Fatigue quickly, dizziness, headache, rapid pulse, shortness of breath on exertion, pale skin, nails and lips, sensitivity to cold, poor appetite and craving for earth, ice and starch.
Other symptoms include: white spots on the tongue, pale tissue under the nails and pale color of the inside of the lower eyelid (when it is lowered).


There are several types of anemia (ordinary, pernicious, due to lack of folic acid, copper...). This text will deal only with ordinary anemia, which is also the most common type of anemia. Millions of people are anemic. The cause is usually a reduced number of blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. In both cases, an insufficient amount of oxygen circulates in the body. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia; occurs when there is not enough iron in the body. This happens when the body does not absorb enough iron from food, during chronic blood loss, heavy menstruation, due to hemorrhoids or ulcers, diverticular disease, liver damage, surgery, multiple births, during periods of accelerated growth, due to aging, infections, bleeding and lack of some nutrients.

Infants and young children who are fed cow's milk, without minerals and essential fatty acids, are more prone to anemia. In the same position are people who eat poor food and have increased needs for nutrients.
Red blood cells (RBCs) are called erythrocytes; these are tiny discs that are indented on both sides. These cells contain hemoglobin, which is light red in color because it contains iron. About 60-70% of the body's iron is found in hemoglobin (and about 30-35% is stored in the liver). The percentage of CKZ in the blood is called hematocrit. The primary function of CKZ is to transport oxygen to the cells. Beginning at birth, the bone marrow of infants, children, and adults produces red blood cells. With aging, this process slows down. On average, CKZ lives 120 days or less, so the organism must
constantly create new ones.

Anemic people are more prone to sores on the mouth and tongue, generally have poor circulation and feel cold. Accordingly, they need special attention. Of all people with anemia, 20% are women and 50% are children.
The largest number of anemic children are aged between 6 months and 2 years, followed by adolescents (especially girls). Low birth weight infants are at higher risk of anemia. Some children are allergic to cow's milk, and they develop gastric bleeding, which eventually leads to a large loss of blood. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of one do not drink cow's milk. Milk can cause anemia, as it interferes with iron absorption and leads to potential internal bleeding. Some children have a pale face and a dark undertone
eyes, which is not caused by anemia, but by food allergy (especially due to free fats in margarine, mayonnaise, fried food and cooked fats). Women who suffer from menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding) and those who use intrauterine contraceptives are at a higher risk of blood loss. Those who take aspirin and ibuprofen are at the same risk, because they cause blood loss through the walls of the digestive tract.


Stimulation of iron absorption. Broccoli, lettuce and tomatoes help in re-generation of iron.
Avoid spicy food, tea and coffee, as they reduce iron absorption. Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke. Whole grain flour and oatmeal are effective for hemoglobin regeneration. Inactive yeast and wheat germ contain a lot of iron. Also good are: beets, the green part of beets, cabbage, whole grains, barley, peas, seeds, nuts, celery, parsley, cherries, figs, dates and pears. Good sources of iron are: sesame seeds,
sunflower seeds, pistachios and almonds. Vegetables are also good, like chard and kale, but also blueberries, carrots, celery, cranberries, grapes and plums. Plants that are rich in iron: alfalfa, comfrey, dandelion, fenugreek, mullein, nettle, chamomile and raspberry. Our product Iron booster is also excellent, click for more about it HERE. Iron Booster is also a great Super food plus, you can read more about that product HERE. If nothing happens, do it 5 daily bowel cleansing and 5 daily kidney cleansing because they are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Garlic extract has proven to be effective in the treatment of anemia. Sufficient stomach acid is needed to absorb the minerals. If it is not enough, drink lemon juice. Squeeze half a lemon, add the juice to a glass of water and drink before meals. Orange juice increases iron absorption. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C (necessary for iron absorption): citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and broccoli. Drink carrot juice and 1/4 cup of beetroot juice every day. Fresh beetroot juice has been used for years as an effective remedy against anemia. Bananas help a little in the absorption of iron. Raw or lightly steamed green vegetables (or cooked asparagus, beets, broccoli or Brussels sprouts) provide folic acid, which is necessary for iron absorption. Increase your intake of calcium-containing foods (green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, soybeans and sesame seeds).
-Cooking acidic foods (tomatoes, applesauce, etc.) in iron cookware increases the iron content of the food.
Water from deep wells contains more iron than city water. Physical activity stimulates blood formation.
Short cold baths strongly stimulate blood formation and circulation. Cold rubs are a useful way to improve metabolism and circulation. Rosemary increases the level of blood clotting, and is good for heavy bleeding in menorrhagia (heavy menstruation). Canadian Ljutić contains berberine, which calms the muscles of the uterus. To strengthen the liver, so that it absorbs iron better, take tanner, turmeric and sikavica. A healthy liver breaks down estrogen, which is important for preventing anemia, because its excess causes bleeding.



Avoid milk and dairy products, as they reduce the absorption of iron from other foods.
Avoid foods that contain a lot of oxalic acid. The worst are: chocolate, cocoa and carbonated drinks.
Phosphate additives in baked goods, sodas, candy, beer, ice cream, and many packaged foods interfere with iron absorption, just as cadmium from tobacco does. Polyphenols in coffee and tannins in black tea reduce dietary iron absorption by 70%. Many types of drugs destroy vitamin E and cause anemia. Certain insecticides destroy the bone marrow, so that new blood cells are not created. Do not use food additives and artificial sweeteners. Alcoholic drinks and sugar destroy B group vitamins and certain minerals in the body, which can worsen anemia. Products with caffeine (coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks, chocolate, etc.) make iron absorption more difficult.
Taking aspirin causes bleeding in the stomach and loss of iron. It is true that raw animal liver contains a lot of iron; but it also contains a large amount of waste matter, which the animal should have expelled before it was killed.



Get all blood tests done at a private clinic to make sure you have iron deficiency anemia. Too much iron can damage the heart, liver, pancreas and the activity of immune cells, and it is also related to the occurrence of cancer. If you don't need them, don't take them. Ferrosulphate, ferrosulphate and other iron compounds are given against anemia, but they definitely have toxic effects that you should be aware of: they destroy carotenes, vitamins A, C and E; increase the body's need for oxygen and damage unsaturated fatty acids; they damage the liver, especially if the affected person does not have a good appetite and does not eat enough. Ferrosulfate also has a harmful effect on the stomach and lymphatic system, but despite this, it is a species
iron, which is most abundant in multivitamins and dietary supplements. Liquid iron supplements leave stains on the teeth. Iron compounds cause liver damage, miscarriage, premature and late birth. They can also cause defects in newborns. Too much stored iron increases the risk of cancer.
Iron salts taken during pregnancy are particularly dangerous. They can increase the fetus's need for oxygen, cause miscarriage, temporary or delayed birth. Some children have defects or mental deficiencies because their mothers took iron supplements before giving birth. Healthy people do not need iron supplements, because it is already in real food. Iron from unrefined foods is never toxic. Almost all types of iron supplements cause stomach or intestinal irritation.


Stimulating the process of blood formation. Gradual applications of cold water, resting in bed (if you are also pumped, thin), spending time in the fresh air, cold air baths, sun baths, swimming in the sea, massage, oxygen inhalation. Application of cold water is the best method for anemia. Apply it twice a day, carefully
and gradually. Often, excess kilograms and chronic constipation are important factors, for which we suggest the Intestinal Formula #1 in capsules, you can read more about the formula HERE.

If you have Megaloblastic anemia click HERE

If you have Pernicious Anemia click HERE

If you have sickle cell disease, click HERE

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504



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