Dr. Schulze says that: "Almost every client who came to me had constipation (one or no stools every day). Many of them had no idea and thought that a couple of bowel movements a week was something abnormal but acceptable. Although they were not currently constipated, due to what they had eaten in the past or their lack of exercise, they had accumulated years, usually decades, of old poison in their bodies. Much more often it happened in their colon. Even though the poisons weren't broken down in the colon alone, they were in their fat, muscle, liver, blood, lymphatic system, or elsewhere, it would still end up as waste at the end of the colon and be expelled through the colon, so that in the same way, colon cleansing is necessary to begin recovery.
When your colon has retained and accumulated old fecal waste in it, it can be slowly reabsorbed into your body. At the very least, this will cause irritation or infection in your intestines (diverticulitis, diverticulosis) which, according to medical reports, almost every American has or will eventually get. Even worse, this irritation or infection from retained fecal waste causes an overload and weakening of the immune system, and this simply affects the weakening of your immune system's response and ability to heal other diseases that you would detect.
If you need a library in the bathroom, or a pile of magazines, then you have constipation. If you drink coffee and then stop, it is possible that you will temporarily stop your bowel movements, but don't get excited, it is good to get off the coffee as soon as possible, and the bowels will work.
This large amount of excrement had been in the client for many years. Food without fiber in the form of animal products and refined flour enters your intestines. Due to constipation and loose stools, it cannot be expelled completely. The remains stick to the intestinal walls. That's why in this picture the poop has the shape of the inside of the human intestines, including the folds of the colon and the poison pockets.
This process can take decades, just as an old steel water pipe accumulates corrosion over the years and its inner diameter begins to shrink. Constipation is a progressive disease where you end up with a complete blockage of your intestines, often leading to cancer and death. I have seen this type of fecal structure expelled by many chronically constipated clients in my clinic before their first bowel cleansing program. It was often necessary to do this program four or five times, as in the case of this man. Now this man is well and healthy, and his lower abdomen, which had been bloated for years, is now flat. I estimated that this was a fecal structure that had been accumulating for 10 or 15 years.
Even if you are one of the lucky ones who has a completely clean bowel, when you start working
any body cleansing program, your body begins to expel the vast majority of the toxins that you have begun to cleanse into your colon. This can be through your liver, cleaning old toxins from your blood, or fat, which your liver will dump into your colon. If you are cleansing toxins from fat and tissues, which have retained old toxins and waste materials, this will also be dumped into the intestines. No matter where the toxins and waste materials are in your body and no matter how much your body cleans them, it will all go into your digestive and excretory system, and will be expelled through your colon.
For this reason, one of the first steps in any recovery from illness or health promotion program must be to stimulate, cleanse, flush, soothe and empty the bowels. This is the reason why every client of mine stimulated the work of the intestines with herbs, so that the intestines would work not only as usual, but phenomenally, that the intestines would regularly do their work at least twice a day, if not three times".
How to recognize that something is wrong with the chair?
The stool is firm, dry and the bowel is emptied less often. Colon emptying is difficult.
Other symptoms potentially include: stomach discomfort, lack of energy, poor appetite, severe headache and back pain.
How does constipation occur?
"constipation" translated from Latin means "accumulated". The bowels should be emptied every day, ideally after every main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). If this does not happen, waste products move slowly through the colon, excretion becomes painful, and toxins are reabsorbed into the body, further burdening the liver and kidneys. All waste products should be expelled from the body within 18-24 hours.
Numerous problems are partially caused by constipation: bad breath, body odor, depression, appendicitis, fatigue, gas, headache, hernia, indigestion, malabsorption, varicose veins, increased body weight, insomnia and tongue diseases. Toxins, which are reabsorbed from the intestines, can also cause: migraine, chronic bloating and gas, thyroid problems, meningitis, myasthenia gravis.
Constipation is more common in pregnant women. Older people are often constipated because they don't drink enough water. The same thing happens to people who have problems with their spine, due to damage to certain nerves. If constipation is a frequent occurrence, there is always the possibility of cancer or some other intestinal disease. Other symptoms of colon cancer are: severe cramps, bloody stool, sensitive and enlarged stomach and very thin feces. However, cancer can be present even when there are no symptoms. If diarrhea and constipation alternate, it may be irritable bowel syndrome.
Can nature help us?
The most important thing is to start eating more fiber every day, drink more water and be physically active, especially outside, because of the fresh air. Avoid toxic substances and emotional excitement. Relax. Take time to help other people.
This method has proven quite good to get your bowels working:
As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink warm spring water, little by little. They should drink one liter of water before breakfast. If you stick to this advice, your bowels will soon be working. A good start to an even better day. After breakfast, and every meal, take a short walk outside (or more). Breathe deeply. The higher the amount of fiber you ingest, the bigger and softer the stool. Squeeze a lemon into 240 ml of warm water and drink it in the morning as soon as you get up.
Eat less food at each meal. Eat plums or figs. Drink plum juice. Flaxseed meal is also useful. Both soften the stool. Plantain seeds are also good, but swallow them immediately with a full glass of water (before they harden).
Beta-carotene via carrot juice maintains the health of the intestinal mucosa.
Babies rarely have problems with constipation if their mothers regularly consume fiber. Licorice root tea is good for constipated babies.
Weak chamomile tea can be drunk. Chopped fennel seeds will eliminate spasmodic reactions to stronger muscle stimulation in the colon, like senna. Stimulant plants contain enough anthraquinones, which can stimulate muscle movements in the intestines.
One of the best formulas that stimulate muscle movements also has other herbs that have a mild effect to calm the intestines and moisten them. More about the formula Intestines 1 you can look HERE. When necessary, use a cleansing enema to relieve the burden on the intestines. However, a better solution is not to rely on enemas. A low cold enema removes the laxative habit (enema addiction).
For fast action, drink a large glass of water every half hour, until the bowels work.
Salt water in the morning on an empty stomach is great for emptying the bowels that are not lazy. One soup spoon of sea salt (exclusively salt flower) and one squeezed lemon are mixed in one liter of hot water. It should be drunk within 3-10 minutes. The best herbal formula to relieve constipation is formula Intestines 1.
What should be avoided?
Avoid concentrated foods, such as meat, sugar and cheese, as they cause constipation. Dairy products, carbonated drinks, white flour,
salt, caffeine, alcohol, refined and sweet refined food should not be consumed if you want to help yourself. Find herbal substitutes.
Iron supplements in pills cause constipation, as do pain relievers and antidepressants.
Constipation sometimes causes sensitivity to certain foods. Most often, we are talking about milk, eggs, chocolate, meat. Some people get constipated from consuming large amounts of milk. If you are prone to constipation, do not use too much salt. Uniform food (only milk or only greens, etc.).
Increasing peristaltic activity - Drink 2.5 dcl to half a liter of cold water before breakfast. Increase fiber intake and
eat as much fruit as you like (especially apples, oranges and figs, as well as bran cakes, instead of fiber-free foods). Low cold enema,
gradual enema, the warmest poultice on the liver 2 times a day, with a heated poultice between applications. Warm abdominal wrap in the evening, stomach massage, cold fan shower on the stomach, cold jet shower on the spine, cold shower on the soles of the feet for 1-3 minutes, cold rubbing sitz bath at 21-24 degrees for 5-20 minutes. Do not completely empty the colon, but use low cold enemas, not large amounts of hot water, except when necessary: in cases of auto-intoxication or removal of hardened and compacted faeces. If necessary, insert (as deep as possible) a small gauze, cotton wool soaked in linseed oil into the rectum. Do this at night or before breakfast, until the next bowel movement.
Increase in activity of red glands
2.5 dcl up to half a liter of water before going to bed is inserted through an enema and kept during the night. Stomach massage and warm abdominal wrap without plastic material.
Removal of accumulated feces
High (basic) warm enema or colon enema with warm water, neutral enema, injection of oil (via enema, left overnight). It is applied until the intestines are completely emptied; after that add 2.5 dcl of water at 21-24 degrees, to calm the intestines.
Slowness of the colon
Gradual enema, cold fan shower on the stomach and part of the spine in line with it, cold liquid foot bath, cold rubbing sitz bath, warm abdominal wrap without plastic material that is changed every 4 hours.
Strengthening of stomach muscles
Cold fan shower (spray), cold shower for the soles, jet shower on the stomach, cold abdominal compress that is changed every 4 hours without impermeable material. Massage and special exercises, especially lifting the head and lifting the legs from a lying position, on the back.
Return the distended intestines to their position, strengthen the stomach muscles as described above, correct sitting position, belt
for the stomach.
Long-lasting cold following bath, cool anal shower, cold compress on the anus region, low cold enema. If inflammation is present, rest in bed. Hot packs on the gluteus, followed by a cold pack. Application of hot compresses is repeated every 3 hours.
1) if it is due to fistula: application of warm water, sitting above warm steam
2) if it is due to an irritated rectum: enema with warm water
3) if it is due to stomach pain: drainage compress, drainage shower, warm enema at 43 degrees, followed by a low cool enema and drainage sitz bath.
Alleviating spasm of the muscle sphincter
Long-term neutral or warm sitz bath, warm water enema, hot water enema and warm hot compresses on the gluteus (buttocks).
Restore the sensitivity of the rectum
Enema with alternating hot and cold water, cold shower on the lower back and gluteus, shallow cold sitting
bath, cold anal douche, alternating anal douche.
Never use sweating methods, as they can cause constipation. Also, don't apply too hot
poultices and warm enemas. If the enema is applied every day, the temperature of the last enema must be 18-24 degrees, in order to have a tonic (invigorating) effect. Be sure to consult your doctor before receiving any treatment.
General methods
Each case must be studied separately and the cause or causes of the problem must be found in each case. The most important cases are the following:
an atonic state of the intestines due to disturbed or defective innervation, reduced excretion from the intestines or abnormal absorption of intestinal secretions, which leads to the formation of unusually dry and solid faecal mass, sluggishness of the large intestine, which enables the accumulation, relaxation and weakening of the stomach muscles with reduced intra-abdominal tension, hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum, prolapse of the large intestine from the inside of the stomach, loss of normal sensitivity of the rectum and spasms of the anal muscle sphincter.