Holy Scripture

The Holy Scripture or Bible that is in front of you is a translation of an authentic text that has been preserved throughout history. If you want a free copy of the Bible, you can contact us at our e-mail [email protected]. There is a possibility of sending to Bosnia as well. To download the Bible in PDF format, click HERE

– Dr. Milisav Nikolić

Manual for natural strengthening of the body, raising motivation and regeneration of injuries In sports, as in life, there are "players" and "observers". The players always achieve a positive result, even when they lose on the field. On the other hand, observers are mostly dependent on others - they believe that they have won if someone wins for them, and from that […]

Natural childbirth - Ina May Gaskin

The best book about natural (home) childbirth by the world-famous midwife Ina May Gaskin, which every person (both men and women) should definitely read. This also applies to people who are no longer planning to be parents, because they also need to know important things about births, in order to advise and guide the younger ones. You can read the book HERE.

Way out of depression - Dr. Neil Nedley

On average, every third patient who visits an internist suffers from this disease. Doctors usually prescribe medicines to such patients. In the book "Getting out of depression", doctor Nedley advocates a completely different approach - researching the causes that led to the appearance of depression. Gaining world fame precisely because of the approach he aims to permanently and completely cure patients, doctor Nedley is respected [...]

How to improve the brain - Dr. Elden Chalmers

Scientists confirm that our thinking is such a powerful process that it can disperse millions of chemical bags filled with the appropriate chemical compounds to the appropriate addresses in the brain and thus profoundly change our mood, feelings and actions. Even more incredible than this are the recently disclosed findings of neuroscientist John Eccles, which show how our thinking can modify genetic material. [...]

Poison with a big K – Dr. Agatha Thrash

The case against coffee and other brown drinks What is hidden in the popular drink - coffee, and the even more popular sweet - chocolate? How are disorders in children, heart problems and other diseases caused by the consumption of caffeine-based foods? "Brown drinks" and chocolate represent an insidious army of substances that are interconnected by their similar method of covert warfare against […]


"This book is about my belief that many bad and medically unjustified things are done in modern pediatrics in America and the world, and in other branches of medicine. This does not mean that the doctors themselves are worse or more insensitive than other people, that is, the problem is not in their character, but the essence of the problem is found in modern medicine itself as [...]

The Power of Health – Dr. Hans Diehl, Dr. Aileen Ludington

Lots of information about simple, but very important things that we encounter every day and that can be a source of health, but also a source of serious illnesses. How to distinguish good from bad in life habits? How to improve your health? This book will help you understand how you can prevent the development or reverse the course of many of today's deadly diseases. Learn to estimate […]

Confessions of a medical heretic, Dr. Robert Mendelson

"I don't believe in modern medicine. I am a medical heretic for modern doctors. My goal with this book is to get you to start thinking. I believe that despite all the super technology and elite treatment towards the patient that should convince you that you are being cared for as carefully as an astronaut on the moon, the greatest danger [...]

Laws of Health and Healing - Dr. Neil Nedley

"The most useful health promotion book written in this generation." – prof. Dr. John Scharfenberg One of the most comprehensive health books on the world market. The book deals with all aspects of a healthy lifestyle. It is based on the most up-to-date scientific data published in reference medical journals, yet it firmly supports simple, natural methods of preserving health and recovery. Unsparing in its arguments [...]

The power of nutrition – Dr. Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell II

"This is one of the most important books of the decade" - Dr. Hans Diehl, author of the bestseller "The Power of Health" When Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai fell ill with cancer in the early 1970s, he organized a large-scale medical study of over 890 million Chinese, which was carried out by over 650 thousand medical workers, in which it was necessary to determine which are the leading […]

Principles of a healthy life – Dr. Paul Walk

A short and comprehensive book that explains the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle and the steps to take to improve health and prevent disease. Start over. If you want to progress and be a better person, it takes a special mind. You must constantly learn and grow. Maybe something in this presentation will surprise you, or you will not agree [...]

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