About 200 products that consumers would never suspect contain ingredients of animal origin are full of pork, no less and no more. Chocolate, chips, biscuits, beer, chewing gum, yogurt, toothpaste, have the label E474 on the packaging, which is actually processed lard.

The question is whether vegetarians, Muslims and Jews would eat a chocolate biscuit or use toothpaste and makeup if they knew that these products contained pork.

Almost 200 of the most diverse products contain fats, enzymes, gelatins and other products that are created in laboratories after the processing of pork products.

On the labels of these foods, these products are usually listed under mysterious E-labels.

Many of them contain emulsifiers, i.e. flavor enhancers and preservatives of pig origin.

It is nothing new, but the problem is that many people are not familiar with it.


Research has shown that pork products are even found in some chewing gums, juices and biscuits. They contain the emulsifier E474, which is actually pork fat or the juices of ground insects. This emulsifier is also found in chips, smokey cookies, milk spreads, ice cream, pastries and many other products.

The public was most shocked by the fact that the tobacco industry uses pig hemoglobin to make cigarette filters.

Even ammunition contains lard. Oil with 13 percent pork fat is used to preserve gunpowder.


There are certificates on food packaging, specifically for Muslims it is a Halal certificate, and for Jews it is a kosher certificate.

Gelatin is made from pork and beef bones and skin.
It is known that the emulsifiers E-441, E-542, E-471, E-472 and E-921 can contain pork ingredients, but I did not know about this E-474. The problem is that they do not write all the ingredients on the products (this should be regulated by law).

"The question is whether vegetarians, Muslims and Jews would eat chocolate chip cookies or use toothpaste and makeup if they knew that these products contained pork."


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