24,00 €
Natural source of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables is participant synthesis collagen and carnitine, you metabolismAnd fatty acid and is completely safe if you drink enough clean still water. It improves resorption iron and is a very powerful antioxidant. It is unstable above 40c and easily loses its properties storage and cooking. The richest source of vitamin C is fresh fruit and vegetables (why? - because there are no fruits and vegetables that only have vitamin C, but also everything else that the body needs from other vitamins and minerals), especially fruit Kamu kamu berries, Acerola cherry, Pomegranate, Pineapple, Raspberries, Strawberries, kiwi, citrus leafy vegetables, kale, coriander, pepper and Dr. Vitamin C increases organism's resistance to viral and bacterial infections, helps code respiratory diseases. Vitamin C deficiency most often occurs in children, an alcoholic and elderly people, and can lead to scurvy: bones become brittle, joints they swell, the teeth become wobbly, gums is swollen and bleeding, and often occurs anemia. It has been proven that stress and cigarette smoking it rapidly consumes vitamin C supplies, so smokers have a lower status of this vitamin than non-smokers. Therefore, the needs of a person who smokes tobacco products or those who are exposed to passive smoking are greater than a normal healthy person.
If you don't get enough vitamin C, hypovitaminosis can occur in the body, i.e. lack of vitamin C. If vitamin C is completely missing in the body, it occurs a state of chronic hypovitaminosis which is called avitaminosis C. Deficiencies of vitamin C cause fatigue, weakness, weight loss, weak myalgiapain and arthralgia, irritability, a if are state lack continue longer time it can come to anemia, tendencies infections, weak healing wound, degeneration arm, appearancee atherosclerotic plaques, bleeding capillary, neurologicalh disordera (hypochondria, hysteria, depression) and scurvy.
As a result of long-term vitamin C deficiency, the state it encompasses impossibility collagen formation, i.e. a disease called scurvy. In order for collagen mohe wanted to do his thing task in the body, it needs vitamin C, abnot vitamin C collagen is too unstable, which causes changes in the bones and blood capillaries; bones become brittle, joints swell, teeth become wobbly, and gums are swollen and bleed, are created brown spots on the skin and arrivaland bleeding from the mucous membranes. In addition to the above symptoms, there may also be: until the appearance hypochromic anemia(due to iron deficiency). Man looks pale, feels depressed,
partially is stationary and have stains on the skin (most on thighs and feet). Advanced scurvy causes open, festering wounds and loss of teeth, and may result and by death. The first symptoms of scurvy appear a month to 6 months after cessation intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin C through raw fruits and vegetables.
Taking vitamin C as part of a whole food is considered preferable due to the simultaneous consumption of numerous other macro- and micronutrients and phytochemicals, which will provide additional health benefits. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced incidence of stroke [1], coronary heart disease [2] and cancer in different places [3, 4]. Vitamin C status is one of the best indicators of fruit and vegetable intake [5], and vitamin C obtained from food is associated with a reduced frequency of numerous chronic diseases [6].
Super fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of natural vitamin C and other nutrients are:
Kamu-kamu berries are the richest source of natural vitamin C in the world: They contain up to 6,000% more concentrated vitamin C than citrus fruits! Acerola is the second richest source of this vitamin in the world – up to 4,000% more vitamin C than citrus fruits.
Wild pomegranate, orange peel and lemon give you bioflavonoids – hesperidin and rutin, enzymes and coenzymes, trace minerals, calcium and many other super nutrients that make up the vitamin C complex.Pomegranate in his the composition contains a number of high of valuable phytochemicals including phenols, flavonoids, tocopherols s especially large amounts of vitamin C and carotenoids (Rovná et al., 2020; Vlaicu et al., 2020). Certain biological activity results from the chemical composition, i.e. it depends on chemical compoundsAnd present in the examined material. The biological effects of rose hips are numerous and have been proven through different studies. Some of the most important are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antimicrobial activity.
Coriander contains plenty of useful phytonutrients, while parsley is the second richest vegetable spice when it comes to the share of vitamin C with the associated synergistic effect. There is also a leaf of kale as one of the richest sources of vitamin C and calcium in combination – a dynamic duo required for resorption of the C-vitamin complex.
Finally, strawberries and raspberries - super fruit that contains vitamin C - and very little hot pepper (habanero), because it is one of the richest, most concentrated plant sources of vitamin C - all this gives this formula a special, unique strength!
Super Vitamin C is a mixture of the best fruits, herbs, fruits and vegetables known on Earth, in terms of the most powerful sources of natural Vitamin C and associated synergistic nutrients. All C-complex nutrients in this formula are natural and derived exclusively from the whole plant, dried to 40c.. Nothing is secreted, isolated, amplified or synthesized. This formula 100% from herbs is natural, extremely rich in vitamin C and its complex. No chemicals, no artificial ascorbic acid - top of the line!
Berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables - all organically grown or wild harvested, cleaned, dried and blended. That's it! This formula is alive, rich in nutrients, powerful and the most complete there is. That's why it's called Super C-vitamin!
"Forty-five years ago, when I was just starting my journey towards health, like most people, I started taking vitamins. To get vitamin C, I started with ascorbic acid. Then about a year later (with a stomach ulcer as a result), I heard that you can't even assimilate, let alone use, ascorbic acid without bioflavonoids present.
So, no problem, several nutritional years have been wasted, but now I'm back on the 'right path'. I started using ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids. A year later, I heard that you cannot assimilate and use ascorbic acid if there are no bioflavonoids and calcium in it. Again! No problem. Again, I immediately started taking ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids and calcium... and then it hit me: What am I doing? Am I imitating nature?!?
A simple orange contains numerous natural, organic acids that contain huge amounts of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, calcium and all the other ingredients that God put in it because he knew you would need them in order to assimilate and use vitamin C - all of these substances that in this world we will never find out. I spent years chasing after nature, and taking incomplete, artificial, copycat nutritional copies, and then I discovered an ORANGE!
Dear friends, a vitamin is much, much more than just one substance, it is a living organism. It is a living, organic complex of nutrients, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, trace minerals and life itself. Any attempt to extract or isolate it actually kills and destroys it. Any attempt to imitate it in the laboratory is folly. Trust God!
Composition (all organic or wild harvested): camu-camu fruit, acerola fruit, pineapple, raspberry fruit, strawberry fruit, rosehip fruit, orange peel, lemon peel, coriander leaf, parsley leaf, kale leaf, habanero pepper.
1. Drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water every day. We recommend that you drink checked spring water or purchased non-carbonated water which is less evil than the one from the pipe or that you get a reverse osmosis filter. With clean water you can also drink freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea (chamomile or mint or ginger...). Avoid teas that are diuretics of Nettle, dandelion, bearberry, green tea...and coffee.to get an accurate calculation of how much you need to drink fluids,divide your body weight by thirty (kg body weight : 30 and that is the minimum). for example, if you have 60 kg :30= 2L. So, throughout the day you should drink 2 liters of water. This example is given only if it is winter, spring or autumn, if the summer fluid intake should be increased.
* If you sleep or often stay in a room where the air is dry, you can dehydrate
*If your skin is dry after a shower, this happens due to chlorine contained in the city water, a great solution is to buy a shower filter with activated carbon
If you have a small urination at night and it deprives you of normal sleep, drink the last water until 18, 17 or even 4: 00.
2.Exercise at least 3x a week (sweat during training)
Do strength exercises, cardio (aerobic)training and stretching exercises.
3. Breakfast in the morning: a variety of seasonal organic fruit, sunflower seeds (not fried nor salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almond or nut or hazelnut or cashew or peanut (non-salted)), 5-8 tablespoons of peeled oats or buckwheat that was weaned all night in a cup(500 ml) of water. In the morning, rinse well and then mix with other ingredients. Cereals don't Cook! Fruit salad can be seasoned with a tablespoon of honey, agave syrup or almond spread or similar. and if you want some ground cinnamon.
4-5 hours after breakfast lunch: a variety of seasonal organic raw vegetables with sunflower seeds (unroasted threads salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts or cashews or peanuts try to find in the shell), boiled legumes, beans or lentils or chickpeas or peas or green beans or broad beans (if you lose weight increase portion of some legume in a vegetable salad) and cooked grain (wheat or hulled oats or barley or rye or buckwheat or millet...). The salad can be seasoned with cold-pressed olive oil, raw garlic 8 to 12 cloves, onion, avocado (if you are losing weight, increase the proportion of avocado (2-3 pieces) in the vegetable salad) and spices (rosemary, basil, hot pepper, thyme, oregano...).
For dessert, eat a healthy combination of nuts or seeds with honey.
4-5 hours after lunch dinner: only fruit with a handful of nuts (almonds or nuts or hazelnuts) or if you feel a lack of energy dinner should be the same as breakfast.
Mandatory : during meals do not drink any liquid only after 1-2h
4.Rest enough and on time (no later than 21:00 h in winter or 22:00 h in summer) and in complete darkness. If you're not completely dark in the room where you sleep, get a sleep blindfold. The link can be obtained at the DM. If you have trouble sleeping, let someone massage you before going to bed and increase the amount of physical activity during the day.
5. Daily exposure to sunlight for 1 hour a day due to vitamin D. If you have sensitive skin, gradually sunbathe and use common sense. Being in the fresh air every day, outside the city where air is most often polluted, and such air can reduce the absorption of vitamin D.
6. Avoiding all poisons (coffee, green tea, black tea, cigarettes, drugs, chemicals, alcohol, refined sweets...). If you are going to have a headache when you stop drinking coffee, you should increase your fluid intake by 0.5 L or even 1L + of course your minimum drink every day (See item no. 1) and headaches disappear very quickly. If you can hardly give up coffee, drink cereal coffee Divka, etc.
Coffee Video:
1 part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66OhVqbi_So
2.part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOvXEmkAbo
7. Avoiding meat, fish, eggs, all dairy products (especially meat avoid pork, rabbit, shellfish, crustaceans, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, seafood, sushi posebno) and of course refined foods.
For more information on dairy products, see:
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI5v5ibw1Pw
Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
For more information on meat, see :
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjPTk2f7do4
2dio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVNI781WWc
For more information on fish, see:
What to eat as a substitute for foods of animal origin :
1.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8XNBO-mpI
2.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVh5eyNxpf0
3.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3GI7Khrl2A
8. Maintain personal hygiene, wash every night. After touching the animal, wash your hands. Do not put anything on the skin that is not edible (creams, make-up, lipsticks, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc.) and maintain personal hygiene with natural soap and 100% natural hygiene supplies.
9. Find a job that fulfills you and makes you happy and make an effort to improve interpersonal relationships (forgive all people who have offended you or harmed you).
10. To give life into God's hands every day through prayer in the solitude of your room and not to be burdened with things over which you have no influence. If you haven't, start exploring the meaning of your existence, what happens after death, why there is so much evil on planet Earth Pronal by finding those answers you can improve the quality of your life.
We suggest you take a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYc_RVnjVDg&list=PLgCvyJI_bD3lzs9cDa1eBe8DiIk2KOQy5
Note: We are not engaged in increasing the time spent on the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of diseases, but our work baziramo, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The information in this section cannot be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. No person should use the information in this article to diagnose, prevent, or treat diseases without consulting a qualified health professional (doctor).
Keep out of the reach of small children. Recommended daily doses should not be exceeded. A dietary supplement is not a substitute or replacement for a balanced diet. It is important to follow a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Suitable for vegans. Storage method: in a dry and dark place, at a temperature of up to 25°C. Warning: People who take medication or suffer from some disease should consult a doctor before taking it. Method of storage: Store in closed packaging at room temperature. The shelf life is indicated on the packaging. Package of 100 pieces. capsule. Warning: All information on this website is informative and as such cannot replace the advice and diagnosis of a doctor. They are also not intended for diagnosis or treatment. Product action descriptions are taken from traditional recipes and uses.
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