Heavy smokers know very well what it means to suffocate when coughing, and yet they always resort to some old dilemmas: "How much is the upper limit of smoked cigarettes, and still be relatively safe from the disease?" So that I don't have a cough, that I don't get lung cancer and that I don't die too soon." IF YOU WANT TO LIVE IN FALSE HOPE, REDUCE THE QUANTITY (SAY) IN HALF, TORTURE LIKE AN ANIMAL BECAUSE OF THE REDUCED DOSAGE AND BITE YOUR NAILS WAITING FOR THE NEXT IGNITION. Despite all the suffering, you will still be suffocating in poison and will not achieve anything useful. Anyone sane will tell you that the only sure way is to quit smoking. Similarly, if you're wondering how many steaks, eggs and cheese you can eat without having a heart attack or stroke in the heat of the moment, I have to tell you that there is only one answer. NOTHING!! If you want to avoid a disease, you must avoid the poisons that cause it. Very simple. There are countless "saving" diets and programs on the market, which allow a certain amount of unhealthy foods, with the promise that the heart and blood vessels will remain healthy. The old approach, A LITTLE POISON IS NOT HARMFUL. The fact is that every intake of cholesterol and every excess fat MEANS PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE. At some point, the bullet will lodge in the brain, prostate, breast, intestines, or some other weak location. 6 studies, conducted in the world's leading medical centers, show that a diet in which fats are present with 25-30% (which is quite less than usual Western reality, where fats account for 50 or more percent, especially in children) does not contribute to improving the condition of blood vessels. Rather, the PROGRESSION OF THE CLOG CONTINUES AT MORE OR MORE THE SAME RATE. dr. Dean Ornish suggests that the upper level of fat calorie intake should definitely not exceed 15% of total caloric intake. And adds? Do not eat anything that goes on four legs. And what can escape." Well, it's not easy for doctors either. When a desperate person comes and says that he would rather not live than give up everything he should, it is not easy to reason intelligently. Overly restrictive requirements could result in the rejection of any efforts to improve the situation. But... WHY NOT DISCUSS THE BARE FACTS NORMALLY AND CLEARLY? AND THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES? Advice in the form of acceptable but rotten compromises (which the future patient is ready to accept) brings double evil. First, the risk of cardiovascular and many other diseases will not be reduced. And secondly, a person suffers because of some sacrifices, and the basic indicators do not improve. I mean cholesterol level, body weight or general condition. There will be certain inconveniences around getting used to a healthier way of eating, even with the 10-15% fat regime, but the satisfaction will certainly be greater, because the improvements will be obvious. You can choose health and your further destiny will depend on your decision. Cholesterol, by the way, is talked about with fear. And yet, MOST CONSUME IT IN DAILY MEALS. Cholesterol is not a nutrient (like, for example, carbohydrates), but it is necessarily needed in cell membranes, in the production of hormones or in the synthesis of vitamin D. So, its importance is unquestionable, but all the necessary amounts are produced in the body, so additional intake is pure excess. (No type of plant food contains cholesterol, so for vegans the intake of additional cholesterol is equal to zero). Some will be eliminated from the body, and some will settle along the walls of the arteries. THE MORE CHOLESTEROL YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WILL HAVE IN YOUR BLOOD. This waxy mass binds with fats and proteins, forming lipoproteins. LDL lipoproteins bring cholesterol to the walls of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis. That's why they call it "bad" cholesterol. On the other hand, HDL lipoproteins take cholesterol from the arteries to the liver (for the purpose of elimination), thereby preventing the development of dangerous deposits. Of course, we are talking about "good" cholesterol here. Unfortunately, LDL CHOLESTEROL OFTEN SHOWS IT'S TEETH FROM EARLY YOUTH. Read more about atherosclerosis in the following issues. The mechanism of sediment formation in vessels. What is achieved with medicines? Events inside blood vessels step by step. Face the truth to live longer!
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Arsen Miletić
[email protected]
It says:
Arsen Miletić
[email protected]