KIDNEY STONE (nephrocalcinosis, lithemia)

How to recognize a kidney stone? At the beginning, the injury is present, a dull pain that extends from the upper back to the lower stomach, and is generally stronger with movement. There is bleeding and renal spasms (severe pain in the kidneys) when stones enter the urinary canals. These sharp pains can last for hours or days. It comes to […]
How do you know if you are dehydrated?

Source: In short: Dehydration(1) happens when you don't take in enough clean water (we recommend spring water). Your body contains almost 60 percent water(2), which you need for breathing, digestion and all basic body functions. Water can be quickly lost from the body when you sweat excessively on a hot day, or when you exercise a lot. The body also [...]
Do you drink enough water even in winter?

Additional loss of body fluid at lower temperatures can be the same as in summer, due to high energy consumption, many layers of clothing and increased need to urinate. As we feel less thirsty on colder days, many forget about optimal fluid intake. Even though it's not hot, so we sweat less than in summer, we still lose fluid - […]