By Thomas Corriher December 12, 2018

As part of a court settlement with several consumer groups, the FDA was finally forced to publicly admit that all the so-called mercury-poisoned 'silver' dental fillings. This has been known for about 30 years, but it was hidden. Dental amalgam attacks the brain because it is absorbed into the blood, and toxic fumes are also released when a person chews food.

The FDA statement reads as follows: "Dental amalgam fillings contain mercury, which can have a neurotoxic effect on the nervous system of unborn children, as well as developing children. When such fillings are placed in or removed from the teeth, mercury vapor is released. These vapors are also released during chewing... Pregnant women, as well as everyone who is more sensitive to exposure to mercury for health reasons and those who have high levels of biological burden of mercury, should consider some other options in consultation with their doctor." – Follow this link[1] which explains how to remove them without exposing yourself to toxic mercury fumes.

After this article was published, the FDA took down the website: (, from which the above quotations are taken, which probably grossly violates the court decision.

The court demanded that this information be made public

Despite the court's decision, they still write that mercury "could" have neurotoxic effects, as if toxicologists are still not sure about that; in their hypocrisy they even went so far as to state that the poisonous effect of mercury on the brain was dangerous only to children.

Of course, this is just one of their attempts to create confusion and ambiguity about this, because the real problem they are trying to distract us from is actually this: the elderly population with dental fillings suffering from Alzheimer's disease caused by mercury vapor.

What they do is really disgusting: they resort to tricks whenever the truth threatens to threaten their selfish interests. The court ordered that FDA officials in 2009 take action against the use of "silver" dental fillings or risk being out of favor with that court. Unfortunately, it is obvious that this illegitimate agency, which is appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate, will continue to do what it has always done - make extralegal decisions. Anyone who is at risk of mercury should add selenium to their diet, which naturally neutralizes mercury.

We highly recommend Great food plus (you can read more about that product HERE) which contains selenium. Selenium neutralizes some toxic heavy metals, especially mercury and aluminum. Our study shows that selenium alone will prevent most of the so-called “age-related degenerative brain diseases”. In most cases, these diseases are the result of lifelong accumulation of these poisons. These are simple cases of poisoning, but the victims are not actually sick. Prevention of brain damage with the help of selenium is much simpler. Of course, anyone with enough time and money should replace their so-called "silver" dental fillings with safer materials, and in addition implement a good detoxification program. intestines , liver and kidneys . Ironically, if silver fillings were really made of pure silver, then they would improve our health and have no toxic effects. "Smoking teeth"


Watch this video[2]: footage from the University of Calgary shows toxic fumes escaping from old dental fillings; a weak mercurial solution that, when viewed under a microscope, corrodes brain neurons.


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