ANEMIA (due to iron deficiency)

HOW TO RECOGNIZE ANEMIA Rapid fatigue, dizziness, headache, rapid pulse, shortness of breath on exertion, pale skin, nails and lips, sensitivity to cold, weak appetite and craving for earth, ice and starch. Other symptoms include: white spots on the tongue, pale tissue under the nails and pale color of the inside of the lower eyelid (when it is lowered). WHAT ARE THE CAUSES […]

PHOBIAS AND PANIC ATTACKS (irrational fear, agorafoibija, klaustrofobija, etc.)

How to recognize a panic attack? Irrational fear of something, incomprehensible to other people. Many call it irrational, involuntary and inappropriate reactions to fear, which generally lead to avoidance of usual places, objects or situations. Symptoms include: tension attacks, panic, dizziness, throat constriction, inability to swallow, muscle twitching, sweating, depression, nausea, obsession, and feeling as if the person is out of […]

Before you continue to consume it, read this text: new studies have confirmed that consumption of cow's milk and dairy products causes dozens of diseases in children and adults

We used to be taught at school that cow's milk is the perfect food for humans, that dairy products are one of the four basic food groups that we should all eat. These products are well 'anchored' as one of the main components of meals in our kindergartens, schools and hospitals, and are accompanied by aggressive marketing slogans such as 'milk is stronger and [...]

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