And sugary sodas? They are not good either, as we will soon see by analyzing the more recent studies that have been published.
"These studies are not perfect, but the data are convincing and testify strongly. It seems that there are fewer and fewer reasons to use sweetened beverages and that artificial sweeteners do not bring any benefit. Maybe good old water is just what we should get used to," said Dr. Sudha Seshadri, lead author of the study, professor of neurology and member of the Boston University Alzheimer's Center Faculty Council.[2]
But researchers from the University of Boston did not stop there: they also investigated the impact of ordinary carbonated drinks on our health - it turned out that sugar-sweetened drinks were not associated with stroke and dementia, but this type of drink caused other health problems.
Whether it's regular sugar or high fructose corn syrup, the science is clear. Scandals related to the sugar industry in the 1950s and 1960s triggered a 'food disaster'. Flawed and incomplete scientific studies funded by the sugar industry have influenced the public and misled people that fat, not sugar, is the real enemy of our health.
Today we know that healthy fats are essential for good health. However, many still drink carbonated drinks. Excessive use of sugar is a well-known trigger for heart disease and it does a lot of damage to our metabolism. But Boston scientists wanted to find out how sweetened carbonated drinks, so-called 'soft drinks' and sweetened fruit juices affect the human brain.
Other phenomena associated with artificially sweetened carbonated beverages
Boston University published the first, i.e. major, link between artificially sweetened sodas and dementia, but there is a long list of other health disorders linked to these drinks:
- depression - four or more cans of that drink is associated with a 30% higher risk for depression[4]
- Kidney damage - long-term use of artificially sweetened carbonated beverages is associated with 30% poorer kidney function[5]
- Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome - regular use of artificially sweetened carbonated drinks increases your risk for metabolic syndrome by 36%; in addition, it increases the risk of type 2 diabetes for 67% compared to non-drinkers[6].
Healthier drinks instead of carbonated:
Why drink something that shortens your life? Try the following instead:
- It's time for tea - tea leaves Ginko (Ginkgo biloba) can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by as much as 86%!
- Practice a healthy lifestyle (vegetarian diet, physical activity, clean water, regular and proper sleep....
- Regular use of artificially sweetened carbonated drinks triples your risk of stroke and dementia;
- Just one artificially sweetened carbonated drink a day reduces the volume of your brain;
- Regular use of sugar-sweetened sodas shrinks your hippocampus, your brain ages rapidly and your memory weakens. These are all early signs of risk for Alzheimer's disease.
- Instead of carbonated drinks, drink herbal teas, we recommend Ginko, which can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease up to 86%.