In 1968, Dr. John Rader Platt, eminent neurologist, biophysicist and social psychologist, announced that our brain there is not, as was thought until then, 12-14 billion cerebral station, already one hundred billion. There are about a thousand interconnections or synaptic connectionsva po station, or eye a thousand trillions interconnections in total. If we would used thirty thousand new compounds each seconds ours life, we wouldn't be able to use them all. Above all this, in each individual station (this incllisten about ten trillions station in the rest body) capacity information written in DNA represents a number that is thirty times larger of the total number of letters recorded in the Encyclopedia Britons.
For a mathematician, that's about 6 x 109. If she stretched herself DNA in everyone ten trillion cells and connected to form continuous streak, she would get are path that exceeds width the whole Sunny system!

Some neuroscientists believe that at birth the brain contains the largest number of neurons (nerve or brain cells).
throughout life. (This is probably true for many people, but not for all, as we will explain later.) Since then, these scientists say, brain cells have been dying at an incredible rate, especially in some parts of the brain. It has been found that the cerebral cortex, including the motor cortex and frontal lobes, loses about fifty thousand neurons every day. But if we go a little deeper into the brain structure, there is little or no cell loss. Although we do not know the real reason for the death of these cells, we can make a scientific assumption based on a similar process of loss of brain neurons in late years.

What we know for sure is that if we stop using brain cells, they die. This is the result of 28 years
a study in which four thousand residents of the state of Washington were surveyed. The principle is clear: "Use it or lose it!" Of course, while non-use is important, it is not the only factor in loss. Destructive foreign matter, lack of oxygen, insufficient and nutritionally depleted diet, infectious diseases, inappropriate environment and head injuries,
also greatly contribute to the loss of these precious cells. This loss entails the inevitable consequences – a broken brain! – such as incapacitation, advanced degeneration, mental confusion, distorted experience and a host of emotional disturbances! Scientists have found an important thing. The brain does not like to be

In fact, when a neuron in the brain dies, the brain immediately sends a "utility unit" of macrophages to clean up the dead tissue before it "pollutes" the brain environment. The brain then orders the army of reservists - astrocytes to prepare for the landing and release the containers of "nerve growth factor" as soon as they get the green light to do so. Brain researchers have discovered that the brain waits for us, or someone who cares for us, to give us an order. We issue this order every time we force ourselves to exercise our body and brain. Exactly! We ourselves, or someone who loves us and cares for us, are able to heal!

A number of other studies have also noted other specific brain patterns in response to other intentions.
PET scans (Positron Emission Tomography, a method of visualizing the structures of the organism according to the consumption of some
metabolites) revealed a sharp redirection of blood flow in the brain towards the places responsible for creating intentions and making decisions at that moment. This clearly confirms that mental actions, such as focusing attention, can activate specific neural responses in our brain. Therefore, we can assume that the mind has the ability to activate a certain part of the brain in a targeted manner with a single intention. Then these brain centers create a sense of what should be done in a certain situation. These feelings then become the basis of our character. This is perhaps best expressed in the advice of the apostle Paul, recorded in the Bible: "Do not be governed by this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may understand what is the good and pleasing and perfect will of God." .” (Romans 12, 2)

On one occasion, a patient came to me for therapy. He heard voices. He wasn't sure if they were real voices or
clear commanding thoughts - hallucinations or obsessions. He could not connect these voices with anything from his environment. He couldn't get rid of those disgusting thoughts. How can this man control his brain?

First, the Bible gives us very clear instructions. First of all, God calls us to "bring every thought into obedience". This is possible because God himself created us with the ability to do this. So, as we have seen, with the power of our will, as the power of our choice, we can command our brain to resist even the deepest desires.

Second, we are warned that the war that is being waged in this world is not a war in which battles are fought with the weapons of this world, but "with the power of God that digs up the cities, to corrupt the thoughts and every height that is raised against the knowledge of God".

We are in a spiritual war. The great God in whom John Carew Eccles and Albert Einstein believed armed our spiritual mind the moment we decided to submit our will to Him. The apostle Paul reminds us that "it is God who works in us to will and to do as pleases him". (Philippians 2:13)

The third important thing is that we are called to save our thoughts "for obedience to God". The spiritual part of the personality can
to choose to submit either to God or to His rival, the once heavenly angel Lucifer, now an exile on Earth,
Satan. Both can permeate our mind with their ideas and thoughts, fighting for our loyalty and belonging. The choice is ours.
We are free to choose of our own free will. It is not predestined for certain choices, as Burrhus Frederic Skinner claims. To go a step further, we are enabled to use the following strategy: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

It was on this principle that I based the education of the previously mentioned man, whose mind was bombarded with unpleasant things
thoughts and ideas. I asked him to preemptively learn and repeat the following Bible verse that I believe to be true
the complete opposite of his disturbing thoughts:
"Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget any good thing he has done for you." (Psalm 103:2)

As I said, he was to repeat these words whenever dark thoughts occupied his mind. I assured him that if he did this with trust in God, he would soon begin to feel extremely comfortable every time he was occupied with pleasant thoughts. The pleasure he feels will grow over time. Thus, after a certain time, he will be able to preempt the attack by repeating this and similar Bible verses.

Of course he was familiar with these verses, but he never thought of using them for therapeutic purposes. Called
I asked him to constantly flip through the interpretations and meaning of the words from these verses in his mind. While he was thinking about everything like that
blessings and advantages that these texts carry, their meaningfulness and expediency activated the emotional
patterns in the brain. In humility he began to look to God as the Giver of those blessings.


Source: Healing the Broken Brain, by Elden Chalmers, Ph.D




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