ARTICLE AUTHOR – Aleksandra Grundler Bencarić, mag. pharm.
Back in elementary school, in religious education, we only learned that the creation of our planet was made possible by God only when sufficient amounts of oxygen were created. Plants create oxygen from carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, which is necessary for respiration. We inhale air and with it oxygen that comes to the lungs where it enters the blood and is transported further to our cells. In them, a chemical process called cellular respiration takes place and through which oxygen becomes a source of energy for the work of our cells. Even with a small lack of oxygen in our body, we feel bad. Remember how uncomfortable we are in a stuffy room and how relieved we feel when a window is opened.
A lack of oxygen in the environment and some chronic or acute diseases cause a lack of oxygen in the lungs, which is called hypoxia, and consequently a lack of oxygen in the blood, which is called hypoxemia. Without a constant, sufficient amount of oxygen, our cells cannot perform their tasks well and gradually weaken.
The symptoms that occur are:
- fatigue,
- weakness,
- lack of concentration,
- palpitations and
- muscle pains.
A long-term reduced amount of oxygen in the body can cause heart disease, digestive and respiratory diseases, susceptibility to chronic inflammation, the development of depression, and even cancer. Acute lack of air, i.e. inability to breathe due to blockage of the respiratory system, but also due to some other diseases or due to lack of oxygen (carbon monoxide poisoning), causes suffocation. If you do not react quickly and do not ensure the flow of oxygen, the heart and brain stop working, and the person dies.
Nobel laureate Otto Heinrich Warburg
In 1931, the German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) received the Nobel Prize for finding the root cause of cancer. dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is the result of an anti-physiological lifestyle. With an anti-physiological way of eating (predominantly acidifying food) and physical inactivity, the body creates an acidic environment that is poorly supplied with oxygen.
Cellular acidity displaces oxygen, and lack of oxygen in cells creates an acidic environment.
dr. Warburg said: "Lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the same coin: if one has one, one has the other." If you have too high acidity, you will automatically lack oxygen in your body; if you lack oxygen, you will have an acidified organism. An acidic environment is an environment without oxygen. "If you deprive a healthy 35% cell of its oxygen, you can turn it into a cancer cell in just two days," claimed Dr. Warburg.
"All normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but tumor cells can live without it. It is a rule without exception".
Types of hypoxia and blood oxygen saturation
Experts distinguish several other types of hypoxia in which oxygen enters the lungs, but a sufficient amount does not reach the tissues and cells:
- anemic hypoxia, in which the blood (due to hemoglobin damage) does not receive and does not transmit the necessary amounts of oxygen,
- circulatory hypoxia, in which oxygen is not transported because the circulatory system is damaged and
- tissue hypoxia, which occurs due to damage to the enzyme system in cells (e.g. with vitamin B deficiency or cyanide poisoning).
Blood saturation with oxygen, i.e. the percentage of saturated hemoglobin that carries oxygen, is called oxygen saturation. It is determined in the laboratory by drawing arterial blood and gas analysis.
Normal values of oxygen saturation range from 95 - 100%, in completely healthy people from 98 - 100%. Values less than 94% indicate hypoxia, and values less than 90% should be treated.
Can a pulse oximeter help us?
The oximeter emits two different wavelengths of light that are absorbed depending on the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen in the blood circulating through the finger, and the result is displayed as a percentage. At the same time, the blood pulse is measured. Personal pulse oximeters are reliable for measuring at home, even in a doctor's office or a nursing home if, of course, they are purchased from a reliable supplier, i.e. a manufacturer of medical equipment. Pulse oximeters can also be intended for continuous measurement and equipped with a sound sensor that warns of hypoxia.
Pulse oximeters are primarily used by people with obstructive lung diseases, such as COPD, but also with other respiratory diseases, as well as people with heart diseases, people who suffer from apnea or are obese. It is often used by athletes or other people who live at high altitudes.
There are plants that can increase the absorption of oxygen into the blood, of course provided that you are in a natural environment and follow a healthy lifestyle. You can contact licensed Phytotherapists for more information on this 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504
Mail: [email protected]
You can read more information about the consequences of polluted air HERE.