Marijuana (cannabis) is the most widespread illegal drug in America and England. Scientific research has revealed the following facts about this unusual plant: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from marijuana enters the lungs, and reaches the brain via the bloodstream. In winter, the brain cannot break down THC at the same rate as nicotine, so a portion of THC will remain in the body for a week.
During the 1960s, the average packet of marijuana contained 10 mg of THC, while today it contains 150 mg. THC disrupts normal brain waves and reduces electrical activity in the frontal lobe of the brain (where the center for character, morality and will is located). This is how short-term memory is damaged. THC negatively affects motivation, cognition, learning, ability to focus and concentration. Marijuana smokers are more likely not to go to school. Constant consumption of marijuana reduces aggression, if the environment is peaceful. But if
there are some problems, stress or hunger, strong aggression occurs. There is a greater tendency towards suicide, which is especially true for women.

The use of marijuana is a risk factor for the development of antisocial, criminal, sexual and other types of abnormal behavior.
Regular marijuana smokers are twice as likely to develop psychosis. There can also be more serious psychological reactions, such as schizophrenia.
Even small amounts of THC can weaken mitochondria, the source of cellular energy, and thus reduce physical strength. THC weakens the immune system, and especially attacks the brain. Marijuana tar contains large amounts of carcinogenic substances. In addition to harming the brain and immune system, THC harms the heart and blood vessels of the eye. Marijuana causes more problems than it solves. It can be used in smaller quantities, for a short time, in case of extremely severe pain, under the supervision of your doctor, of course. Marijuana has no medicinal properties.
action, but can only serve as a pain reliever in extreme situations.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504


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