We will explain a little-known way of torturing and killing enemies and prisoners in ancient China. It is based on excellent knowledge of nutrition and health laws. After this text, the role of what we take into our body in the form of food should be clearer.

Namely, the ancient Chinese used this method by giving the victim something to eat meat and drink water as much as they want. In principle, such a diet is devoid of energy-giving carbohydrates, necessary vitamins, enzymes and phytochemicals found in plants, and therefore also of fibers that absorb various toxins and clean the intestines.
Meat fills up very quickly, but it also makes you hungry quickly, so your appetite grows. With large amounts of toxins from meat, fat, and unnecessary amounts of proteins that poison the liver and kidneys, the victims felt symptoms of autotoxicity (self-poisoning). The first disturbances in digestion and organ functioning are felt after a day or two. Since meat consists of water, protein, some minerals, vitamins and fats (these are all ingredients that are absorbed by the body), there is not much waste left to form stool (faeces), and the intestines become empty and lazy. This soon leads to prison. The organism becomes more and more poisoned, including the brain. Day after day of function cancel; liver, then kidneys, lungs and heart. Phobias and hallucinations occur. Breathing is getting shorter, and heart rate and arrhythmias are increasing. Severe pains begin in the body and soon gangrene. The skin also begins to deteriorate. Rotting begins from within the entire organism and madness occurs. Even if such a person stopped taking food, death could not be stopped. Death occurs within twenty days and in severe agony.


3 Responses

  1. But this is not true. Due to health problems with the intestines, I have been on an exclusively meat diet for 3 months. I feel good, the findings are excellent, the problems with the intestines have almost disappeared. Finally, the body absorbs the nutrients and does not coat the intestines with huge amounts of mucus.

    1. Dear,

      Thanks for your comment. How far did we understand that you ate only meat and nothing else for all three meals (and snacks)?
      Otherwise, the information that we have stated in the publication is based on the work of Prof. Otto H. Warburg, director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine from the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. Prof. Otto H. Warburg, German winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine. So that you are properly informed, you can read the details about it below https://detoksikacija-organizma.com/problem-zakiseljavanja-organizma/

    2. This still does not mean that a meat diet is healthy.
      You've probably eaten all kinds of food combinations before
      and when you stayed only on meat, the body said thank you because it is now relieved.
      But with a meat diet, strong acidification of the body occurs and illness sooner or later.
      Believe me, I would prefer the lamb to be healthy more than you.

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