Physical effects of running

Dr. Ivo Belan The US President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports asked seven top recreation experts to rank popular sports based on how much they contribute to cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, mental balance, and general physical well-being (e.g., weight control, digestion, sleep). Their report found that running ranked first, followed by cycling, swimming, and handball; tennis and walking were in the middle of the table,

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Sleep is your health

When our bodies are out of balance, nothing feels normal. After conducting hundreds of experiments on sleep and health, the world's leading scientists have discovered that to maintain optimal health, a person should go to bed early, meaning they should be asleep by 10 p.m. and wake up at sunrise. The best hours to rest your body are between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Going to bed at 11 p.m., midnight, or 1 a.m. is very harmful.

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The importance of sunbathing - vitamin D and the 7 biggest health benefits of the sun

Is it better to take vitamin D in tablets or spend time in nature in the fresh air and sunbathe when necessary. What do you think? Below you can read in detail why natural vitamin D is important, which we get from spending time in the sun and fresh air. Learn how to sunbathe properly. Did you know how vitamin D is produced in tablets? It is produced by ultraviolet radiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol extracted from lanolin (sheep sweat) which is found in

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The benefits of fresh air - half an hour in the deep forest protects your immunity for two months

Half an hour in the deep forest protects your immunity for two months! Walking in the forest at least once in their life, everyone has enjoyed the beauty of nature. This is why some people choose to live in or near forests and why other people travel thousands of kilometers to walk in the Redwood forests, rainforests of Costa Rica or Ecuador. However, scientists from Japan have discovered that the tradition called Shinri-ioku or “forest bathing” is still going strong, and why

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Overcome Depression and Anxiety: How to Eat for Better Mental Health

The food you eat doesn’t just affect your waistline and your physical health, it also affects the way you think and feel. You’ve probably always heard that you are what you eat—and it’s true, what you put into your body matters. But according to a review published in the March 2021 issue of Frontiers of Nutrition, what you feed your brain is what really matters. Your “second brain” is smarter

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Help against cancer: slow the growth of tumor cells with "hot" food choices

Source: Written by: Karen Sanders, February 19, 2021. Did you know that the 'heat' you feel after biting into a hot chili pepper is actually good for you? A compound called capsaicin—which causes that intense heat—has been found to kill cancer cells. Over the past few years, chili peppers have been the subject of studies targeting many organs, including the pancreas, brain, prostate, colon, and breast. In a 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics,

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Dehydration WARNING: Exposed unexpected signs and consequences

About 60 percent of you is made up of water. Since your body needs water to perform hundreds of essential physiological functions, it's imperative that you keep yourself hydrated. Indeed, dehydration is a major health risk—especially for older adults. Of course, as sensible as it may be to drink more water, many of us struggle with it—anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of Americans don't drink enough. If you become more aware of the unexpected signs and consequences

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Coffee, titanic towards the devil's iceberg

It is estimated that more than 50% of the population in Croatia regularly drink coffee. Those who use brown drinks are on a Titanic course towards the Devil's Iceberg. Symptoms usually only start to appear after a lot of damage has already been done "under the surface". But it is worth taking the time and effort to investigate the hidden problems of brown drinks. For years we have heard that coffee is an "eye-opener", but now we really want to open our eyes to the dangers lurking in the cup

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If you sleep poorly or are under excessive stress, your body may be deficient in magnesium.

If you're sleeping poorly or under excessive stress, it's possible that your body is deficient in magnesium. Since our bodies don't produce this mineral, we have to get it from our diet. A deficiency in one of the essential vitamins or minerals our bodies need can throw a whole host of things off track. And while you're eating a balanced diet, you should make sure to stay in tip-top shape, because there are some things that can sneak up on you and interfere with your health. Magnesium deficiency is one of

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Researchers from the University of London: "Eat at least 7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day!"

WHO (World Health Organization): these recommended amounts should be doubled Source: Kuki News, April 1, 2014. In 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that we eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day (a serving is about 80 g, so a total of 400 g a day): the results of recent studies show that these recommended amounts should be doubled. In addition, it has been confirmed that vegetables are 4 times healthier than fruit. The results of a study by University College London (UCL), which

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How do you know if you are dehydrated?

Source: In short: Dehydration(1) occurs when you don't drink enough clean water (we recommend spring water). Your body is made up of almost 60 percent water(2), which is needed for breathing, digestion, and all of your basic bodily functions. Water can be lost quickly from your body when you sweat excessively on a hot day or when you exercise a lot. Your body also loses water through your urine. You can become dehydrated if you have a fever, are vomiting, or have diarrhea. Dehydration can sometimes be serious. Fortunately,

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Love increases your baby's brain, say neurologists - but if you neglect, abuse or traumatize your child, you are killing billions of brain cells!

Source: Written by: Sara Burrows, November 3, 2017 X-rays show that the brain of a loved 3-year-old is twice the size of the brain of a neglected child of the same age What is the difference between the 3-year-old brain on the left and the 3-year-old brain on the right? Love makes the key difference. The child whose brain is seen in the left image had a caregiver who constantly loved, cared for, responded to and interacted positively with him. However, the child whose brain appears in the right image was neglected, neglected

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