In the magazine BMJ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, recently published devastating results on the health effects of fluoridated water. In a study published in 2015, Peckham, Lowery and Spencer[1] have already linked fluoride levels in drinking water to a metabolic disorder called hypothyroidism. It is a weakened function of the thyroid gland, which does not produce enough hormones that the body needs; they regulate metabolic processes, which then affect body mass, energy level and mood: with hypothyroidism, body mass can increase, lack of energy and depression are possible.


In England, about 10% of the population live in areas where fluoride is added to drinking water; the study included data from general medicine practices, collected from 8,000 locations across the country. The researchers found that in areas with a water fluoridation program, the statistical incidence of hypothyroidism was almost twice as high as in areas without the program – with 30% more likely to be true.






It is even Newsweek published that study, along with the facts that are obvious to everyone: there were 9% more cases of hypothyroidism in areas with fluoridated water, compared to others. This is worrying, because unlike only 10% of the population in England (about 6 million people), in America over 70% people live in places where water is added with fluorides. In addition[2], women compared to men are 15 times more likely to develop hypothyroidism, which is 15 women in 1000. While the authorities in England persist in their view that fluoride levels in drinking water are safe for use, [3 ]all this calls for caution, especially after new studies have shown otherwise when it comes to the safety of fluoridated water.





Fluorides and iodine How do fluorides cause hypothyroidism? Numerous studies have linked fluorides to impaired iodine production in the body. Namely, without iodine, the thyroid gland works insufficiently, which causes hypothyroidism. Since fluorides are lighter and more reactive than iodine, they spontaneously displace iodine during chemical reactions, especially in cases where there is too much fluoride in the blood - this hinders the absorption of iodine in the body. Similarly, the toxic effect of fluoride can also affect the production of the hormone TSH (thyrotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone), which is produced by the pituitary gland, as well as the TSH-receptor sites on the thyroid gland - both of which reduce the production of thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism. [1]

[1] Singh, N., et al. al. (2014). A comparative study of fluoride ingestion levels, serum thyroid hormone & TSH level derangements, dental fluorosis status among school children from endemic and non-endemic fluorosis areas.

2] Main, D. (2015). Water Fluoridation May Increase The Risk of Underactive Thyroid Disorder.

[3] Public Health England (2014). Fluoride monitoring report finds lower levels of tooth decay in fluoridated areas and no evidence of harm to health.


If you want to naturally increase your intake of natural iodine, we recommend that you practice a healthy lifestyle and include in your diet Superfood plus and Dulse seaweed powder which contains a lot of natural iodine.

Toothpastes have a lot of fluoride in them, which can be replaced with our toothpaste that does not contain it, you can read more information about toothpaste HERE.

A healthy lifestyle means:

1. Drink a sufficient amount of non-carbonated clean water (we recommend a reverse osmosis filter that can be purchased from us), freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea daily (kg of body weight: 30 and that is the minimum) For example, if you are 60 kg: 30= 2L. Therefore, you should drink 2 liters of water throughout the day.   

If you have a small urination at night and it deprives you of normal sleep, drink the last water until 18, 17 or even 4: 00.

2.Exercise at least 3x a week (sweat during training)
Do strength exercises, cardio (aerobic)training and stretching exercises.

3. Breakfast in the morning: a variety of seasonal, preferably organic fruits, seeds (sunflower (not fried or salty) or flax (not ground) or whole sesame or chia or pumpkin seeds...) or a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts or cashews) try to find in the shell), 5-8 tablespoons of peeled oats or barley that has been left overnight in the fridge in a cup of water. You can season the fruit salad with a spoonful of honey or agave syrup and, if desired, a little ground cinnamon.
In the morning, strain and rinse it well and then mix it with the other ingredients. Cereals are not cooked!

5h after breakfast lunch: various seasonal organic raw vegetables with sunflower seeds (not fried or salty) or flax (not ground) or whole sesame or chia or pumpkin seeds...) or a handful of nuts (almonds or walnuts or hazelnuts or cashews try to find in the shell), cooked legumes (beans or lentils or chickpeas or peas or beans or broad beans ...) and cereals (wheat or hulled oats or barley or rye or buckwheat or millet ...). The salad can be seasoned with cold-pressed olive oil, raw garlic , onion and spices (rosemary, basil, hot parika....).

5h after lunch dinner: only fruit or nothing.

Mandatory : during meals do not drink any liquid only after 1-2h

4. Take enough and timely rest (no later than 9:00 p.m.) and in complete darkness.
If the room you sleep in is not completely dark, get a sleeping bag.
The link can be obtained in DM. If you have trouble sleeping, have one of your family members massage you before going to bed and increase the amount of physical activity during the day.

5. To be exposed to sunlight for 1 hour a day because of vitamin D.

6. To be in the fresh air every day.

7. Avoidance of all toxins (coffee, green tea, black tea, cigarettes, drugs, chemicals, alcohol, refined sweets...) If you get a headache when you stop drinking coffee, you should increase your fluid intake by 0.5L or even 1L + of course your the minimum you need to drink every day (see item no. 1) and the headaches disappear very quickly. If it is difficult for you to give up coffee, drink grain coffee Divko and similar. 
Coffee Video:
1 part.                                 

8. Avoidance of meat, fish and all dairy products (especially avoid pork, rabbit, shellfish, crabs, squid, octopus, cuttlefish...)

About dairy products:
Part 1                                    
Part 2                                                                               
Part 3

About the meat:
Part 1                                                      

About the fish:

What to eat:



Do not put anything on the skin that is not edible(creams, makeup, lipsticks, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc.)

9. Find a job that fulfills you and makes you happy and try to improve interpersonal relationships (forgive all people who have offended you or harmed you)

10. Daily surrender your life into God's hands through prayer in the solitude of your room
and not to worry about things that you have no influence on (If you are a believer. If you are not, start because it is for your health)

If you have any question, feel free to contact us.

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