The intention of this text is not to beautify, nor to increase or decrease the evil that is being produced in the world.but in order to reveal the truth that has been hidden and covered up for years. He who is afraid of the truth still has it time to stop reading this disturbing text. But he who is not afraid of the truth, he will will open his eyes and maybe he will make a big decision for himself with which he will save no only your skin, but also your soul.

It is not my intention to divide people into those who eat this food or those who eat that food. Each of us humans thinks for ourselves and with our own free will. I hope so each of us has the power to make good decisions in our own lives and apply them according to our own consciousness and conscience.

Please, carefully analyze the facts, and then let everyone make their own decision

Once upon a time, the Persian emperor Darius decided to carry out an experiment that he would graphically present rootedness of human customs and traditions. He first invited a group of Greeks to his court. Asked them is: "Here, I will give you whatever you want, if you eat your parents when they die?" The Greeks were horrified. Of course, there was no price for which they would do something so disgusting. Darius then called one an Indian people from the Halatia tribe. They had a custom, when their parents died, their bodies without any leftovers to eat. Darije gave them a slightly different offer: "You will get a hundred from me today whatever your heart desires, if you burn or bury your parents when they die." People from the Halatijia tribe they got angry and ran away. There was no price for them to deviate even a little from their code behavior. Because it is not easy, if at all possible, to speak the truth and fully understand it from the other side coast. That is why I would ask the readers of this text not to vote for and against, and not to divide into two camp. Customs, religion and culture are so deeply rooted in us that it is not easy at all on its own to create a distance with oneself and free oneself from the shadows of one's tribe in favor of universal ones values.

But Herod's story and Darius's experiment did not end there. It's no accident, Herod wrote down this unusual experiment. Because this image today, in our modern and advanced world, realizes precisely in its most disgusting form. People forced livestock to feed on the dead animals. And then we eat those same cattle, those lesinars. Cattle have become processing factories crkotin and corpses. That's how we got meat that just looks like meat, but it's not meat. It's meat a mixture of rot from all kinds of corpses and corpses, antibiotics, hormones, poisons, viruses, bacteria, prion, dioxin. If today we feed animals with scraps from various sick and dead people animal, it is clear that we also eat those same half-decayed corpses. Today we eat croktine, i their blood and their fat, and all the nasties that result from the natural process of decomposition.


I'm deliberately emphasizing "dead meat" here, because that meat is really dead. You never know from how many carcasses of dead animals, and how many times a piece that looks like meat, was really dead and on the way to decomposition, on the way to your table. The second aspect is, when they kill the animal, the first the disintegration phase starts already in the first 3 minutes after the last exhalation and up to the next 8 hours, when all the tissues begin to break down. After 8 hours, the whole organism begins to decompose. It's interesting how the very cells of the dead animal release toxins and proteins that destroy it itself. Then they come rotting bacteria from outside and one corpse begins to rot in sync, both outside and inside. Nor nature, and since most of you are religious I'm talking - and neither is God - they did not foresee that les or les u after decomposition, it enters the food chain again. That's why most people are happy when they see fresh meat. And uneducated people know that the sooner the animal is slaughtered, the healthier the meat. The problem is that it is already very long dead and who knows how many times dead. But we don't know that. Regardless of the literal death burdened piece of meat, it is also the carrier of most diseases or their causes, such as: cancer (here
I mean many viruses, retro-viruses, adeno-viruses, papilloma-viruses), hepatitis, AIDS, Kreuzfeld-Jakob disease, Alzheimer's disease and various others. A newer one the study showed that various cancer causative agents (viruses, toxins, mutagens) are found in different human and animal tissues on average from 10-100%! The causative agents of tuberculosis are found in the percentage from 5-50%, depending on the type and climate where we live. The AIDS virus (HIV) did not get on this list by chance. Today, the scientific community has accepted the thesis of how is the ancestor of AIDS, a virus that exists in some monkeys in equatorial Africa, and is very similar AIDS virus. It is interesting that monkeys do not get sick from their AIDS virus. However, the profession today knows that the AIDS virus in humans was created by consuming the flesh of these infected monkeys, completely soaked in infected blood, lying on someone's desk. Apparently, AIDS virus, HIV1 and BSE are completely new diseases created by the violation of natural laws by man.


This last group of diseases is caused by prions. What are prions? Stanley Prusiner received the Nobel Prize a few years ago for the discovery of prions. He says that prions are in fact infectious proteins, autonomous infectious particles, autonomous in the sense that they are able to cause disease by themselves and be transmitted from one organism to another. That was sensational, because until just a few years ago, no one had any idea that a single protein could be the cause of an infection by itself, and in the case of BSE, the cause of the literal disintegration of the brain. A degenerate protein, a prion from a sick cow or sheep or goat, causes subacute inflammation of the brain, a spongy decomposition of the brain substance, where the brain is physically destroyed. Holes appear in places where the disease has affected the brain, so macroscopically the brain looks like a sponge. That is why the disease was named Bovine spongiform encephalophatie - BSE. In humans, BSE causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, kuru disease and most likely Alzheimer's disease.
In sheep, a similar thing is called "scrapie", and in mice and rats, a similar prion disease is called "mink". It seems that all the animals that were fed "Crkotina flour" (bone meal or mixture) are also sick with BSE. This includes even wild animals and animals on hunting grounds such as deer and roe deer. It is especially necessary to be careful when eating animals that are killed quickly, go to slaughter quickly, because due to the relatively long incubation period of BSE, they do not experience their disease, but that does not mean that they are less sick. For example, pigs do not live to be a year old, and the incubation period is two to forty years. So, if we feed a pig with crkotina flour, it is quite clear that it will be sick as well as the other thirty animal species in which a similar BSE clinical picture has already been seen. It's only a matter of days, as well as the ability of livestock farmers to cheat all over the world's markets, when a pig will announce the evening television news. Because the pig brain is the richest in prions of all animal brains. When there is a new test that will be able to identify the disease at an earlier stage, we will face new unpleasant surprises.
I think that this is where Darius's experiment from the beginning of this lecture continues. It seems that the BSE story began in 1736 on the island of New Guinea. He was there for centuries rooted cannibalism. People ate other people. In the eastern parts of New Guinea there are people ritually ate human brains, eyes and other body parts. They believed that he would be smarter, that he would to enrich with all the virtues of the dead or murdered person who was just being placed in the pot. They thought they would thus multiplying their knowledge, intelligence and awareness. However, the opposite happened. It happened
unstoppable destruction of the brain leading to dementia, that is, madness and death. Complete Tribes, around 200 people each fell ill with an unusual disease that they themselves called "kura", which means "laughing death", because patients often fell into an inexplicable trance of laughter. The chicken is over eradicated these cannibals. At that time, of course, it was not known what caused the disease. For example, one a 7-year-old boy who ate human brains died in 3 months. Grandfather who took care of him fell ill with the same disease, but was in somewhat better condition, because incubation in adults seems to last
something longer. This disease triggers aggressiveness, causes motor outbursts, loss of balance (these disorders are similar in almost all species infected with BSE, in its final stage). People experience uncontrolled attacks of aggression, deep depressive or euphoric states which often lead to suicide. Some people committed suicide by jumping into the abyss. Of course, nobody buried those people. And down there, in the valleys, sheep grazed. Scientists aren't sure yet, but they are believes that the sheep got infected by grazing the grass near the corpses. Sheep, of course, did not eat human flesh. And then, in the 1730s, the European colonizers of New Guinea transferred Guinean good sheep to Europe. In Ireland, these sheep were crossed in order to get an even better breed. A whole generation is like that a sheep suddenly fell ill with a mysterious disease. There was a break until the middle of the last century, when another plague of sheep happened again.
About twenty years ago, Harold Wilson, then Prime Minister of England, decided to sick sheep are killed and processed into so-called animal feed or bone meal or crcotin meal, and return to the food chain again. The moment came when there was no forgiveness. Why? People in In England and Ireland, they processed the corpses of dead sheep. And a little later, not only sheep and cattle, but and every other sick or dead animal. The callous meat industry is not only that she literally walked over corpses to profit, but she also made people eat those corpses. Here it really is asks the question - how to save the goat and how to save the soul?
Animal or livestock (bone) meal is so called not because it is intended for feeding animals, but because it is made from animal corpses. It is "flour" from animals, not animal flour. Therefore, "cattle flour" does not mean flour for cattle, but flour from cattle. It's not a coincidence either this flour is given such an obscure name. That's why, just for the sake of clarity, I'll call him in the following text "Crkotin flour".
The question arises - is what people call meat and what they eat really meat? It must be admitted that from the outside it really looks like meat, but inside there is more than just meat. Producers of "meat" have been deceiving the people for years without interference from the government, in order to make a profit. It's money was in the background of this whole story. The goal was to create adult cattle ready for slaughter, within 6 months instead of two years. The only way to achieve this is to give the animal ready animal proteins as food. And indeed, the cattle grew in 6 months to their normal size reach in two years. Cattle that ate exclusively plant food for thousands of years were gaining ground food from dead animals. According to German law, if a cattle or sheep dies, it must not be buried or burned. A veterinarian must be brought in, a fee must be paid, and the animal is taken takes to factories that grind corpses. Blood, fat, bones, everything is ground together. Likewise, if in a crocodile or some other animal dies in the zoo, it ends up in the same place. All dogs and cats that are killed due to illness, old age or aggressiveness also end up in these factories. Then it is this ground mixture is boiled in large cauldrons to destroy microorganisms. It is cooked on
at a temperature of 121 C, under a pressure of 3 bar, and then processed. That's how you get animal or "Crkotin flour".
Everyone was convinced that this process was sufficient to destroy all disease-causing agents from these corpses. Me today we know that this is not true. Prions cannot be destroyed even at 1000 C! Cattle that were BSE positive ones were burned at 1000 C, and in the ashes of these animals there were still active causes of this diseases! So, cooking does not help, baking does not help. There is a hypothesis that high temperature makes these degenerate prions even more dangerous.
What does the prion path look like from the mouth to the brain? Everyone who studied physiology 10-15 years ago believed it are how food is broken down in the body into amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids, etc. However, this is not so. There is one part that is resistant to all gastric juices, so it reaches the intestines undigested. In the intestinal mucosa there are transporters that actively take up complete DNA, complete RNA, and peptides, and probably whole proteins! Via the portal vein they travel to the liver, they are partially metabolized in the liver, so they spread throughout the body from the liver. Some are like that stubborn to reach distant tissues and organs, such as the brain or bone marrow, untouched. Chman forced animals that never ate meat to become cannibals. Maybe someone will have a cow time to refuse this food, but when nothing else is given to her, she will start eating. This perverse story means that the proteins of all these animal species, and even their hereditary ones
matter, their genes as well as all their diseases, viruses, bacteria, poisons from their corpses, they are collected in one place and mixed there, in order to obtain enriched, high-protein doping food which is then sold expensively not only to "ordinary mortals", but also to athletes and even babies. People who eat meat take prions and all other nasties through the mouth into the stomach. Prions, like most other biological waste is not destroyed by stomach acid. Prions reach the intestines, enter into the bloodstream and reach the brain. We humans have the same proteins in our brains, but they are healthy here. Prions that are introduced into the body through meat are sick. Now something very interesting is happening an unusual process which, at least partially, was first understood by the Nobel laureate Prusiner. That wrong protein –prion is the cause of a crystallization reaction, so that our healthy proteins begin to crystallize, deform in the same way as this imported protein, and settle in the brain, destroying it. So, we can say that he is infectious, and he transmitted the disease, the infection. He is not by himself infectious. His misinformation is infectious and pathogenic. This process takes from 2-40 years, how long is the incubation period, until the first signs of the disease appear.
The initial symptoms of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease are: poor concentration, weakness, disorders vision, speech disorders, loss of balance, and especially motor outbursts (atonia, catatonia). Uncontrolled muscle movements occur, which is why parts of the brain in the zone are especially damaged precentralis, where the motor centers are. In this disease, the precentralis zone is attacked first, as well as cerebellum and elongated part of the spinal cord and eyes. A sick person is very aggressive, a she is a potential suicide if she is physically capable of committing suicide. Deaths are horrible with
polymorphic clinical picture, or classic picture of Kreuzfeld-Jakob disease or chronic form, such as Alzheimer's disease or beta amyloidosis. Symptoms are different, individual. There are people who almost quietly come to the end of their lives and disappear without much drama. But in the terminal stage patients with minor motoric but therefore increased mental outbursts, often alsocommitted suicide. If you ask me about treatment, there is no help for now. The only advice is to watch what you eat.
dr. Robert Elez
We definitely advise you to clean your intestines, because meat and fish are most often found hardened and dried on the lining of the intestines, thus reducing the absorption of nutrients and water. You can read more about bowel cleansing HERE.

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