It's important to keep in mind the potential dangers to our families, even as we try to improve our diet and lifestyle. For example, while swimming in a pool may seem harmless and even beneficial for exercise and socialization, research shows that chlorine used to disinfect pools can create harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that can cause DNA damage and increase risk of cancer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chemicals can enter the body in three ways: inhalation, digestion and absorption through the skin. When it comes to swimming, there are all three possibilities. One particular problem associated with swimming in a public or private pool is the use of chlorine. Although chlorine is effective in killing bacteria, it can also cause skin rashes, allergies and lung injuries. In addition, studies have shown that chlorine can react with personal care products on the skin to create harmful chemicals, increasing the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with swimming in a chlorinated pool and take appropriate precautions to minimize exposure.

The use of chlorine in the First World War as a battle poison

Chlorine gas, also known as bertolite, was first used as a weapon in World War I by Germany on April 22, 1915, at the Second Battle of Ypres. As described by the soldiers, it had a characteristic smell of a mixture of pepper and pineapple. It also had a metallic taste and burning in the back of the throat and chest. Chlorine reacts with water in the lining of the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, destructive to living tissue and potentially fatal. The human respiratory system can be protected from chlorine gas with activated carbon gas masks or other filters, making chlorine gas much less lethal than other chemical weapons. It was introduced by the German scientist who later became a Nobel laureate, Fritz Haber of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, in collaboration with the German chemical conglomerate IG Farben, who developed methods to release chlorine gas against an entrenched enemy. After the first use, both sides in the conflict used chlorine as a chemical weapon, but it was soon replaced by the more deadly phosgene and mustard gas. It is very interesting that this information is provided by Wikipedia in Croatia there is none, but we had to take it from the English wikipedia. Source at the end of the publication.

Chlorine can cause serious breathing and eye problems

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that prolonged exposure to chlorine can be a factor in asthma and respiratory diseases. The CDC has also linked it to epiglottitis – a potentially life-threatening inflammatory condition of the lobe at the base of the tongue. This is due to breathing in gas that releases chlorine. We have all "smelled" that chlorine pool aroma. Maybe it even smells clean to us. It turns out that this could lead to respiratory disease or worsen existing respiratory problems. Eye infections are another side effect of chlorinated water. Chlorinated water can easily get into the eyes, especially if someone keeps their eyes open while underwater. But the risks don't end there. Swallowing too much chlorinated water can lead to liver or kidney problems, and the condition worsens. Sodium hypochlorite found in chlorine and other similar compounds can cause liver cancer.

The link between exposure to chlorine and the development of cancer

Water that has been chlorinated has been blamed for causing a higher percentage of skin cancer each year. If exposed to chlorinated water for a long time, the chemical will produce a toxic substance that can cause a rash or other infection on the body. The sun can be pinpointed as the culprit, but chlorine is rarely blamed. Another cancer linked to chlorinated water is colorectal cancer. This can also happen when a person is overexposed to treated water. Trihalomethanes, a byproduct of chlorine, are the main factors in the unrestrained growth of cells inside the colon.

How to protect yourself from the risks associated with chlorine

There are ways to better protect yourself from the harmful effects of toxic chemicals associated with swimming pools, whether public or private. Obviously, the best way would be to avoid them - completely. But for 'pool lovers' - here are some healthy tips:

1. Limit swimming time for you and your family little of olive oil this can prevent the absorption of chlorine through the skin. Pool time can be relaxing and enjoyable, but watch how much time you and your loved ones spend in chlorinated water. Rinse the chlorinated pool water off your body. Make sure you and your family shower before, during and after bathing.

2. Wearing protective glasses can help reduce the intake of chlorine in the eyes and body. They can reduce the chance of eye infections as a result of chlorine. However you view the threat of chlorine, you should understand that taking it is not good. You certainly want family members to enjoy a day at the pool, but they need to be reminded to avoid swallowing chlorinated water. Of course, chlorine in drinking water is a completely different topic, but our best advice would be to use a water purifier (more about it HERE) which removes unwanted toxins from your water with activated charcoal. If you have problems with dry skin, it is because of chlorine, if you want to have normally hydrated skin, drink enough water every day (you can read more about hydration HERE) and install an activated carbon filter on your shower, see more about it HERE.

Unlike seawater, which is salty and immediately unpleasant, some may not see pool water as that different from tap water - which is a big mistake. Let family members know not to swallow pool water. Sphagnum Moss is one of the natural ways to ensure the safety of your family and friends in the family pool. According to David Knighton, a surgeon and founder and CEO of Creative Water Solutions, moss is known to inhibit microbes. The moss was used and tested at the Oxford Community Center in St. Paul, MN. Director Lynn Waldorf says the moss has saved the pool about $35,000 because they use fewer toxic chemicals, and they've also had an increase in revenue because more swimmers are visiting the pool. There are almost always natural solutions to everyday problems. And best of all, there are ways to improve our lifestyle and health without toxic chemicals. Plus, there are no downsides to your quest for optimal health.

To reduce the toxins that surround us, we suggest that you do a detox twice a year (spring and autumn). The first step is to clean the intestines, then the Liver and then the Kidneys. More information HERE.

If you want a professionally guided detox, contact our experienced phytotherapists at 0923527589 or 0996450504.

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