professor Emlen became allergic to cockroaches, which he often held in his hands.
He could no longer touch a cockroach without having an allergic reaction. The same thing happened to him when he drank coffee made from ground beans. When he studied the link, the professor discovered that ground coffee is made from huge packages that are often infested with cockroaches.
It is similar with chocolate
And now the real "bomb" is yet to come. Namely, chocolate, which is made from cocoa beans piled up in huge packages, has a similar fate. We just finished our coffee and chocolate, how about you? Another thing to pay attention to is the color of the roasted coffee beans. Unroasted coffee is pastel green, and black after roasting. Imagine roasting potatoes until they turn black, would you eat them? The same happens with coffee. When it is fried at such a temperature, the grain structure is damaged, it turns black and carcinogenic acrylamide is formed. For years, coffee merchants did not want this to be known, until a fortnight ago, when judge Elihu Berle from California intervened and forced coffee sellers to put a public warning about its harmfulness on the bags - points out prim. Dr. Petar Borović.
Caffeine and cancer
For decades, tobacco use has been linked to the development of cancer. Alcohol use is linked to certain types of cancer. Many "medicines" have been shown to cause cancer. There is now at least as much evidence to suggest that caffeine also causes cancer.
It has been known for at least two decades that caffeine is mutagenic and that it damages chromosomes. Due to this effect of caffeine, it is extremely undesirable for very young people and people who can still give birth to children.
Of course, as soon as the age of having children passes, the age of cancer is entered.
Therefore, we must face the fact that there is no period in a person's life when it is safe to use caffeine. The equivalent of 8 cups of coffee or 11 cups of black tea significantly increases the rate of mitosis (cell division) of human lymphocytes far before laboratory equipment can. determined by measurements, lymphocytes feel tanned effects.
The association of coffee with bladder cancer in women did not differ regardless of whether decaffeinated, caffeinated, regular or instant coffee was used and regardless of whether it was brewed strong or weak.
According to research, the risk of bladder cancer is slightly lower for men than for women.
Since cancer is caused by changes in chromosomes and cell structure, since it is known that caffeine damages chromosomes, it is reasonable to consider that caffeine has a role in causing cancer and that it should be removed from the diet. research in entire countries, which is not only theoretical. In addition to direct damage to cells, it seems that other factors are necessary before the development of cancer. It seems that viruses and innate susceptibility are necessary.
Cancer viruses probably reside in animals that are pets or that we use for food, and it seems that innate susceptibility arises due to some weakness in the genetic structure of a person. An example of innate weakness would be pale skin and blue eyes as a susceptibility factor for getting skin cancer. Wine flies , as well as human and mouse cells grown in culture, exhibit an inability to repair chromosomal damage when exposed to caffeine.
We all probably know someone who has indulged in a particular bad habit their whole life with no apparent major ill effects. In fact, some of these "survivors" even attribute their longevity to this bad habit. We've all heard old people's jokes when asked about the secret of their long life: "I drink 2 brandies a day", or "I only smoke hand-rolled cigarettes", or "I always drink my coffee black".
But these are literally just the survivors. And yet, we are often ready to accept this kind of advice as wise and proven as an excuse to continue our bad habits.
If a San Francisco newspaper ran a headline that read, "Man in Superman Costume Survives Golden Gate Bridge Jump," how many people would go out, rent a Superman costume, and jump off the bridge thinking they'd found the secret to jumping safely from great heights and keeping cool in water on a hot summer day? You're right, a really small number. All of that, whether it's bridges, caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, is decidedly working against the human race.