There was a monk to whom people from the most distant regions came for advice, and he was considered a person who is always calm and a man who is impossible to offend.

Some crook hears this and decides to test the wise man. He went to him and as soon as he saw him, he started insulting and humiliating him as badly as he could. After he ran out of insults, he paused for a moment and was amazed to realize that the monk was still as calm and composed as before his arrival.

This annoys the scoundrel so much that he continues cursing even more blackly and worse than before, but in vain - it didn't seem to affect the wise man at all.

When he ran out of curses and lost all his energy, the man decided to approach the monk and find out his secret.

- I understand your spiritual things and like, you don't care what other people think and say, but I humiliated and insulted you, you need to learn that you have to fight for yourself - he told him.

– Son, can I ask just 2 questions? - the monk asked him, speaking for the first time.

- Of course - said the man.

If you bring me a gift and I don't accept it, who does the gift still belong to? - asked the sage.

- Well, if you don't accept the gift, then it still belongs to me.

- And now, my son, if you only have an insult for me, and I don't accept it, to whom does it still belong? - concluded the wise man, turned and left.

Do not return evil for evil to anyone; strive to do good not only before God, but also before all men; If possible, as far as you can, have peace with all men;
Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to wrath, for it is written:
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says God. (Romans 12:17-19)

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