Can't have a chair?

I believe you take care of your health. The main problem today is prison. 80% of the world population does not have regular stool. The average person deposits five to six kilos of fecal waste in their intestines, which is definitely not healthy.


I had the same problem.

This is not another pill that "works", it is not another "proven" probiotic, it is not starvation with dangerous diets, it is not painful training, hydroclone therapy, it is not a dangerous surgical procedure.

If you want to get rid of constipation completely naturally, simply and quickly - and in the long run - then carefully read this letter to the end, because we have great news for you.


My name is Goran Tamarajanin,

I am 42 years old and have a master's degree in natural medicine and a physiotherapist. For almost 20 years I have fought against the evil attack better known as constipation. Sometimes I didn't go to the toilet for 7 days.

Unfortunately, my struggle was with so few visible results that it can hardly be called a success. And compared to the time and money invested, the result was a devastating zero. Zero that stressed me out every morning when I fly by next to the mirror. I fly by so that I wouldn't get even more annoyed.

In my childhood, I trained in dance, folklore, swimming... I was a real sports kid. I even went to competitions with folklore.

Honestly, I never bothered about my appearance because I was always very satisfied.

Everything was perfect until I got my first job and started working sometimes 10 hours a day, after all, like many of my friends.

With work come problems such as lack of time and opportunities for healthy eating, training, and seemingly unavoidable stress. That small but persistent stress accumulates and builds gradually, so we often don't notice it until something goes wrong.

I remember that night exactly... just when that first icy-long working winter ended. I was drying my hair in the bathroom and getting ready to go out with a certain sympathy. And from the corner of the mirror she saw - it. yes - it.

It what I heard that only some other girls there they have, in some other country or on some other, distant continent, but not here, not my friends, and especially not - I.

Celulit na telu

I almost fainted!

How? Why?

Why and how menu cellulite appeared, and suddenly, unannounced from an ambush.

At the same time, I was not obese at all, on the contrary, I could still gain a few kilos.

I was convinced that only older and "fuller" women have cellulite. Which is actually far from the truth.

Almost all adult women have cellulite in some form (even 98%)! Although that knowledge did not exactly bring me peace of mind.

On the contrary…

I started to look and feel disgusting to myself, somehow EW.

If you have cellulite, you know how it feels. You stop loving your body, yourself, and you notice cellulite more and more. It's ugly to even think about, let alone look at it on his body.

And it's not so much the end of the world when you can hide it, but when spring, then summer starts - instead of being happy and soaking up the sun, I just panicked. And then, as a rule, cellulite only "blooms" with time.

I didn't even want to think about shorter skirts and shorts, sunbathing where someone could see me and similar things. The further away from the world the better.

Suddenly, it seemed like a long time ago when I could frolic carefree in the bathroom. And I took that for granted for years.

I could only envy the girls who therefore looked perfectly toned and tanned and feel even worse. Blessed are they when they have such genetics. I no longer knew whether to blame myself, others, or even evil fate.

It wouldn't have been so terrible if I hadn't posted it war cellulite, and that on all fronts.

When I say "war" it's not a joke, but if you peeked into my bathroom, you'd see full anti-cellulite war equipment falling out of the shelves - everything from light to heavy artillery.

There is nothing I haven't tried from the "easy and fast" methods.

I rubbed myself to everyone with "day" and "night" creams and gels that exist, mud, coffee, clay, scrubs, and even lemon... I slept wrapped in foil like a pancake, trained in anti-cellulite socks, drank more water than would fit in the city's water supply. But that was just the beginning.

I was ideal customer.

Since I no longer knew which cream "worked", I simply bought them all and bought every new and more expensive cream that appeared. When they didn't work (and when they did?), then I assumed that I was "rubbing the wrong way", maybe I should go in the opposite direction, deeper, or a few minutes longer?

I would be lying if there were no results, yes. Just not exactly the ones I wanted.

My skin was smooth, softer and gentler, some of the creams smelled very nice (and some didn't), but the cellulite stuck like German super glue.

The gels tighten the skin for a day or two, but as soon as I stopped applying it, it just returned to the same. Not to mention that my body reacted differently to the creams, with some I only had redness.

To be fair, creams, gels, mud and similar methods may have helped some girls, but in combination with ten other methods, who knows what was the deciding factor - if there was one at all?

After all, do you know a girl who was really helped by such and similar methods?

After countless different preparations, I somehow survived that first cellulite summer. Although mostly hiding the legs and buttocks with a scarf. I'm not used to feeling this way about my body.

I didn't want to be surprised next summer.

Cellulite was still there, it was logical to me that it was better to attack it immediately before it accumulated even more. Since the creams did not do their job, I resorted to more drastic measures.

I showered with warm and then cold water for better circulation, and tried some anti-cellulite baths. But when you turn "white" in winter, cellulite only becomes more visible. I didn't just drink "detox" teas, I also drank them smeared with teas. Not to mention what a procedure and time it is, and it's not really free either.

When that didn't work, I tried various diets - read starvation.

I lived on grapefruit, gave up everything sweet, so at night I got hunger pangs and attacked chewy chocolate bars and secretly ravaged the fridge.

I went from diet to diet that made me gain weight, then lose weight, then gain weight again, and when I lose weight, it always seems that I only have more cellulite. I avoided everything salty, sweet, carbonated, processed, and I no longer knew who to listen to because everyone had other theories.

I have the impression that, in the end, my life came down to the fact that I only think about when, what and how much I ate all day long.

I spent the whole day washing dishes and tidying the kitchen, waiting in lines at markets, just to prepare healthy food myself.

After all, who still has time to count calories their whole life?

I felt every bite the wrong one and when I see someone's look when I put a bite in my mouth "that's why you have cellulite" - I can see what they think in the look.

On one occasion, I literally cried from torture. When I followed a strict diet for over 3 weeks to reduce cellulite... and then gave myself a break one weekend when holidays and celebrations came, one and only weekend to relax a bit and eat what I like... that Monday morning when I stood in front of the mirror... all it came back to me.

All the effort of three weeks of torture thrown out the window as if I had done nothing. I had no more strength.

Of course, I gave up quickly under the stress of work and everything, and I just suddenly gained weight when I saw that it wasn't working, at least as far as cellulite was concerned.

Maybe I I simply couldn't be disciplined enough to see it all off.

I no longer believed in any diet, especially because in addition to gaining weight, stretch marks also began to appear on me from too fast yo-yo reactions.

And not to mention that my colleague (who was also struggling with cellulite, so we constantly exchanged ideas), told me that she started to have hair falls out. So the question was whether all these extreme diets are healthy and safe at all.

That second winter also passed and spring arrived faster than I wanted, and in addition to having enough cellulite "for export", I also had almost ten kilograms more than at the same time last winter.

What to say - and not cry?

Does it really have to be that hard?

That March, I emptied my piggy bank and, on the recommendation of a friend, went for an anti-cellulite massage to "break" cellulite.

After 10 treatments, I had bruises and even more cellulite!

They say it's because the cellulite comes to the surface, but in fact it should more ten treatments... It's an understatement to say that I was disappointed (and my miserable piggy bank wasn't too thrilled either).

They say you need to find a masseuse who "knows", and I'm the lucky one, maybe I just wandered into the wrong salon.

Lest you think that was it, I continued with the good old creams just in case I tried the new ones as well.

But that's why I replaced starving myself with diets with a gym membership and an adorable (but expensive as hell) personal trainer to "fix" me until the summer (but until who summer?).

Life in the gym is great, it's demanding to spend 2 hours a day, but I really felt better and lost a few kilos, and worked I feel that the cellulite has decreased, although it is still visible just enough to not give me peace.

Those were still excellent results, but I guess they were expected - considering that I trained six days a week - three times with a trainer and three times group fitness training.

But constantly I was hungry. And not to say that my life was reduced to house-work-home-training. People forgot that I exist, and in the gym I became part of the inventory!

Just when I was burnt out from such a regime, after the summer, I reduced my training and maintained my weight, but the cellulite was simply indestructible!

My cellulite accumulated more and more seasonally, and in the end it led me to the point where I even went for LPG, cavitation, lymphatic drainage, and even mesotherapy - although I'm scared of needles like the devil.

I did not achieve anything particularly visible. And I'd better not mention how much all these treatments cost.

So in the past almost twenty years, I tried all what is there besides more serious surgery, and I would try that too if I wasn't afraid.

When you struggle with something for so long without success, and invest so much time, sweat, money and hope... you get tired and stop believing in anything.

I had the impression that the more I tried, massaged, watched every bite, lived in the gym, spent on various treatments, the more cellulite I had.

I've already given up on going ever get rid of cellulite.

And I wouldn't even be writing all this now, if it hadn't happened in 2003 miracleMiracle is that I was poisoned by some rotten food and my stomach was in a worse condition than ever.

For 15 days I was bloated like a ball, non-stop - I thought my stomach was going to burst. After, in addition to other tests, they pushed a probe into my intestines (which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy), the doctors concluded that I have Helicobacter pylori, which is additionally dangerous because it normally leads to ulcers.

They prescribed me half a pharmacy, antibiotics and other miracles.

After that traditional Western therapy, the bloating went away, but I had horrible dark circles and, believe it or not, my teeth turned green.

The dentist couldn't believe it because he had never seen anything like it before, he said that the antibiotics were so strong that they completely disrupted my dental flora.

What's worse, in ten days my stomach started to swell again. There were no antibiotics enough strong enough to kill bacteria, but that's why they beat me solidly.

And now you are probably wondering what does all this have to do with cellulite?

There is also how.

Overwhelmed like that, I looked for another, less aggressive, "alternative" solution. And she found him.

Complaining to an acquaintance, luckily for me she knew someone, she recommended me Dr. Gojko Filipović, a man who has a slightly different approach. Exactly what I was looking for. At first I was quite skeptical about everything, because the therapy sounded too simple, non-aggressive and different from conventional methods. I tried because I had nothing left to lose.

In three weeks of completely natural, common sense therapy and natural preparations, my stomach was like new.

After I got better, I followed his recommendations and in a few months my body was as if reborn. With a few small changes in my lifestyle and home recipes, I lost 7 kilograms in three months (who have never returned since). Cellulite was still there, but far less pronounced.

The disease led me to make serious changes, not only in terms of health but also in my way of thinking.

There are other methods for the finished solution every problem (including cellulite)

I no longer believed so blindly in everything that Western medicine and the billboards of big corporations said. Whose goal seems not to be healthy, but to stay sick. It all had such a strong influence on me that I wanted to dedicate myself to it completely.

And with Dr. Filipović, I also achieved business cooperation and started helping people with a different, natural approach together with him. Such as Ayurveda, phytotherapy and other several thousand-year-old treatment methods that have been unfairly given the status of alternative, even though 50 generations have been successfully treated with natural plants and holistic methods. Thus solving the real ones causes of health problems, and not by simply putting out fires and symptoms.

Only on recommendation, we were contacted by people with serious illnesses who really needed help and who had already tried everything else. People written off by western medicine.

They were looking for someone to whom really stopped. And they were just as thrilled with the results as I was.

Many solutions did not exist in pharmacies and could not be purchased, so we were actually forced to start our own production of certain natural preparations in combination with components from all over the world.

Of course, all products are declared and health tested at the Faculty of Pharmacy in the Institute of Bromatology and Institutes for Health Protection of Serbia, and all components and raw materials after preparation and processing are health controlled before entering the final production process of final products.

This is how our team has naturally healed over the past decade several thousand people, and our products have completely turned many people's lives around when nothing else worked.

For years, I continued to study and fight with cellulite and I understood it better the real ones, less known reasons for its origin.

And then last year suddenly all reversed against cellulite, and for my benefit and now for yours.

Since we were constantly searching for the best natural solutions, last year we accidentally discovered a completely different anti-cellulite component.

A component that we have further improved in the meantime and created a complete anti-cellulite formula for maximum results.

I was naturally beaming with excitement, even though it all sounded almost too good to be true. Especially for me, who has already tried everything as far as cellulite is concerned.

We discovered a component that clinical proven to directly affect the factors that lead to of creation cellulite. And which helped me personally to get rid of more cellulite in less than a month than I have succeeded in total in the past 20 years.

The final formula we created had amazing results for me and nearly a hundred of our clients and friends.

Cellulite went away almost as fast as it appeared. And all this without dangerous diets, without creams, without painful training and without expensive treatments.

I only wish I had this formula that night 20 years ago.

Knowing what kind of pain I went through and what other women with cellulite go through. This had to be available to all women.

But before I can tell you exactly what they are, you need to understand what they are real, lesser-known reasons for the appearance of cellulite and why all the popular beliefs about cellulite have led us into a great delusion.

And I believe that what you will find out here will get angry various salons, large corporations and doctors who earn hundreds of millions from liposuction and other treatments. Unfortunately, most of them don't really want to get rid of cellulite at all.

I also understood why we women are not at all to blame for the appearance of cellulite and that, no matter how hard they try - cellulite will always appear again and again unless it is solved with a different approach, from the inside.

I understood why workouts, diets, creams and other treatments were never intended to eliminate cellulite.

And now it's easier than ever, directly attacking the real causes of the creation and blocking rebirth, we can finally say goodbye to cellulite in the long term and live life to the fullest.

What's up real the reason for the appearance of cellulite and why popular methods do not help?

It is scientifically accepted that cellulite is the result of localized metabolic destruction of subcutaneous tissue, including hypertrophy, i.e. enlargement of subcutaneous fat cells and deterioration of connective tissue accompanied by fibrosis.

The constant inflammation caused by the hormonal activities of the menstrual cycle causes the continuous destruction of collagen.

Simply put, cellulite is a connective tissue disorder. During the menstrual cycle, collagen is constantly destroyed.

The organism has renewed itself and wants to compensate for what was lost, which then leads to increased production of collagen and larger fat cells, which then "float to the surface", which is exactly what those bumps on the skin are - cellulite.

What does that even mean?

All we are constantly under different types of stress. The body is afraid of stress and defends itself with different reactions, and one of these reactions is cellulite as a defense mechanism. Cellulite is a mirror, a product of the body as a response to the fear of stress.

Stress is one of the reasons why our grandmothers had less cellulite than the modern woman of the 21st century.

But I'm not stressed, I'm completely relaxed...

You are wrong if you think you are not stressed.

Even if you did tai chi in distant Tibet, without a gram of mental stress, cellulite would appear again (albeit in significantly smaller form) due to regular physical and mechanical stress on the body from the menstrual cycle.

So, the culprit for the appearance of cellulite is psycho-physical stress what the body suffers due to estrogen and the menstrual cycle. That's why most women have cellulite, and few men with excess estrogen.

The first wave of cellulite arises from physical stress that creates the menstrual cycle in the body, the process is then repeated every month, and then that first wave of cellulite further causes emotional and psychological restlessness from which more and more cellulite is created. The vicious cycle of cellulite starts.

We cannot and should not get rid of the menstrual cycle and estrogen.

But today there is finally a way to get rid of their result - psycho-physical stress – who is the main creator and manager Cellulite factories.

With the natural formula we have found, we can stop the destruction of collagen and thus prevent physical stress, and in the same way, double stop psychological stress and thus stop cellulite from all sides at maximum speed.

This is precisely why the effect is so powerful and visible already after 15 days*. And the best thing is, the more cellulite you have - the better the effects!

I know you are impatient, so I won't prolong it any further.

Today I can finally proudly present to you SlimAktiv Pro, anti-cellulite formula in capsules and complete anti-cellulite therapy for long lasting results.

* results may vary from person to person.

YES, the truth is it really WORKS.

Tinctures are natural food supplements. There are several factors that influence the work of the intestines, water, nutrition, physical activity, but this formula stimulates and strengthens the muscle movements of the intestines even without these factors.

WHO are we?

Robert V and Goran U from Split, Croatia. We have been doing this business for 7 years, we started by having the same problems as you, and looking for solutions in pharmacies, various pills, treatments... until we "accidentally came across natural medicine that changed our life by 180 degrees. Since 2014, we have been actively advising people on natural methods of regeneration, detoxification of the organism based on centuries of experience and the work of the world's best experts, such as Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. John R. Christopher. In our practice, we educate people about methods and techniques of self-healing, as well as in health-educational centers BellaVita, Uchee Pines and Back Garden.

 7 years of experience She works with people

3000+ satisfied clients

HUNDREDS of positive experiences

Experiences of people who solved the problem


  • Oral use
  • 100% natural, of plant origin
  • 100% bio-active
  • BSE and GMO free
  • Without gluten, allergens and heavy metals
  • Organically grown plant
  • Clinically proven results
  • FDA approved ingredients
  • Without pesticides, solvents and unwanted effects


  • You will improve circulation

Constipation causes the intestines to swell, and when this happens, it can bruise the lungs, liver, heart and other organs.

  • You will eliminate toxins

You will remove toxins, heavy metals, and some potentially harmful chemical elements from your body that have accumulated over the years due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

  • You will feel more energetic

When you expel kilograms of accumulated feces from your body, you will feel more energetic and lighter.

  • You will also solve other health problems

The first step in the treatment of any disease is cleaning the intestines. Studies show that 80% disease is, among other things, caused by a blocked colon.

If you order now, you get:

Intestine Formula #1 

It comes in a package

Herbal formula to improve bowel function

It strongly encourages regular and complete bowel movements

  • The best colon cleaner on the planet
  • Stimulates and strengthens intestinal muscle movements
  • Cleanse and detoxify your body from accumulated waste
  • IngredientsAloe leaf, Ginger rhizome, Sea buckthorn bark, Garlic clove, Alexandrian hay pod and leaf, hot pepper fruit, Mahogany rhizome,

380 KN 230 KN

Test for 10 days

Test our product, and if it doesn't solve your constipation problem, contact us within 10 days and get a 100% refund. You have absolutely no risk, and imagine what benefits you can get if you buy and what problems you can solve.

Frequently asked questions

Immediately after 1-2 days of use.

Yes of course. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, be physically active and eat a healthy diet. You have detailed information on our blog. But again, we recommend that you take the Intestines #2 formula that flushes out all the accumulated feces from the intestines.

Our product is 100% tested, and if it doesn't work, we'll refund all your money, so you can buy without worry.

With this 5 day colon cleansing program, you should solve many other problems as well. If you want a preparation for something specific, you can find tinctures for immunity, for bile, kidneys, liver and other products on our webshop.


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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