Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables is known as a powerful antioxidant and supports the immune system. Although found naturally in many foods, vitamin C is also an excellent dietary supplement – known to help people improve their health. In fact, one 2014 study cited by the National Institutes of Health found that giving vitamin C greatly improved the health of internal organs damaged by bad lifestyle habits.
But a glass of orange juice in the morning will not be the "best way" to get your daily recommended amount of vitamin C. Actually, this humble tropical berry Recently, it has become increasingly popular as an antioxidant.
This Amazonian berry is one of the world's greatest sources of vitamin C
Kamu kamu (Myrciaria dulia) is a tart berry that grows in the Amazon rainforest. It is considered one of the world's strongest sources of vitamin C, but it also contains other nutrients including sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and copper. By the way, zinc is great for supporting a healthy immune system.
According to a 2015 systematic review in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, decades of research, including human clinical trials, suggest that camu camu has a “well-established” antioxidant capacity that may be important for fighting inflammation and supporting a balanced immune system . The antioxidant effect of camu camu is so strong that a small 2008 study published in The American Journal of Cardiology found that drinking 70 ml of camu camu juice per day (containing more than 1000 mg of vitamin C) for just one week was enough significantly lower markers of inflammation and oxidative stress – even in people who smoke. A limited amount of research also suggests that camu camu may improve blood sugar levels and promote healthy blood pressure. You should be able to find powdered camu camu or our Super C Vitamin (more info HERE) which contains kama kama.
Your body can't make vitamin C, so you have to get it through your diet - here's how much you should be getting each day
According to the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health, the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C is 90 mg and 75 mg per day for adult men and women (and up to 85 mg and 120 mg per day for pregnant and lactating women).
But, in reality, most integrative health providers suggest a much higher intake of vitamin C – especially since we all live in such a toxic world and are spending more than ever, stress, apple cider vinegar destroys vitamin c. If you don't have easy access to camu camu or supplements containing vitamin C derived from camu camu, you can always be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin C, including pomegranates, kiwis, oranges, lemons, bell peppers, broccoli, kale. For context, a 100 gram serving of camu camu contains 3,000 mg of vitamin C. Meanwhile, a 100 gram serving of broccoli contains an impressive 89 mg of vitamin C, while a 100 gram serving of orange contains just 53 mg. Ultimately, your need for vitamin C – and almost all other antioxidants – will depend on your health. The more you are exposed to toxins, the more you will need to improve your diet and reduce your exposure to unwanted substances. What could be more important than that?
It has been proven that stress and cigarette smoking rapidly consume vitamin C supplies, so smokers have a lower status of this vitamin than non-smokers. Therefore, the needs of a person who smokes tobacco products or those who are exposed to passive smoking are greater than a normal healthy person.
Therefore, the needs of a person who smokes tobacco products or those who are exposed to passive smoking are greater than a normal healthy person.
If you don't get enough vitamin C, hypovitaminosis can occur in the body, i.e. lack of vitamin C. If vitamin C is completely missing in the body, it occurs a state of chronic hypovitaminosis which is called avitaminosis C. Deficiencies of vitamin C cause fatigue, weakness, weight loss, weak myalgiapain and arthralgia, irritability, a if are state lack continue longer time it can come to anemia, tendencies infections, weak healing wound, degeneration arm, appearancee atherosclerotic plaques, bleeding capillary, neurologicalh disordera (hypochondria, hysteria, depression) and scurvy.
As a result of long-term vitamin C deficiency, the state it encompasses impossibility collagen formation, i.e. a disease called scurvy. In order for collagen mohe wanted to do his thing task in the body, it needs vitamin C, abnot vitamin C collagen is too unstable, which causes changes in the bones and blood capillaries; bones become brittle, joints swell, teeth become wobbly, and gums are swollen and bleed, are created brown spots on the skin and arrivaland bleeding from the mucous membranes. In addition to the above symptoms, there may also be: until the appearance hypochromic anemia(due to iron deficiency). Man looks pale, feels depressed, partially is stationary and have stains on the skin (most on thighs and feet). Advanced scurvy causes open, festering wounds and loss of teeth, and may result and by death. The first symptoms of scurvy appear a month to 6 months after cessation intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin C through raw fruits and vegetables.
Taking vitamin C as part of a whole food is considered preferable due to the simultaneous consumption of numerous other macro- and micronutrients and phytochemicals, which will provide additional health benefits. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced incidence of stroke [1], coronary heart disease [2] and cancer in different places [3, 4]. Vitamin C status is one of the best indicators of fruit and vegetable intake [5], and vitamin C obtained from food is associated with a reduced frequency of numerous chronic diseases [6].
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WE BELIEVE IN GOD AND HIS NATURE! Dr. Richard Schulze's instructive story about vitamin C:
"Forty-five years ago, when I was just starting my journey towards health, like most people, I started taking vitamins. To get vitamin C, I started with ascorbic acid. Then about a year later (with a stomach ulcer as a result), I heard that you can't even assimilate, let alone use, ascorbic acid without bioflavonoids present.
So, no problem, several nutritional years were spent, but now I'm back on the 'right path'. I started using ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids. A year later, I heard that you cannot assimilate and use ascorbic acid if there are no bioflavonoids and calcium in it. Again! No problem. Again, I immediately started taking ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids and calcium... and then it hit me: What am I doing? Am I imitating nature?!?
A simple orange contains numerous natural, organic acids that contain huge amounts of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, calcium and all the other ingredients that God put in it because he knew you would need them in order to assimilate and use vitamin C - all of these substances that in this world we will never find out. I spent years chasing after nature, and taking incomplete, artificial, copycat nutritional copies, and then I discovered an ORANGE!
Dear friends, a vitamin is much, much more than just one substance, it is a living organism. It is a living, organic complex of nutrients, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, trace minerals and life itself. Any attempt to extract or isolate it actually kills and destroys it. Any attempt to imitate it in the laboratory is folly. Trust God!