Several possible causes?

Depression, anxiety, sensitivity, chronic fatigue, poor tolerance to stress, nervous exhaustion, reluctance, insomnia, panic attacks, inability to relax, or diseases caused by problems with immunity.
Then, tightening of the stomach muscles which causes nausea or problems with food digestion, increased blood pressure, sweating of the palms, tics, teeth grinding, shivering even though it is not cold, tension in the muscles, especially in the shoulders, then, poor concentration, inability to remember information, negative thoughts, loss of sense of humor,
such people normally seek to be liked, a critical attitude towards others, or aloofness.

- Here are a few of the many possible causes: deadlines at work, pressures, problems at home and at work, commotion, noise, pain, congestion in traffic, too high or too low temperatures, excessive work, lack of sleep, alcohol, tobacco, too much care…
Research shows that stress is a very significant factor in 80% the most common diseases, such as cancer, back pain, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin and infectious diseases. Adrenal glands are particularly affected by stress. The result is a weaker immunity to cancer and infections, as well as disorders of the functions of the entire endocrine system.
All people experience stress at times. However, the problem is if it occurs very often; long-term stress exhausts the body. Some people handle stress better than others. They are the only ones who love to work in the emergency service and barely
they are waiting for a case to appear for urgent hospital intervention. Unlike those, there are those who cannot stand it and recover throughout the year.


What are the solutions and reliefs?

Find the causes of the problem and solve them. Problems are like walls: you can try to go through them, go around them, or jump over them. You are past the problem if you eliminate it. You can also overcome it if you find a way around it and then do the right thing. And you have bypassed it if you have learned to live with it without solving it. Immediately stop thinking about him and turn to other things, think positively in every situation. Try it
see the good sides in things around you and learn to use them in the best way. Look at them as an interesting problem-solving challenge. Have confidence in God, that he will help you solve every crisis and endure to the end.
- don't think about problems, think about something else. That way your brain will rest and your emotions will calm down. Solutions to problems will come over time.

Consult a friend. If you have problems with your husband, talk to a woman, not a man. The opposite is true for men. The main worries in a person's life are about work, spouse, money, children, deadlines at work
or feeling guilty.

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily escape from a problematic situation, to leave
to calm down. Find time to pray and rest your mind.
– avoid situations that cause tension.
- learn to laugh in front of some problems, and to cry because of others. Both things will
relieve you of tension.
- stretching the muscles improves circulation, which is slowed down by the specific situation you are in
found each other. Your thoughts will be clearer. Massage tense muscles. Relax the jaw and move it left-right. This relaxes the jaw muscle.
– take a warm relaxing bath, so that you can think constructively again.
– go outside and take a walk in the fresh air. Keep your head up, breathe deeply and relax
- wherever you are, deep breathing calms your mind and helps you overcome a crisis.
- rest more. This will strengthen your mind and nerves so that you can deal with problems more easily.
- make peace with those you have hurt.
- a change in diet is necessary in order to restore the immune system. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, especially raw. A diet of 60-70% raw fruits and vegetables will really help you, as will raw seeds or nuts. Be sure to get enough vitamin C through plants. Calcium and magnesium help muscles relax, while B vitamins nourish nerves.
- do not eat a lot of carbohydrates (derived from white flour and sugar) and saturated fat, because they accelerate the burning process. Instead, consume proteins and high-quality oils (such as flax), which burn more slowly. Do not consume coffee, chocolate, strong spices, MSG (monosodium glutamate), artificial sweeteners, tobacco and alcohol.

Help from nature

The following herbs are useful: ginkgo, echinacea, angelica, blueberry, yarrow, catnip, chamomile, hops and valerian.
Take them separately or mix 2-3 types, then make tea from them to drink.
formula Nerves can help you.
– occasionally, but not too often, drink valerian tea. This strong natural herb will alleviate nervous attacks. You can add clove powder or a very small amount of cumin oil to any tea, to get rid of nervousness.
– against tension and anxiety, mix equal amounts of valerian root, ranifolia,
hops, scallops, passion fruit and ginger root.
- against fatigue and nervousness, drink even from chamomile during the day and before going to bed. Even small children can drink this mild tea.
– linden flower tea calms the nerves and facilitates sleep. Siberian ginseng makes it easier to cope with stress, because it strengthens the adrenal glands.

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