How to recognize?
The consequences of alcohol addiction are; depression, memory loss, hangovers, problems with the law, ulcers,
emotional problems, facial flushing, forgetfulness, heart palpitations, poor digestion, insomnia, urination problems, hepatitis, high blood pressure, taking heavy drugs and numbness in the fingers.
What are the causes?
Alcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach, without digestion. Through the bloodstream, it then reaches every cell in the body, from which it extracts water, which weakens or destroys the cells. It is particularly harmful to the liver, brain and other vital organs.
Most alcoholics are either hypoglycemic or on the verge of diabetes.
Among other things, alcohol causes serious nutrient deficiencies. While the body "thinks" that it is fed (because alcohol contains 70 calories in 30 ml), until then it is actually starving. The liver slowly breaks down alcohol into sugar, but over time this vital organ weakens, leading to fatty degeneration of the liver and the formation of scar tissue, which is called cirrhosis. Abundant alcohol consumption over several days can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Alcohol deceives people: it makes a person seem happy when they feel bad, and strong when they are weak. Alcohol destroys the liver, destroys a marriage, hurts children, contributes to the dismissal of alcoholics from work, and makes them a vagabond. The liquor industry should be shut down because of this.
Nature has solutions
Stop drinking alcohol completely. Start eating healthy. In addition to zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, essential fatty acids, bioflavonoids and appropriate proteins, vitamins A, B
vitamins, C, D (vitamin D is obtained by sunbathing, you can read more HERE) and K. Sa Great food plus you can complete your intake of vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods that increase alcohol cravings in drinkers, such as milk, chocolate and processed sugar.
- when you leave alcohol, do not start consuming large amounts of products with sugar and coffee instead. Sugar only worsens hypoglycemia. Eat healthy, do not sweeten food with sugar.
- alcoholics need potassium, which you can compensate with potassium soup, the recipe is at the end of the text. One tablespoon of honey, instead of beer, partially compensates for the potassium that has broken down the alcohol. There is plenty of potassium in the soup made from organic potato skins. The shells should be thick; leave the potatoes aside. Soak the husks in water, boil well, mix and add a little salt. Such soup should be eaten often with regular meals.
- taking one teaspoon of mixed honey and activated charcoal powder, in a ratio of 50:50, helps to sober up a drunk person.
- people who regularly eat healthy are less inclined to consume stimulants and addictive drinks. Eat mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. They are very nutritious and have a lot of fiber.
- eating meat brings back the desire for alcohol; so stop eating meat and find meat substitutes in stores. Be regularly physically active outdoors.
- it is good to drink elm bark tea when a person is weaning himself from alcohol.
– blend some organic orange peel with water and some hot pepper. This will help you avoid alcohol.
- angelica tea causes aversion to alcohol, while chamomile tea should be drunk during delirium tremens.
- hop tea is good during delirium.
HYDROTHERAPY - Here are some tips about hydrotherapy:
- the method with a lukewarm wet sheet is excellent in the case of alcoholic delirium. A neutral bath also acts as a neutral poultice, and perhaps even better. Drowning and sweating methods are also used for cases
– leave the alcohol immediately. Use nutritional enemas and daily colon irrigation with lukewarm liquid, and drink plenty of water.
- steam bath is also effective in case of chronic alcoholism. A lot of toxins come out through sweat.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504