Many people are familiar with black mold and certain fungi, but did you know that exposure to them can have serious side effects – including cancer?
What's more, these mushrooms could be lurking in some common, everyday places that might surprise you.
But now let's focus on the concept of mycotoxins and how these toxins can increase risk of cancer. Mycotoxins are substances produced by the metabolic processes of certain microfungi.
According to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information, the most common forms of mycotoxins relevant to humans and animals are aflatoxin, citrinin, ergot alkaloids, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, patulin, trichothecenes, and zearalenone (ZEA).WARNING: Mycotoxins cause the growth of cancer cells 

Mycotoxins can be extremely harmful to both humans and animals, and some are even classified as carcinogenic. Aflatoxin, for example, is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Therefore, understanding the basics of mycotoxins is essential to protect yourself and your loved ones from the many health risks they pose, including diseases like breast cancer.
Taking precautions to minimize exposure to modern mold toxins, especially given their prevalence in our environment.A striking link between cereal consumption and mycotoxin contamination

Fans of the paleo diet and those who eat gluten-free are well aware of the need to limit the consumption of grain-based food products for the sake of general health.
However, there's another reason to think twice before reaching for that muffin or bowl of tortilla chips.
Some experts say that as much as 50% of food supplies in some parts of the world may be contaminated with highly acidic mycotoxins, especially aflatoxin from grains and other grain products.

More than thirty years ago, mycotoxin contamination associated with Zearalenone, a mold toxin that produces mycoestrogens (a form of xenoestrogens), was found to affect the development of young pigs on a grain-based diet. Among others, symptoms included elevated estrogen levels, decreased libido, uterine tumors, swollen vulvae, and embryonic death.

Link between toxic food and breast cancer discovered

In the famous "Jersey Girl Study", 163 girls aged 9 and 10 in New Jersey, USA, were examined for urinary mycoestrogens. In the study, they found that close to eighty percent of the girls had mycoestrogens in their system - which was caused by a high intake of popcorn and beef. Girls with ZEA were reported to be shorter in their system, and most had not yet reached the beginning of breast development. Unfortunately, a derivative of ZEA, Zeranol (which mimics the natural estrogen estradiol), has been fed to cattle in the US since the 1970s. It is currently banned in the European Union and many other countries (but not in the United States). Another little-known source of mycotoxins from food is coffee. A study by the Swedish Institute of Toxicology found that nearly 50% of brewed commercial coffee they studied were contaminated with ochratoxin A (OA), a deadly mycotoxin that can affect the kidneys, immune system and nervous system and potentially lead to to DNA damage and cancer, including breast cancer.

Is black mold lurking in your home?

The big culprit when it comes to mycotoxins in the home is black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum).
It is estimated that there are more than 45 million buildings in the US that contain unhealthy levels. This means you have a 1 in 3 chance of being exposed every time you move into a new house, apartment or office.
Black mold produces trichothecenes, which favor conditions that are wet, damp, dark and hidden. Homes that have suffered flooding or other types of water damage (such as a drip under the sink) are ideal places for black mold to grow.
Common spaces are inside walls, behind wallpaper, under carpets or inside ceiling panels. Inhalation of black mold is the most common form of human intake and, unfortunately, the most dangerous.
Black mold has an immunosuppressive effect and prolonged exposure can lead to damage to the respiratory system, neurological problems and organ damage.
Signs that black mold is affecting you in your home include brain fog, extreme fatigue, lethargy, and joint pain.
New research has also linked black mold exposure to brain conditions and neurological diseases, including depression and, some say, even Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, mycotoxins like Stachybotrys block brain signaling as they circulate throughout the system via the blood.

The ultimate question: What can we do with mycotoxins? Mycotoxins in cereals have been present for thousands of years. In fact, "ergotism" in rye was recognized as a cause of significant death in the Middle Ages

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