A doctor from the United Kingdom Karan Raj he discovered what can be found in ground coffee and horrified many, he writes Metro.
Namely, he discovered that there is a possibility that our ground coffee includes a small percentage of cockroaches and pieces of other insects. This is not done on purpose or for taste, but these insects accidentally find themselves in the coffee bags.
The US Food and Drug Administration conducted studies that showed that up to 10 percent of coffee beans become infected with cockroaches and other insects. Machines for roasting and grinding coffee are not able to fully process them, so the insects are just roasted and ground into beans. This agency allows a certain amount of insect parts in our food as long as it does not exceed a certain percentage.
Limit values for biological impurities have not been prescribed in Croatia for now, nor are such food tests mandatory, it says Bioinstitut.hr.
"Ground coffee as you get in most stores contains a certain amount of cockroaches. Usually, this cannot be completely prevented. So they are just roasted and ground with coffee beans. Most food authorities allow a certain percentage of insect parts in our food. If you're allergic to cockroaches, I'd stay away from ground coffee," he explained in a video posted on TikTok.
Many were shocked by this knowledge and decided not to consume coffee anymore, he reports Evening paper. “I really shouldn't have known this! I drink coffee every day, you ruined my morning ritual", is just one of many comments.
If you decide to stop drinking coffee, you may get headaches, in order to reduce your headaches, you should drink enough pure still water throughout the day (not once). To calculate how many at least daily fluids need to be administered, your body weight divided from thirty (kg of body weight : 30, and this is at least). For example, if you have 60 kg : 30 = 2 l. So, all day long you should to drink at least 2 liters of water.
When you stop drinking coffee, you can drink grain coffee (divka, bianka...)
You can read more about coffee HERE
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504