Dry brushing (eng.- dry brushing) is a technique that allows cleaning the skin, while simultaneously detoxifying the internal organs.

The dry brushing method was introduced by the Finnish doctor Paavo Airola 30 years ago.
This method is still popular today and is used in many spas and health centers.
Dry brushing has been used in Russia, Turkey and Scandinavia for hundreds of years.
Dry brushing is known for its cosmetic effect of skin renewal: it removes old, dry skin, replacing it with new, smooth and delicate skin.
But skin renewal is not the only benefit of dry brushing.
četkanje 2Dry brushing is known to:

– solves cellulite
– cleans the lymphatic system
– removes deposits of dead skin
- strengthens immunity
– stimulates the work of hormones and glands
- tightens the skin, prevents its premature aging
– stimulates blood circulation
– improves the work of the nervous system
– stimulates digestion
– shapes the muscles nicely
– and with all that, it's simple, cheap and doesn't require a lot of time!

What is needed for dry skin brushing?

The only thing you needčetkanje kože you need a brush with a long handle, made of natural materials. It is better if the brush has a detachable tip with a hand strap.

If you can't find the right brush, don't worry. A sponge made of natural materials or a rough towel will also serve you.

In my experience, most synthetic brushes are too harsh and can damage the skin. If you can find a softer brush, that can work too.

The main thing is to do what suits your skin. When the skin gets used to the softer brush, you can switch to something "stronger".

How is dry brushing done?

  1. Brushing is always done dry. Maybe best in the bathtub. After brushing, it is necessary to shower or bathe, in order to remove old skin cells and toxins released in this process.
  2. In long, straight strokes, brush the legs from the feet up, then the arms from the hands to the shoulders, the back from top to bottom and the stomach from bottom to top. Always from the periphery to the heart. Such brushing will direct the lymph towards the heart.
    (Remark: Brushing in the opposite direction is not recommended, as it directs the lymph away from the heart, which can cause additional strain on the veins and lymph nodes.)
  3. Dry skin brushing is recommended to be done once a day - preferably first thing in the morning, before showering. A thorough dry brushing will only take 15 minutes. But even 5 minutes of brushing will bring benefits to your health. If you feel sick, increase brushing to 2 times a day.
  4. On places with hard and rough skin such as the soles of the feet, apply light pressure.
  5. If you want to get rid of cellulite, devote more time to problem areas. Brush the areas affected by cellulite for 5 to 10 minutes a day. To get a good result, you should use this method for at least 5 months in a row.
  6. Avoid dry brushing in places where your skin is sensitive or damaged (wounds, cuts, areas affected by infection or rash).
  7. Finish dry brushing with a shower. At the end of the shower, make seven hot and seven cold cycles:- run hot water for 2 minutes ( not recommended for heart patients!)
    – then spend 30 seconds under cold water (so that you can last only a few seconds under it).
    – repeat it 7 times
    - finish showering with cold water. Hot-cold shower additionally strengthens the skin, accelerates the excretion of toxins, stimulates blood circulation and nourishes the outer layer of the skin.

After showering

Wipe well and massage into the skin natural oils such as olive, almond, sesame, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa, avocado, etc.
Maintain the brush at least once a week, with water and natural soap. After washing, leave the brush in a dry and airy place to dry well.

Be persistent - the results will surely come
You will feel the benefits of this method after about 30 days. To do a deep cleansing of the lymph, continue brushing for at least 3 months. Be persistent and keep brushing.


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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