THIS HAS AN EFFECT ON THE ORGANISM LIKE EXERCISE AND HEALTHY DIET!' You may not even realize how easy it is to achieve true happiness and reduce stress

This year, 'Random Acts of Kindness Day' falls on a Monday, but the idea behind it is trying to get people to be kind to others every day, CNN writes. In fact, it wants to get people to be 'random acts of kindness activists'. Here's why: Spreading kindness not only helps others feel better, it also […]
Hugs and health

English saying: one apple a day and we don't need a doctor, can be changed to one hug a day and we don't need a doctor. Researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University studied the effect of hugs as a kind of social support, which protects people from stress. In doing so, they discovered that more hugs and better social support [...]