By Tiffany Lo November 20, 2019

Zhu Zhong-Fa from China's Zhejiang province recalled that he started suffering headaches and seizures after eating a 'Chinese hot pot' meal, but waited a month to see a doctor

The man complained of constant headaches and seizures - it was discovered that he had more than 700 pork tapeworms in his body.

Zhu Zhong-Fa, 43, from Hangzhou in eastern China, was confused after the symptoms lasted for more than a month. He decided to seek help from a doctor at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Dr Wang Jian-Rong from the Infectious Diseases Department examined him and diagnosed him with taeniasis, finding over 700 tapeworms throughout his body. Pork tapeworm, known in medical terminology as Taenia solium, is usually acquired by consuming tapeworm eggs found in pork meat.

Dr Wang said on video sharing platform 'Pear': “There are multiple presence of lesions occupying space in the patient's brain. They were discovered both in the lungs and within the muscles in the chest cavity." He added that the infections had already "caused damage" to the patient's organs. According to the World Health Organization, when the tapeworm eggs enter the central nervous system, they can cause the patient neurological symptoms, including epileptic seizures.

Fortunately, taeniasis can be eliminated from the body by working on bowel cleansing and strengthening the immune system (you can read more about it here). Echinacea plus and Super vitamin c), cleaning may take longer depending on the severity of the infection.

Mr. Zhu said he remembers eating a meal from a Chinese so-called restaurant a month ago. of a 'hot pot' and that he may not have cooked the meat well. Dr Wang explained: “We usually have a lot of meat meals in our daily life, such as roast lamb and roast pork. If the heat treatment is not thorough and if it does not last long enough, the eggs of the tapeworm remain alive and this is how humans introduce them into the body. If you have eaten uncooked meat, there is a chance that tapeworms settle in the body and cause various diseases."

dr. Wang shows the tapeworms living in the patient's brain.

The ban on pork goes back a long way.

Pigs were considered pagan by the Phoenicians, Ethiopians, and Ancient Egyptians, and for the Hebrews, pig meat is disgusting, the pig is a symbol of dirt and mischief. How much wisdom there is in not consuming this meat will be clearer when we list only some of the causes of serious diseases, whose carrier is a pig.

Out of all the domestic animals, the pig is the only one with fangs, which makes it an animal, and because of its specific smell, the meat of the animal rarely takes part in the human diet. The pig is the only one of the domestic animals that eats excrement and lies in it with pleasure. It is the only domestic animal. it eats its young and attacks human offspring. It feeds on carrion, even those in the decaying phase, like a hyena.

Due to his lifestyle and diet, he is a carrier of many infectious diseases. This is why the meat and fat of these animals is of poor quality, difficult to digest and dangerous for health.

Realizing all of the above, in many developed countries of the West, pork products are reduced to a minimum in everyday use. They are in mass use only where primitivism, lack of education, ignorance and hunger reign.


Trichinosis is a disease caused by the trichina worm, and most often it breaks out as an epidemic. Its connection with pigs, like the plague's connection with rats, has been known to people for thousands of years.

No one is immune to this disease.

Fully grown worms are about 3.17 mm long and about 0.063 mm wide.

They remain alive in humans for about 40 years or more, rolled up in tiny round capsules between muscle fibers.

When infected meat is eaten, these dormant capsules with worms are digested in the intestines. Their contents grow into full-sized worms, each of which has about 1,500 young. They enter the blood in three weeks, after their parents are eaten.

Diagnosis is very difficult, since the symptoms can be similar to the symptoms of fifty other diseases.

Adult worms are now present in the intestines of humans. After mating, the female produces larvae that enter the blood vessels, to be distributed to all parts of the body.

These motile larvae can attack skeletal muscles, brain, bone marrow, retina and lungs. With severe infection, death can occur in the second or third week, and more often in the fourth, fifth or sixth.

Any prognosis for recovery varies with the location and number of larvae, the severity of symptoms and the physical condition of the patient.

It is significant to note that from the time of God's revelation to the children of Israel until today, medical science has not had any cure for patients with trichinosis.

Treatment consists of alleviating the symptoms caused by the worms, not killing the worms.

Ordinary methods of smoking and salting meat do not kill worms.

Balantidium coli

is a parasite that is a normal inhabitant of pig intestines. It is excreted in feces. If it reaches humans, it can cause serious clinical symptoms - it causes incurable dysentery. The symptoms of dysentery are extremely severe and can end tragically.

Unfortunately, to date there is no specific treatment for dysentery caused by Balantidium coli.


Young worms of this disease enter the human skin through wounds or piercing it. Pigs eat human excrement that contains parasite eggs, and they develop into young worms. Once outside, they become contagious to humans. Encyclopedia Britannica says: “A hookworm is a parasitic roundworm. There are two parasites: Ancylostoma duodenale and nestor americanus.

Hookworm disease is a scourge of tropical climates, and results in an anemic emaciated population. Anemia is caused by the fact that adult worms suck blood from the intestine, which helps to inflame the intestines. One duodenale can take an average of one cubic cm of blood per day. As a bloodsucker, americanus is 4/5 less effective.

Symptoms are: pale skin, fluid retention in the face and limbs, constipation alternating with diarrhea, abdominal tenderness, increased appetite for coarse food or unusual substances, sexual disorder (delayed puberty, impotence, irregular menstruation), stunted growth, cardiac weakness, palpitations, fatigue, numbness, apathy...


A parasite that lives in the lungs of pigs. It was discovered by Dr. Mason 1880. It is widespread and causes pneumonia in pigs. There is still no way to kill the parasite in the tissue, nor has anyone found a method to expel it. The result of infection is jaundice.

Clonorsis sinesis

It was discovered by Cobbold in 1875 and Loos in 1907. It causes liver and breast diseases. If this parasite is present in the lungs, it can cause their inflammation, and if it is in the intestines, it causes blockage or acute pancreatitis.


Then there is clonorchiasis, a special liver disease. The liver becomes enlarged, accompanied by severe jaundice, diarrhea and weight loss - it can end in death. Medicine is powerless. Complications of the disease are stone formation and cancer.


This disease is caused by the germ Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. This disease has an acute and chronic form. Symptoms of the acute form are mainly high fever, reduced activity and appetite.

It usually leads to death quickly. The chronic form leads to peeling of the skin, and there is subsequent damage to the connecting surfaces and heart valves, which can cause sudden death.

This bacterium can survive in the soil for a long time, and it is found in the bodies of 30% all "healthy" pigs. Thus eradication is impossible.

In addition to the above, pigs are carriers of the following parasites (about 70 in total):

– tapeworm – Taenia solium

- oblic - human worm

– brucellosis

– endemic haemptysis

It is not known that any animal carries as many "death bombs" as a pig. Today, all pig farms rest on the so-called "hygienic grounds."

However, the result is the same as it was centuries earlier.

In the Torah, pork is forbidden in Leviticus (11:7,8) and in Deuteronomy (14:8,12).

Everything that applies to the Hebrews on the basis of the Torah, also applies to Christians on the basis of the Gospel.

Everything that the Old Testament teaches, Jesus Christ also taught.

He says in clear words that the laws of the Old Testament must be respected without any change: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the prophets. I did not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them." (Matthew, 5:17,19).

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