How to recognize a kidney stone?

At the beginning, the injury is present, a dull pain that extends from the upper back to the lower stomach, and is generally stronger with movement.
There is bleeding and renal spasms (severe pain in the kidneys) when stones enter the urinary canals. These sharp pains can last for hours or days. There is increased urination with pus and blood, pallor, nausea and vomiting. Fever and chills are sometimes present.
If you have blood in your urine and pain in your bladder or kidneys (the pain is stronger than during childbirth), it is very possible that you have kidney stones.


How is a kidney stone formed?

Kidney stones (or bladder stones or cystic calculi) represent an abnormal accumulation of mineral salts (mostly calcium j-oxalate (70-80%), uric acid crystals (10%), and/or calcium phosphate, magnesium ammonia phosphate, uric acid or cystine). They are formed in the kidneys and when passing through the urinary canals, they can get stuck there or in the bladder. It occurs most often in the middle-aged and older population of men (while women mostly have gall bladder stones). It is interesting that the key factor is in the origin
stones lack of calcium and/or magnesium, as a result of drinking carbonated juices instead of water. The minerals from those stones come from yours
own bones!

Refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, promote the formation of kidney stones by increasing the amount of sugar in the pancreas, which then produces more insulin and thus causes the kidneys to excrete more calcium through the urine. The body needs calcium, you can read more about calcium HERE. If we don't get enough of it through food, the parathyroid glands will give a signal to the body to start extracting calcium from the bones, in order to keep the level of calcium in the blood at the right level.

Magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiencies can also cause stone formation. A Swedish research group found that the intake
of the same on a daily basis stopped stone formation in 90% patients. Magnesium, like calcium, can bind to oxalates, while B6
(10 mg per day) reduces the amount of oxalates in urine, which you can enter through Superfood plus. Due to the reduced level of calcium in the blood, the parathyroid glands cause the extraction of calcium from the bones. The most important thing is that you have a balanced diet with vitamins and minerals every day. Partial causes of kidney stones can be dehydration (not drinking enough water), infections, too much time spent in bed, and only in rare cases, taking a supplement of vitamin D through sunbathing and calcium through integral sesame or even better Tanihi, soy....
Too much food, including sour food - especially meat, but also white flour products, sugar, coffee, tea, spices and apple cider vinegar - all of them create an excess of waste products in the kidneys. Over time, stones form from them. If you eat an unhealthy type of fatty acids (from
meat and junk food), they will mix with calcium and be excreted in the stool. Thus, oxalate from food remains in the body and does not bind to calcium, but goes to the kidneys and forms stones.


Natural solutions

It is very important that increase the quantity water which you drink, preferably distilled. Kidney health depends on an adequate level of fluid in the blood. It is best to drink only still or distilled water until the stone dissolves. Together with the intake of more liquid, tea made from kuku ugly silk increases the amount of excreted urine, which is a very important factor in the purification and detoxification of the kidneys. Kidney tea, along with Kidney-Bladder and Detox tinctures, as well as the morning kidney juice, are the best herbal detox for kidney problems. Watermelon contains additional amounts of water. Eat it often, when it's in season, but always only it, not together with other dishes. Drink watermelon seed tea. Boil for 15 minutes in boiling water, squeeze, add a little honey and drink.

NUTRIENTS - A lack of vitamin A can lead to the formation of stones, two glasses of freshly squeezed juice every day is an excellent prevention. It protects the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Deficiencies of vitamin B6 i magician have the same effect. More acidic urine prevents and dissolves kidney stones. Drink cranberry juice often. All other types of juices are alkaline in nature. One study showed that in 10 patients who drank cranberry juice, the stones decreased in size by an average of 50%. Drink potassium soup made from the thick skins of potato peels, the recipe is at the end of the text.

AVOID – The main chemical involved in the formation of kidney stones - oxalate - it is found in its natural form in various types of green vegetables, sometimes more, sometimes less. Bara rhubarb contains the most oxalates of all the food that exists. Almost no bugs will attack him. People shouldn't eat it either. Also, do not eat spinach, swiss chard and the green part of beets in excessive quantities. Almost 60% of all stones consists of calcium oxalate. Do not ingest apple cider vinegar. An excess may be present purine. So don't eat meat. Meat proteins are the causative factor in the formation of kidney stones. Do not eat other types of protein before. Aside from, calcium and magnesium are the most important, because you need to stop the extraction of calcium from the bones. While meat contains too much phosphorus, which prevents the utilization of calcium.
Do not consume carbonated drinks, caffeine, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, poppy seeds, pepper and black tea.
Reduce your salt intake. A strict plant-based diet (lots of grains, few fruits and vegetables) concentrates urine and can cause stones to form. This is not the main cause of the problem.

Medicinal herbs

Take licorice, to reduce the swelling of the urinary canals and so that the stones pass more easily. Warm compresses with concentrated ginger tea relieve the pain of kidney stone attacks. The German government recommends horsetail tea to increase the amount of urine excreted during kidney stone attacks. Parsley tea prevents the formation of ka menja in the kidney. Take one teaspoon of dried root, boil for 10-15 minutes, squeeze and drink 2-3 cups a day. Drink several cups of nettle tea a day to prevent kidney stones.
(Use gloves when picking nettles. They lose their burning power when cooked. Their hot leaves are very tasty.)
Dandelion, kilicava and broc are also useful.

THE FIRST METHOD TO DISSOLVE STONE IS- To dissolve most stones in the renal part of the pelvis, urinary tract or bladder, drink 3-3.5 liters of warm water together with lemon juice or cranberry juice, for 3 consecutive days. After that, on the third day, drink 60 ml of olive oil.
An alternative formula is fasting with apple juice and lemon juice, and later olive oil. Some doctors recommend the following for pain relief while the stones are passing: Fill a large pot with 8 or more liters of water and bring it to a boil. Take a pair of fresh ginger (the size of your palm), put it in a cloth, fasten it well and put it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Immediately reduce the temperature so that the boiling stops. Take that cloth and squeeze it so that the juice falls into a bowl of water. Take that, throw out the ginger and put it in a new cloth, and put the removed one on the lower back in the area of the diseased kidney. It should be as warm as possible, but it should not burn you. Put some plastic material and a dry towel over it. Repeat this procedure every 5-10 minutes for a period of 30-45 minutes. If you still have pain after 12 hours, repeat the procedure. This should neutralize the pain and open the passages for the stones. This is done with the help of heat and pain reliever ginger.



This method lasts two days and can be repeated. Pour 3 liters of freshly squeezed apple juice into the pot. Use firm apples that are high in malic acid – the ones that make you cringe with acidity (not some bland, sweet apples that have little or no nutritional or healing properties). Add 6 dl of freshly squeezed citrus juice, lemons are best. Then, add 3 dl of apple cider vinegar. Add 60 ml of Kidney-Bladder tincture and 120 grams of Kidney and Bladder Tea. Let this mixture soak in a warm place all day, stirring it every few hours for a minute or two. If you have a really serious problem with kidney stones, add a few tens of milliliters of tincture of hydrangea root and red hemp to this mixture. To make this formula stronger, mix all the ingredients in a blender. This will grind the herbs well. Let this sit for 24 hours, then strain through a stainless steel strainer or squeeze through a clean cotton cloth. The strained formula must be kept in the refrigerator until it is time to consume it.
The next day after the mixture has settled, drink about 100 ml of this liquid per hour. You can drink as much as 25 ml every 15 minutes. Considering that you sleep for eight hours and are awake for 16, if you drink 100 ml every hour while you are awake, you will consume a total of almost 2 liters per day; that means this mixture will last you almost two days. You will also drink distilled or still water, up to 2 liters per day. Distilled water (the most empty water) is the best. Distilled water is so empty it's like a vacuum. It is a universal solvent, especially for unwanted mineral deposits. Just drinking distilled water on a regular basis dissolves tartar and prevents new tartar from forming – however, when added to this method, you've got a real winner in dissolving.

The composition of Dr. Schulze's formula for dissolving kidney stones:
In a pot of four liters or larger, mix:

– 3 liters of freshly squeezed apple juice
– 6 dl of freshly squeezed lemon juice
– 3 dl of apple cider vinegar
– 60 ml tinctures Kidney-bladder
– 120 grams Kidney and bladder tea


THE THIRD METHOD OF DISSOLVING THE STONE IS TO MAKE: 5 day kidney detox and that several times to three times consecutively after two days of dissolving the stone with of course healthy lifestyle.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the team of experienced phytotherapists for a free consultation: 092 352 7589 or 099 645 0504

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