When our bodies are out of balance, nothing feels normal to us. After conducting hundreds of experiments on sleep and health, the world's leading scientists discovered that in order to maintain optimal health, a person should go to bed early in the evening, that is, fall asleep soundly by 10 pm and get up during sunrise. The best hours for resting your body are between 10 pm and 6 am. Going to bed at 11 pm, midnight or 1 am is very harmful to human health and is the direct cause of many modern "killer diseases" such as heart disease and cancer.

Nature works and moves according to precise rhythmic circles. Every day the sun rises and sets, the seasons change, the moon rises and falls and ocean tides rise and fall. Sleep and wakefulness functions are part of that rhythm. In nature, we find that animals and plants are awake and sleep in accordance with this rhythm. Human beings also have a natural rhythm. Our bodies function according to natural cycles, the body's rhythm is usually called the body's internal clock or biological clock. Disturbances of the natural functions of our biological clock externally through improper habits and improper sleep cause many different diseases, especially exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy. When our bodies are out of balance, nothing feels normal to us.

This is because the hormones, chemicals and neurotransmitters that determine our energy levels, vitality and how we feel, sleep and eat are out of sync. In other words, we are unbalanced. Before the widespread use of electricity, which was seen in villages about 100 years ago, a large number of village people (except for the more immoral and "overworked") went to bed immediately after sunset, as many animals do, and what nature intended for humans .

The best sleeping hours for your body are between 10 pm and 6 am. This is the time when your body is programmed to work according to the path of the sun and the 24-hour natural cycle of the internal body clock - and it is beyond our control. During this time (10 p.m. – 6 a.m.) the human body is destined to be in a state of rest, repair, detoxification (removal of excess products and toxins) and renewal.
Sleep is more valuable before than after midnight. Two hours of good sleep before midnight is more valuable than 4 hours after midnight.

Another important thing is to sleep in complete darkness.
Light at night prevents the secretion of the hormone melatonin (a hormone associated with good sleep, slowed aging and regeneration of the body). 

If we go against the natural order and design of our body, we will pay the price in various diseases and problems. For example, if your body is too burdened by digesting a heavy meal or you are awake late (after 10 pm) working, playing, watching TV or computer, your body does not rest, but gets tired.

It has been proven that sleep is affected by: 

1. FOOD meals, especially before bedtime, are undesirable and disrupt normal sleep

2. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY during the day significantly contributes to better quality sleep

3. SUNLIGHT is a factor that significantly stimulates the secretion of melatonin at night

4. EAT FOOD RICH IN MELATONIN (Picograms per gram of food)
barley 378, banana 460, tomato 500, ginger 583, rice 1006, corn 1366, oats 1796

5. EAT FOOD RICH IN TRYPTOPHAN; tofu, pumpkin seeds, seitan, sesame, almonds, black walnuts, beans 

6. LIFESTYLE FACTORS which reduce the production of melatonin;
stress, caffeine (reduces melatonin production by half within 6 hours), alcohol (reduction up to 41%), smoking

7. SLEEPING IN COMPLETE DARKNESS (or a black blindfold)

The biological clock and our internal organs:

The main internal organs of our body work according to a "time schedule". Knowing how your body works can help you regulate your schedule to reach optimal levels of health and well-being.

21.00 – 22.00 – The body eliminates toxic chemicals from the immune system (lymph nodes). It is best to fall asleep soundly between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. so that the body can perform these vital functions properly.
22.00 – 01.00 – The liver eliminates toxins and regenerates itself.
00.00 – 04.00 – Bone marrow creates blood.
00.01 – 03.00 – Gallbladder eliminates toxins and renews itself.
03.00 – 05.00 – The lungs eliminate toxins and renew themselves.
05.00 – 07.00 – The large intestine eliminates toxins and renews itself. This is also the proper time to empty them.
07.00 - 09.00 - Vitamins, minerals, nutrients are absorbed in the digestive tract.

You should definitely eat breakfast at that time between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning. World scientists have concluded that everyone should go to bed early (sleep soundly by 10:00 p.m.) and in complete darkness to achieve quality sleep that ensures proper physical recovery. Going to bed before 10 p.m. is a necessary prerequisite for staying healthy, cheerful and spiritual. They also concluded that a person needs about 8 hours of sleep to get adequate rest.

Sleeping in a cold room makes you healthier Dr. Christopher Winter, director of Charlottesville Neurology Sleep Medicine, gives several reasons why it is better to sleep at a temperature between 15-19c. He found that when the thermostat drops below or rises above this range, people will turn over more during sleep and their sleep will be worse. Studies conducted by researchers from the University of South Australia also confirm that sleeping in a cold room is associated with better quality and more restful sleep because if the body temperature is not properly regulated, it leads to some form of insomnia. Also, when the temperature is above 21c degrees, it stops the production of melatonin.

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