15,00 €
IMMUNO SHOT - Herbal formula for strengthening immunity (60ml)
THE MOST POWERFUL and SUITABLE herbal “SHOT” on the market.
Imuno Shot contains over 20 POTENT herbs, premixed for easy use!
REBUILDS your immune system to better protect you.
IMMUNO SHOT - Herbal formula for strengthening immunity (60ml)
How it works
Echinacea has been scientifically proven to significantly increase the number of immune cells in your body, such as macrophages, killer T cells, B cells, granulocytes, and important immune chemicals that fight infection and disease. Second, Echinacea stimulates these immune cells to a level of heightened activity. Echinacea also significantly increases phagocytosis—the ability of your white blood cells to clear harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Fresh organic horseradish juices drive this formula straight into your head, sinuses, throat and lungs, right where you need it. Organic garlic juice and its second cousin, organic onion, are two of the best herbs for cleaning microorganisms from your body. Organic ginger root and hot pepper stimulate blood and lymph flow like no other herb, so your immune cells get to the bad guys as quickly as possible. Organic apple cider vinegar preserves all these plant juices and cleanses your body.
This is a comprehensive herbal tonic, with an almost unlimited list of uses.
Ingredients: Ehinacea(Echinacea angustifolia korijen i Echinacea Purpurea sjeme ) organski,Sok od češnjaka(Allium sativum) organski, Ljuta paprika(Capsicium annum) organska ,Luk( Allium cepa ) organski, Đumbir(Zigiber officinale) organski, Hren( Armoracia rusticana ) organski,Acerola(Malpighia glabra) organska, Šipak(r. canina) organski, Komorač(Foeniculum vulgare) organski,Kupina(Rubus fruticosus) organska,Oman (Inula helenium) divlja berba, Marulja (Marrubium vulgare) divlja berba, Sladić (Glycyrrhiza glabra) orgasnki,Kava (Coffea) organska, Trešnja (Prunus serotina) divlja berba ,Bazga (Sambucus nigra) divlja berba , Kadulja(Salvia officinalis) divlja berba, Podbjel (Tussilago farfara) divlja berba, Stolisnik ( Achillea millefolium) divlja berba, Timijan (Thymus vulgaris) divlja berba,Origano (Origanum vulgare) divlja berba, Majčina dušica (Thymus serpyllum) divlja berba, Agavin sirup organski, organski jabučni ocat.
Use only in diluted form according to the instructions on the packaging.
Storage mode: in a dry and dark place, at a temperature of up to 25°C.
Notes: keep out of reach of small children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. A dietary supplement is not a substitute or substitute for a balanced diet. It is important to adhere to a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle listed below.
1. Drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water every day. We recommend that you drink checked spring water or purchased non-carbonated water which is less evil than the one from the pipe or that you get a reverse osmosis filter. With clean water you can also drink freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea (chamomile or mint or ginger...). Avoid teas that are diuretics of Nettle, dandelion, bearberry, green tea...and coffee.to get an accurate calculation of how much you need to drink fluids,divide your body weight by thirty (kg body weight : 30 and that is the minimum). for example, if you have 60 kg :30= 2L. So, throughout the day you should drink 2 liters of water. This example is given only if it is winter, spring or autumn, if the summer fluid intake should be increased.
* If you sleep or often stay in a room where the air is dry, you can dehydrate
*If your skin is dry after a shower, this happens due to chlorine contained in the city water, a great solution is to buy a shower filter with activated carbon
If you have a small urination at night and it deprives you of normal sleep, drink the last water until 18, 17 or even 4: 00.
2.Exercise at least 3x a week (sweat during training)
Do strength exercises, cardio (aerobic)training and stretching exercises.
3. Breakfast in the morning: a variety of seasonal organic fruit, sunflower seeds (not fried nor salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almond or nut or hazelnut or cashew or peanut (non-salted)), 5-8 tablespoons of peeled oats or buckwheat that was weaned all night in a cup(500 ml) of water. In the morning, rinse well and then mix with other ingredients. Cereals don't Cook! Fruit salad can be seasoned with a tablespoon of honey, agave syrup or almond spread or similar. and if you want some ground cinnamon.
4-5 hours after breakfast lunch: a variety of seasonal organic raw vegetables with sunflower seeds (unroasted threads salty, sunflower is an excellent source natural magnesium), whole wool, full-bodied sesame and if desired chia or pumpkin seeds...) and a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts or cashews or peanuts try to find in the shell), boiled legumes, beans or lentils or chickpeas or peas or green beans or broad beans (if you lose weight increase the portion of some legume in a vegetable salad) and cooked grain (wheat or hulled oats or barley or rye or buckwheat or millet...). The salad can be seasoned with cold-pressed olive oil, raw garlic 8 to 12 cloves (for even stronger immunity, blood purifier and clean blood vessels), onion, avocado (if you are losing weight, increase the proportion of avocado (2-3 pieces) in the vegetable salad) and spices (rosemary, basil, hot pepper, thyme, oregano...).
For dessert, eat a healthy combination of nuts or seeds with honey.
4-5 hours after lunch dinner: only fruit with a handful of nuts (almonds or nuts or hazelnuts) or if you feel a lack of energy dinner should be the same as breakfast.
Mandatory : during meals do not drink any liquid only after 1-2h
4.Rest enough and on time (no later than 21:00 h in winter or 22:00 h in summer) and in complete darkness. If you're not completely dark in the room where you sleep, get a sleep blindfold. The link can be obtained at the DM. If you have trouble sleeping, let someone massage you before going to bed and increase the amount of physical activity during the day.
5. Daily exposure to sunlight for 1 hour a day due to vitamin D. If you have sensitive skin, gradually sunbathe and use common sense. Being in the fresh air every day, outside the city where air is most often polluted, and such air can reduce the absorption of vitamin D.
6. Avoiding all poisons (coffee, green tea, black tea, cigarettes, drugs, chemicals, alcohol, refined sweets...). If you are going to have a headache when you stop drinking coffee, you should increase your fluid intake by 0.5 L or even 1L + of course your minimum drink every day (See item no. 1) and headaches disappear very quickly. If you can hardly give up coffee, drink cereal coffee Divka, etc.
Coffee Video:
1 part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66OhVqbi_So
2.part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOvXEmkAbo
7. Avoiding meat, fish, eggs, all dairy products (especially meat avoid pork, rabbit, shellfish, crustaceans, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, seafood, sushi posebno) and of course refined foods.
For more information on dairy products, see:
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI5v5ibw1Pw
Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Du-nnjV3I
For more information on meat, see :
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjPTk2f7do4
2dio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVNI781WWc
For more information on fish, see:
What to eat as a substitute for foods of animal origin :
1.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8XNBO-mpI
2.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVh5eyNxpf0
3.part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3GI7Khrl2A
8. Maintain personal hygiene, wash every night. After touching the animal, wash your hands. Do not put anything on the skin that is not edible (creams, make-up, lipsticks, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc.) and maintain personal hygiene with natural soap and 100% natural hygiene supplies.
9. Find a job that fulfills you and makes you happy and make an effort to improve interpersonal relationships (forgive all people who have offended you or harmed you).
10. To give life into God's hands every day through prayer in the solitude of your room and not to be burdened with things over which you have no influence. If you haven't, start exploring the meaning of your existence, what happens after death, why there is so much evil on planet Earth Pronal by finding those answers you can improve the quality of your life.
We suggest you take a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYc_RVnjVDg&list=PLgCvyJI_bD3lzs9cDa1eBe8DiIk2KOQy5
Note: We are not engaged in increasing the time spent on the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of diseases, but our work baziramo, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. The information in this section cannot be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. No person should use the information in this article to diagnose, prevent, or treat diseases without consulting a qualified health professional (doctor).
5 reviews for Imuno Shot (60ml)-biljna formula za pojačavanje imuniteta-NAJMOĆNIJI i NAJPODOBNIJI biljni “SHOT” na tržištu.
rsmolnikar (verified owner) –
My experience with the Covid 19 virus and the use of Imuno Shot
After the infection this year with the Covid 19 virus, I did not have any other difficulties except for a hoarse voice. After ten days, my ears were blocked and I had the feeling that my head was full of manure. I tried to unclog the ears but it was not successful. I took the Immuno Shot. All the difficulties suddenly stopped.
My husband also has a good experience with Imuno Shot. After getting sick with Covid 19 (high temperature, headache, sinus infection), my husband felt very bad. He was without energy and constantly tired. He took the Immuno Shot and all the problems also disappeared.
All the best Rina Smolnikar, Ljubljana
simungojun34 (verified owner) –
Hello everyone
I ordered an immuno shot and after talking with an experienced phytotherapist I got information on how to further strengthen the immune system, I made pineapple juice and put half a bottle of immuno shot in it, after drinking it I felt better. I was tested recently and I have corona, after drinking the whole bottle my high temperature and headache disappeared. I recommend it to everyone
Maja (verified owner) –
I have been using the preparations for probably 7-8 years, and I bought Imuno Shot for my dad during covid, as well as some other preparations recommended by the phytotherapist Goran. My dad is almost 80 years old and even though he was surrounded and in contact with people who had corona, it always bypassed him, luckily! I firmly believe that it was these preparations and the tea that strengthened his immunity and that's how he fought successfully.
Now I took the Imuni Shot for myself, because I believe that every home should have it.
sararadic007 (verified owner) –
I have to praise the Immuno shot with which I cured my chronic laryngitis, which left me totally speechless. The doctor prescribed me Clavocin therapy, which I refused to drink on my own, and the recommendations I asked for, through nutrition and the use of Imuno shot, and everything that my body needs to recover, in a few days I spoke and my vocal cords recovered . At the examination by the Otorhinolaryngologist, it was found that they are perfectly healthy, even though I did not drink antibiotics.
Overwhelmed, I continue to try all the products and look forward to finding solutions for myself.
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,
SR Zagreb
bruna07xx (verified owner) –
This is a tincture I always have at home. It literally saves lives and I always recommend it to everyone.
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