How to recognize it?

Symptoms vary widely, even among members of the same family. In children and adults, the symptoms can be the same as in all types of anemia: fatigue, feeling faint, pale skin, shortness of breath after slight exertion. There are also "sickle crises", which are explained below.

What are the causes?

The amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells (RBC) decreases, causing their disorder and becoming sickle-shaped, depriving the body of oxygen. People with this condition are more prone to more serious infections, such as pneumonia. It also increases the risk of gall bladder problems, leg ulcers, kidney disease, stroke and miscarriage.
"Sickle crises" occur occasionally, when oddly shaped blood cells begin to collide in small blood vessels, causing a blockage of blood flow to the body's tissues. These crises can be triggered by infections, dehydration, strenuous physical activity or high altitudes. Symptoms are severe pain and swelling around bones and joints, especially hands and feet and in children, then stomach pain, chest pain and shortness of breath. A more intense crisis can have a fatal outcome, so it is better to see a doctor. It is a genetic problem, which most often affects people of African descent. It is less common in people from the Mediterranean area.

Natural solutions

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is necessary for the formation of CKZ. Take foods rich in folic acid, vitamin B6, etc Super food plus  and vitamin E, which you can get through almonds, but buy them in the shell. It is extremely important that you drink sufficient amounts of water (to find out how much liquid you should drink, read HERE), so that you avoid crises and that the blood can flow through the capillaries.

If you have Megaloblastic anemia click HERE

If you have Pernicious Anemia click HERE

If you have iron deficiency anemia, click here HERE


If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504

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