According to estimates by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 34 million people in the US alone live with diabetes, and another 88 million with prediabetes. Add those two numbers together and you end up with a “public health crisis”.
It is no coincidence that the medical community often calls diabetes the "silent killer." Interestingly, it takes years for the disease to develop, and most miss the early warning signs. Tragically, when diagnosed, most people are shocked to learn they have the disease. Late diagnosis can lead to a number of unwanted complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney and nerve disorders, vision loss and other health problems. In people who do not take responsibility for their health and do not take care of their body, medications are the primary way to reduce diabetes-related complications, research suggest that adding garlic to your prescription protocol offers additional benefits against the adverse health effects associated with diabetes.
Garlic lowers blood glucose levels, studies show
In a clinical study, researchers tested garlic extract to see how effective it was at improving blood sugar control. They also evaluated its ability to lower cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes. Although the trial was small in scope and included only 60 patients, the findings were notable. The trial included patients with Fasting blood glucose (FBG) of at least 126 mg/dL A1C over 6.5%. After enrollment, the authors of the study divided the patients into two groups: Group 1 received: only metformin (two or three times a day) Group 2 received: metformin (two or three times a day) plus 250 mg of garlic extract twice a day At the end of 12 weeks, the garlic extract group saw a more significant reduction in FBG than the metformin group alone. A meta-analysis of seven other trials with 513 patients also confirmed the beneficial effect of garlic on fasting blood sugar. Improved fasting blood sugar levels weren't the only benefit of adding garlic to metformin. The metformin plus garlic powder group also experienced greater reductions in postprandial glucose (PPG).
Garlic REDUCES cholesterol levels and slows the progression of heart disease in people with diabetes
Facing an increased risk of serious adverse health effects is one of the most challenging aspects of living with diabetes. To reduce the risk of heart disease, people with diabetes should pay close attention to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Once again, garlic demonstrated its cholesterol-lowering effect in the same 12-week study. Adding garlic to metformin gave: greater reduction in total cholesterol, triglyceride levels and LDL (bad cholesterol) significant increase in HDL (good cholesterol). Dozens of studies on garlic confirm similar impressive results. Evidence also shows that garlic can slow and stop heart disease. One study compared garlic powder tablets to a placebo for three months. Interestingly, while the placebo group got worse, the progression of heart disease slowed in the garlic group.
But wait, that's not all! Garlic reduces inflammation and lowers blood pressure
Unfortunately, garlic rarely gets credit for all the goodness it has to offer. It improves our health in countless ways and protects against various diseases. Most people do not know that garlic has medicinal properties and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, vitamin B6 and minerals such as selenium, iron and calcium are part of this medicinal plant. Probably the most prominent compound of this plant is allicin, which is produced when you crush or chop garlic. Allicin is the main biologically active component of garlic that reduces inflammation and offers antioxidant benefits. Researchers also believe that garlic's ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure is also due to its allicin content. As a side note: wouldn't it be wonderful to see more researchers comparing the results obtained from groups of people taking only natural substances compared to their "drug groups?" We imagine the pharmaceutical industry wouldn't be too happy about such a deal.
Super easy ways to reap the benefits of garlic for diabetes
If you enjoy the intense flavor of raw garlic, eat 8 to 12 cloves a day to reap its health benefits. You can enjoy garlic in various ways. But for maximum benefit, it is best eaten raw and fresh. You can chop or crush garlic and sprinkle it on salads or vegetable dishes. Try seasoning rice and quinoa dishes with garlic to make them a regular part of your daily diet. While raw garlic is best, garlic can also offer benefits when cooked. Add it to soups, steamed and fried recipes. There are several other simple ways to consume garlic. One is by mixing it into your favorite salad dressing or your hummus and salsa recipes. However, if you don't like the strong taste of garlic, consider unscented garlic capsules as an alternative.
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