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Why is colon cleansing necessary?
Today, most people think that their extremely fast-paced lives prevent them from taking two minutes of their fast-paced lives, several times a day, to expel waste from the largest organ in their body. Today, the average person consumes animal foods that do not contain any fiber, processed foods that create toxins and sediment in their intestines and prevent them from having a normal bowel movement, even when they have time. A healthy lifestyle and thorough cleansing, detoxification of the intestines should be the first and the most important step for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life!
The 5-day bowel cleansing program includes:
Why is colon cleansing necessary?
Today, most people think that their extremely fast-paced lives prevent them from taking two minutes of their fast-paced lives, several times a day, to expel waste from the largest organ in their body. Today, the average person consumes animal foods that contain no fiber, processed foods that build up toxins and sludge in their intestines and prevent them from having a normal bowel movement, even when they have time.
If you need a library in the toilet, or a pile of newspapers, then you have constipation. If you drink coffee and then stop, it is possible that you will temporarily stop bowel movements, but don't get excited, it is good to get off coffee as soon as possible and replace it with grain coffee (Divka or similar), and the bowels will work. Anyone can see under a microscope
And remember: When you die, worms leave your body, not enter!
When you start any body cleansing program, toxins that have been lodged in your fat and muscles, and in various organs, are flushed out. During efficient cleansing, when this waste is expelled, it is placed in the large intestine to be quickly expelled from the body. If you are constipated, or have irregular stools, these toxins settle there, can be reabsorbed and make you feel sick. This is why many clients, who have started a cleansing program without first ensuring that their colon is working, feel weak, shaky, nauseous, headache, in other words, they feel terrible.
The first step towards powerful health and the best way is prevention (you can read more about prevention, i.e. healthy lifestyle ) and to clean the colon regularly. It has proven to be a great way to improve the quality of life if we go to the bathroom 30-60 minutes after each main meal.
This modern way of life also takes its toll on our digestive and elimination organs. High-fat, low-fiber, processed foods, high-cholesterol animal fats, lack of exercise, increased levels of toxic pollution, and increased stress all contribute to our current digestive crisis.
A blocked colon can cause an endless list of symptoms and ailments such as abdominal discomfort, allergies, anxiety, asthma, back pain, constipation, cramps, depression, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, hemorrhoids, indigestion, insomnia, irritability, lack of sex desires, loss of concentration and memory, menstrual problems, nausea, poor appetite, prostate problems, skin problems, weight gain.
To date, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have tried this very simple and effective program for removing constipation, cleaning the intestines, detoxifying the body, thanks to which they live healthier. Colon cleansing is an effective way of removing waste products. With this procedure, you not only keep the rest of your body clean, but also prevent problems that have not even occurred yet.
No matter how far away your colon health problems seem right now, clean your GUTS first and you'll see what happens. Do something preventive and proactive for yourself and start with a 5-day colon cleansing program. That's only 5 days out of a total of 365!
Many are not even aware of how much has accumulated in them. Cleanse your intestines today, you will feel great, you will live longer and healthier! Today, we count hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have tried this simple and effective program to remove constipation, cleanse the colon, detoxify the body, thanks to which they live healthier and better lives.
Thorough cleansing and detoxification of the intestines should be the first and most important step for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life!
INTESTINAL FORMULA #1 IN CAPSULES - Herbal formula to improve bowel function
It strongly encourages regular and complete bowel movements!
STIMULATES AND STRENGTHENES intestinal muscle movements
CLEANSE and DETOXIFY your body from accumulated waste
Ingredients: Aloe (Aloe Ferox) leaf wild harvest, Ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizome organic, Buckthorn (Rahmnus frangula) bark organic, Garlic (Alium sativum) cloves organic (not Chinese), Cassia senna (Cassia senna) pod and leaf organic, Hot pepper (Capsicium annum) fruit organic, Mahonia (Mahonia aqufolium) rhizome wild harvest, vegetable capsule.
These equatorial aloes contain a powerful phytochemical (plant chemical) from the anthraquinone family called Emodin. Emodin has a very strong stimulating effect on smooth muscles like the intestines. When this chemical comes into contact with the surface of the intestine, it causes immediate and powerful muscle contractions, although you rarely feel them. Emodin is such a powerful herb that it will cause bowel contractions no matter how constipated someone is, no matter what they've eaten, no matter what bowel disease they have. This Alojin Emodin worked on 100% people every time.
"You will rarely find something in nature that gives such quick relief and reliable results!"
Sea buckthorn stimulates the natural rhythmic contractions of the intestines, which are better known as peristalsis. It also strengthens the muscle walls as they work, exercising and strengthening the muscles of the intestines. Rarely will something from nature provide such quick relief and reliable results. Horsetail produces regular and satisfactory bowel movements, which few people nowadays achieve on a daily basis, with exact predictability.
The human body is a metabolic engine. Every system, every organ, every cell in the human body takes in fuel to function and eliminate waste material. Most of this waste is deposited in your intestines. Moreover, the average person deposits five to six kilograms of fecal waste in their intestines. If this toxic waste is not regularly eliminated, it will cause your body to become clogged with toxins, making it sluggish and unhealthy.
More about Formula 1,2 Superfoods.
It strongly encourages regular and complete bowel movements
Intestinal formula no. 1 It relieves you of constipation and helps you to have more regular and complete bowel movements. It also stimulates the natural process of the muscles of your intestines and strengthens these muscles. It stops putrefaction, improves digestion and releases gas.
It also increases bile flow, which in turn cleanses the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver and promotes healthy intestinal flora. It also prevents many intestinal parasites from surviving.
This formula is really a revelation, and it really helps, considering that I was a long-term user of laxatives, more precisely Dulcolax tablets. I couldn't do without them, I mean AT ALL! Like me, unfortunately, my late mother, who drank Dulcolax for 40 years, eventually fell ill with cancer of the digestive organs, liver, had metastases everywhere. Her fate encouraged me to stop my addiction to laxatives, and look for help in nature. And so by chance I heard from a colleague about Crijeva 1 in capsules, and Crijeva 2, because one day I complained to her about a problem that has been bothering me since high school days. very good experiences, and by God it's true! It helped me, thank God for that. I was also constipated for 7 days, now with only 2 capsules I go to the toilet normally, I started drinking 2.5L of clean water with the capsules and my bowels are working. I believe that I have saved myself, because it really works, and I am most happy that Dulcolax tablets are a thing of the past... finally saved, thank you!
People suffering from colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease should not take Intestinal formula #1, but immediately switch to Intestinal formula #2 for bowel cleansing.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry and dark place, at a temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius.
Warnings: People taking medication should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to be taken in case of intestinal obstruction and stenosis, atony, appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, abdominal pain of unknown cause and dehydration.(yellow urine, dry skin, dry mouth, hard bowel movements), people with damage to the digestive system, pregnant and lactating women.Address are Yours doctor or pharmacist before rather you take any of the formulas.
In addition to the Intestine #1 formula, it is used:
HOSE FORMULA #2 in powder – Herbal formula for bowel cleansing (115 g powder)
A powerful vacuum that extracts old fecal matter, toxins, poisons, bacteria, drug residues, mercury and lead
STRONG calming effect
Effect: This formula will remove long-standing faecal substances from the wall of the large intestine and from the intestinal villi. It will remove poisons, toxins, heavy metals like lead and mercury, even radioactive substances like strontium-90. It will also remove residues of 2,000 known pharmaceutical chemicals and drugs. Its natural effect softens and relaxes hardened fecal matter so that it can be expelled more easily.
Ingredients (all organic or wild harvested): Linen (Linum usitatissimum), Indian plantain seeds (Plantago psyllium), apple pectin, activated charcoal, marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), elm bark (Ulmus rubra), Mint (Mentha x piperita), pharmaceutical bentonite clay, hot pepper (Capsicum annuum).
Intestinal formula 2, which is intended for cleansing the intestines, contains the three most powerful and effective absorbers and neutralizers:
Pharmaceutical bentonite clay, Active carbon and Apple pectin.
Pharmaceutical bentonite clay- Bentonite clay consists of fine volcanic ash, which is also called montmorillonite and is grayish-cream color.If it's pure white, it may not be bentonite or it may be over-processed. It is named after its largest deposit located in Fort Benton, Montana. It has no smell, is very soft to the touch, easy to handle and does not leave stains. Bentonite clay is rich in minerals such as calcium, silica (silicon dioxide), sodium, iron, magnesium and potassium, which are often lacking in the human body. It has an alkalizing effect on the body and has a great effect on the intestinal microflora. Bentonite clay is an important ingredient in cosmetic products, especially for oily and acne-prone skin. Bentonite clay is one of the most effective and strongest clays. ANDabsorbs up to 40 times its weight of intestinal fecal matter and waste. It also suffocates and flushes out all types of intestinal parasites. Bentonite clay contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, which can provide additional benefits. As the bentonite clay moves through your digestive system and into your colon, it touches the walls of the digestive tract, breaking up excess plaque. Plaque and accumulated waste are breeding grounds for parasites. Bentonite clay has a high content of mineral compounds such as calcium ions, silicon, sodium ions, magnesium ions and potassium ions. Bentonite clay has a negative charge, which means it can bind to positively charged metals like lead. It's one thing Research showed that bentonite clay is effective in removing lead from wastewater. Approximately 93% of the infants who received the clay had improvement in rash within 6 hours, and 90% were completely healed in 3 days. Second study she had similar positive results. A rash caused by poison ivy can cause redness, irritation and severe itching. Study in 1995 found that bentonite clay can help with poison ivy rashes and speed healing after an allergic reaction.
Activated carbon is the greatest means of absorbing all known toxins and poisons. It will absorb and render harmless more than 3,000 known drug residues, pesticides, insecticides as well as almost all known harmful chemicals. It is for this reason that activated carbon is an ingredient in almost all water filters that we know of today.If poisoning occurs, activated charcoal should be consumed within 1 to 4 hours after consuming the toxin in order for it to work. Activated charcoal can improve kidney function by reducing the amount of waste your kidneys have to filter, he says study . Urea and other waste products can pass from the bloodstream into your intestines through a process known as diffusion. In the intestines, they bind to activated carbon and are excreted in the stool, he says study. Older studies ( 1 study, 2 studies, 3 studies ) in humans suggest that activated charcoal may help lower blood levels of urea and other waste products, as well as improve kidney function in people with chronic kidney disease.
Warnings: People taking medication should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to be taken in case of intestinal obstruction and stenosis, atony, appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, abdominal pain of unknown cause and dehydration.(yellow urine, dry skin, dry mouth, hard bowel movements), people with damage to the digestive system, pregnant and lactating women.
In order to stay hydrated, we suggest: Drink a sufficient amount of non-carbonated clean water (we recommend a reverse osmosis filter that can be purchased from us), freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea daily (kg of body weight /30 is the minimum) Example, if you are 70kg /30= You should drink 2.3 L throughout the day.
1. Drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water every day. We recommend that you drink checked spring water or purchased non-carbonated water which is less evil than the one from the pipe or that you get a reverse osmosis filter. With clean water you can also drink freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea (chamomile or mint or ginger...). Avoid teas that are diuretics of Nettle, dandelion, bearberry, green tea...and coffee.to get an accurate calculation of how much you need to drink fluids,divide your body weight by thirty (kg body weight : 30 and that is the minimum). for example, if you have 60 kg :30= 2L. So, throughout the day you should drink 2 liters of water. This example is given only if it is winter, spring or autumn, if the summer fluid intake should be increased.
* If you sleep or often stay in a room where the air is dry, you can dehydrate
*If your skin is dry after a shower, this happens due to chlorine contained in the city water, a great solution is to buy a shower filter with activated carbon
If you have a small urination at night and it deprives you of normal sleep, drink the last water until 18, 17 or even 4: 00.
2.Exercise at least 3x a week (sweat during training)
Do strength exercises, cardio (aerobic)training and stretching exercises.
3. Breakfast in the morning: a variety of seasonal organic fruit, sunflower seeds (not fried nor salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almond or nut or hazelnut or cashew or peanut (non-salted)), 5-8 tablespoons of peeled oats or buckwheat that was weaned all night in a cup(500 ml) of water. In the morning, rinse well and then mix with other ingredients. Cereals don't Cook! Fruit salad can be seasoned with a tablespoon of honey, agave syrup or almond spread or similar. and if you want some ground cinnamon.
4-5 hours after breakfast lunch: a variety of seasonal organic raw vegetables with sunflower seeds (unroasted threads salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts or cashews or peanuts try to find in the shell), boiled legumes, beans or lentils or chickpeas or peas or green beans or broad beans (if you lose weight increase portion of some legume in a vegetable salad) and cooked grain (wheat or hulled oats or barley or rye or buckwheat or millet...). The salad can be seasoned with cold-pressed olive oil, raw garlic 8 to 12 cloves (for even stronger immunity, blood purifier and clean blood vessels), onion, avocado (if you are losing weight, increase the proportion of avocado (2-3 pieces) in the vegetable salad) and spices (rosemary, basil, hot pepper, thyme, oregano...).
For dessert, eat a healthy combination of nuts or seeds with honey.
4-5 hours after lunch dinner: only fruit with a handful of nuts (almonds or nuts or hazelnuts) or if you feel a lack of energy dinner should be the same as breakfast.
Mandatory : during meals do not drink any liquid only after 1-2h
4.Rest enough and on time (no later than 21:00 h in winter or 22:00 h in summer) and in complete darkness. If you're not completely dark in the room where you sleep, get a sleep blindfold. The link can be obtained at the DM. If you have trouble sleeping, let someone massage you before going to bed and increase the amount of physical activity during the day.
5. Daily exposure to sunlight for 1 hour a day due to vitamin D. If you have sensitive skin, gradually sunbathe and use common sense. Being in the fresh air every day, outside the city where air is most often polluted, and such air can reduce the absorption of vitamin D.
6. Avoiding all poisons (coffee, green tea, black tea, cigarettes, drugs, chemicals, alcohol, refined sweets...). If you are going to have a headache when you stop drinking coffee, you should increase your fluid intake by 0.5 L or even 1L + of course your minimum drink every day (See item no. 1) and headaches disappear very quickly. If you can hardly give up coffee, drink cereal coffee Divka, etc.
Coffee Video:
1 part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66OhVqbi_So
2.part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOvXEmkAbo
7. Avoiding meat, fish, eggs, all dairy products (especially meat avoid pork, rabbit, shellfish, crustaceans, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, seafood, sushi posebno) and of course refined foods.
For more information on dairy products, see:
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI5v5ibw1Pw
Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
For more information on meat, see :
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjPTk2f7do4
2dio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVNI781WWc
For more information on fish, see:
What to eat as a substitute for foods of animal origin :
1.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8XNBO-mpI
2.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVh5eyNxpf0
3.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3GI7Khrl2A
8. Maintain personal hygiene, wash every night. After touching the animal, wash your hands. Do not put anything on the skin that is not edible (creams, make-up, lipsticks, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc.) and maintain personal hygiene with natural soap and 100% natural hygiene supplies.
9. Find a job that fulfills you and makes you happy and make an effort to improve interpersonal relationships (forgive all people who have offended you or harmed you).
10. To give life into God's hands every day through prayer in the solitude of your room and not to be burdened with things over which you have no influence. If you haven't, start exploring the meaning of your existence, what happens after death, why there is so much evil on planet Earth Pronal by finding those answers you can improve the quality of your life.
We suggest you take a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYc_RVnjVDg&list=PLgCvyJI_bD3lzs9cDa1eBe8DiIk2KOQy5
Note: We are not engaged in increasing the time spent on the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of diseases, but our work baziramo, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The information in this section cannot be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. No person should use the information in this article to diagnose, prevent, or treat diseases without consulting a qualified health professional (doctor).
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