What is mold?

Mildew are microscopic fungi that grow in the form of hyphae. A mold colony consists of connected, networked hyphae that form a mycelium. They have genetically identical cells. Mold mycelium secretes hydrolytic enzymes, which break down organic matter into simple sugars. Excreted substances prepare food for the fungus, which is then simply absorbed by the hyphae. Molds are in a constant battle with bacteria over food. To get rid of the bacteria, they secrete substances that are toxic to the bacteria. These substances are known as antibiotics.




History of Citric Acid

Most people think that when they read citric acid on the packaging, they think it's actually lemon juice, right? Unfortunately, this is not true, the industry long ago tried to create its own synthetic citric acid. He obtained citric acid from lemon juice for the first time Swedish explorer in 1784. The odorless and colorless compound was produced from lemon juice until the early 1900s when researchers discovered that it can be made from black mold Aspergillus niger, which creates citric acid when it feeds on sugar. Check the sources listed.

Due to its acidic nature, sour taste, citric acid is mainly used as a flavor enhancer and preservative, especially in soft drinks, sweets, synthetic food supplements and other foods. It is also used to stabilize or preserve medicines and as a disinfectant.
Artificial sources and uses
The characteristics of citric acid make it an important additive for various industries. It is estimated that food and beverages use 70% of citric acid produced, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements use 20%, and the remaining 10% goes to cleaning products. Source.
Food industry
Produced citric acid is one of the most common food additives in the world. It is used to increase acidity, improve flavor and preserve ingredients. Carbonated drinks, juices, powdered beverages, candy, frozen foods, and some dairy products often contain manufactured citric acid. It is also sometimes added to canned fruits and vegetables to protect against botulism, a rare but serious disease caused by the toxin-producing bacteria Clostridium botulinum.
Medicines and food supplements
Citric acid is an industrial ingredient in medicines and synthetic food supplements. It is added to medicines to stabilize and preserve the active ingredients and is used to improve or mask the taste of chewable and syrup-based medicines (Source). Synthetic mineral (not growing on wood) supplements, such as magnesium and calcium, may also contain citric acid (in the form of citrate) to improve absorption.
Security and risks
Bthere have been reports of nausea and allergic reactions to the additive. ANDreport showed joint pain with swelling and stiffness, muscle and stomach pain, as well as difficulty breathing after consuming foods containing manufactured citric acid (reliable source). These same symptoms were not observed in people who consumed natural forms of the acid, such as lemons and limes. The researchers admitted that they could not prove that the citric acid produced was responsible for these symptoms, but recommended that its use in food and beverages be further studied. In both cases, the scientists suggested that the symptoms were most likely related to the mold used to produce the citric acid, rather than the compound itself.

Health problems caused by molds

Some people are more sensitive than others, including babies and children, the elderly, those with existing skin problems such as atopic dermatitis, people with respiratory conditions such as allergies and asthma, and people with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy.

Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause an allergic reaction), irritants, and sometimes toxic substances.

  • Molds can also cause asthma attacks.
  • Mold can cause a number of symptoms and diseases: fungal infections of the respiratory tract (people with asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, immunocompromised patients are at particular risk), pneumonitis, headaches, memory loss.
  • A 2013 study published in the journal Toxins found that exposure to different types of mold—especially mycotoxins, a type of mold that can grow on food, as well as in warm, humid conditions in the home—can trigger feelings of chronic fatigue.
  • Along with fatigue, mold exposure can also cause a feeling of brain fog, resulting in feelings of sluggishness and even forgetfulness.
  • Experts point out that mold is an irritant for the body that can cause an inflammatory reaction. As just one example, a 2009 neuropsychological study suggests that when the brain is chronically inflamed from mold exposure, it can even lead to long-term cognitive impairment.




It is useful to consume foods rich in vitamin B, i.e. inactive yeast, which is the main part of Superfood plus (you can read more about Superfood HERE), which is rich in this vitamin. Mushrooms, fermented foods and drinks (sauerkraut, alcohol), moldy foods (yogurt, cream, butter, all types of cheese), sweetened products and dried fruits should be avoided. Do not consume dairy products (because of the lactose in them). The following foods slow down the growth of fungi: garlic, broccoli, turnips, kale, chard, cabbage, as well as: millet, whole grain rice, whole grains, legumes and vegetables. Of the nuts, peanuts should be avoided because they are susceptible to the development of fungi. Fresh food should be washed well to remove harmful chemicals, bacteria and fungi.

How to clean mold from the body

We definitely recommend Colon Cleansing (you can read more about colon cleaning HERE) due to many plants that have the ability to clean mold from the body. The Intestine 1 formula contains the Mahonia plant, which contains berberine, which destroys fungi. Garlic and wild onion are the strongest natural antibiotics that contribute to normal intestinal function. Black walnut drops can be used along with bowel cleansing (more about Black Walnut HERE) which are powerful fungicides (destroy fungi) and additionally contain the minerals potassium and iodine, which are one of the most sought-after minerals in the body.

After cleaning the intestines, the Liver and Gallbladder can be cleaned, you can read more information about Liver detox HERE

After cleansing the liver, the kidneys and bladder can be cleansed, you can read more information about Kidney and Bladder detox HERE.


For more details and a guided detox, contact our phytotherapists at 0996450504 or 0923527589






Original: WikipediaAdiva, N1


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