Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, the salts of which form a substance that affects the strength of bones and teeth. The body of an adult human contains 1 kg to 1.5 kg of calcium, most of which is found in the bones (99%) and only a small part (1%) in the blood and other parts of the body.

In addition to its effect on the skeleton, calcium has other important functions:

1) Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, especially from the heart, maintaining the heart rhythm.

2) It is necessary for normal blood coagulation.

3) Regulates the balance between acids and bases in the blood, preventing excessive blood acidity. Thus, it neutralizes the acid in the blood, which is a product of protein metabolism.

Calcium needs vitamin D (which is obtained by sunbathing, you can read more about vitamin D HERE ) to be absorbed and passed into the bloodstream. Vitamin D deficiency causes the same symptoms as calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency is first noticed in the vision numerous muscle spasms which can lead to spasm. When such a condition persists, it occurs heart rhythm disorders (palpitations), nervous irritability, loss of bone strength (rickets in children, osteoporosis and osteomalacia in the elderly), joint pain, tooth loss.

Calcium is a mineral present in the plant world. A diet based on fruit, cereals, green and dry vegetables provides the necessary amount of calcium to our body, with a great advantage compared to a meat diet. Among foods of animal origin, only milk and milk products contain larger amounts of calcium, while meat and fish contain very little of it. Good to know that oxalic acid which can be found in some foods prevent calcium absorption, building with it insoluble salts (calcium oxalate). Although foods rich in oxalic acid, such as cocoa, spinach, chard contain a lot of calcium, they should be used wisely, in smaller quantities, even when a diet rich in calcium is necessary.

Osteoporosis and calcium

A very important fact regarding calcium should be noted: proteins are necessary for the binding of calcium in the bones, but their excessive intake is harmful. A diet rich in protein and salt increases the loss and impoverishes the organism in this sense. Calcium depletion is a significant cause of osteoporosis, a disease that affects millions of women in developed countries. This strange phenomenon is explained as follows: the more protein we consume, especially of animal origin (meat, hard cheeses), the higher the acidity of the blood under the influence of lactic and uric acid, which are created during metabolism, that is, the burning of protein. Thus, the body is forced to use part of its reserve in calcium to reduce acidity because, as we said, one of the functions of calcium is to maintain the balance between acidic and alkaline (basic) substances in the blood. In addition, calcium creates ethers, which our body cannot absorb, when combined with fatty acids, which are the product of fat digestion. Thus, a diet rich in fat prevents the absorption of calcium. It is obvious that osteoporosis has other, hormonal or metabolic causes. However, it has been proven that the abundant use of meat, hard cheeses (they are rich in proteins and fats) increases the loss of calcium and worsens the disease. In contrast, a balanced plant-based diet containing the necessary proteins has an alkaline effect (unlike meat). A plant-based diet reduces calcium loss and has a preventive effect when it comes to osteoporosis, especially if a person is involved in sports.

Food Amount in mg per 100 g

Integral sesame 783 (An excellent spread of integral sesame is Tahini, which you can buy (see that it is dark brown in color) or make it yourself, blend the sesame well until it turns into a paste and, if desired, add a little honey or you can buy it from the company Sana Black Tahini)
Soybean 260 (In stores you can find soya in medallions, flakes and pieces as an excellent substitute for meat)
Almond 252
Hazelnut 225
Spinach 126
Nuts 87
Peanut 74
Hulled Oats 70
Integral flour 40
White flour 15
Rice 10
Hard cheeses 810
White cheese 300
Cow's milk 120
Yogurt 120
Fresh cheese 95
Top 80
Eggs 58
Mother's milk 31
Cod 24
Salmon 14
Chicken 12
Lamb 12
Beef 4
Pork 3


If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504

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